City protection battle (Part 3)

Orion and the stronger people were not at all surprised by this happening as they knew the shield wouldn't prove effective against the vestiges tier two and above. 

The quality of the heat was too weak to be of any real use against them but to annoy so the tier two vestiges would always destroy the shield by sending minions to rush at one part of it, creating a hole that they could pass through.

This was one of the key differences between tier 1 and 2. Apart from a select few, tier one vestiges weren,t really alligned with a particular element.

Tier two, on the other hand, were beginning to lean towards one element that they would favour using over the others. 

While this gave them elemental weaknesses it also increased their power and damage output, making them more dangerous than any tier 1 could be.

And those element powered attacks and the minons that they controlled which were also forcefully lligned to their element by them were what they used to break through the first field every time.

While they were smarter than the tier 1's, it was clear with this display that their wits had a really short limit.

And the humans used this to their advantage fully. "Commence the collapse!", Orion said into his earpiece as the next moment the space and heat energy in the air quickly started gathering at the areas where the shield was breached.

All the soldiers activated a special device on their wrist immediately after the command spread to them.

"Now!", he said after the two types of energies had gathered in those spots, prompting a rush of air and a very combustible liquid to be sent into the ball.

The collapse, as it was so aptly named, was a technique that made use of the barrier that was created before to release a devastating blast by adding a liquid that burns and rapidly expands in the presence of heat and air, one that is a thousand times more combustible than natural gas.

The spatial energy locked all this in one location and compresses it further until it is cracked, causing a release of all that pressure and catapulting the shards of spatial energy as sharpnel along with an explotion that rivalled a small nuke separated all across the battlefield.





The result was a rapid chain of explosions that went all over the battlfield, destroying all that was in its way from its position up to about 10 kilometer in all directions with deadly sharpnel of spatial energy sent with it.

The soldiers on the front lines wouldv'e been affected if not for another piece of neo-energy tech that they used.

Those bracelets, though one time use, would allow any who wore it to be able to teleport to a predetermined location, thereby escaping he gruesome death sentence any near the explosion would face.

Though they would be out of commision due to the effects of the spatial energy on their bodies, the fact that they would be away from the blast radius made every soldier extremely grateful for this particular piece of tech and it's designer.

Speaking of the explosion, the result was really as spectacularly destructive as expected. An 11 kilometer in diameter crater that the bottom was very difficult to to see greeted them after the dust cleared anywhere there was an explosion, really hammering home the fact how deadly neo-energy could be in the hands of humans.

It was safe to say that no vestige caught in the explosion would be walking out of that alive.

That explosion took out the majority of the tier 1's and a large chunk of the tier two while leaving a large chunk of the forest destroyed.

The once seeminlgly unstoppable army now seemed at least a little bit stoppable, even though about 20 million tier 1 vestiges still remained. 

The tier two vestiges now only had about 500,000 left while the humans had about 450,000 people able to actually ut up a fight against them, evening the odds a bit more.

To make things worse for the vestiges, 100,000 of them were severely injured and couldn't display much of their combat power so it wasn't such a big problem to wipe them out. 

The main issue now was the fact that the tier three's were not really harmed by that explosion and the amount of people that could hold their own against them weren't enough.

This usually isn't an ssue when we take into consideration that waves weren't this big. But now that a wave several times larger than usual had appeared, the humans were severely understaffed to take on this many monsters.

To make it worse for them, most people couldn't actually defeat a monster on their level on their own and instead could only just barely survive the battle so they needed to hold on long enough for the stronger ones to finish their fight.

Noticing that hings could get rather hectic, Orion turned to the students standing there, "It's like I'll need to move out early. If I don't do soething soon there is a very good chance that too many of our soldiers could die.", he said before preparing to move out and help.

"Wait, sir.", but one student stood up to challenge the decision. It was Alexander.

"Right now would not be the best time for you to act. If you move out and use your energy against the weaker ones, there is a chance that your battle with the tier 4 would not go very well for you.", he said in a voice so calm that if not for his words you would think he was talking about the weather.

"I know that", Orion replied with a calm smile and an understanding voice."But who will help them to battle this if i don't step up? A lot of people will die if i don't step in to help."

Before he could reply, another student stepped up to say something; "Then let us go into battle."

It was Maria. "We students have been staying here doing nothing while the others fight down there. They are tire while we are well rested. I know most of the eople here and that most of us are very much capable of taking care of a tier 2 on our own. Some of us can even battle and win against tier three's if the matchup is very good for us." She continued before Orion could get the chance to interupt her.

Orion wanted to say something but after considering it for a while, realised that her words were true. 

Out of all youths born in this generation and eve looing at the previous ones, he realised that he was looking at the most talented set of juniors to have ever been born. 

But it was also for this reason that he didn't want to let them go into battle as if any of them were to die, it would be a great loss for the people of the world.

While he was hesitating on what to do, two things happened. 

First, more and more soldiers began to be heavily injured and some even killed by the tier twos and three's that were left scott free 

Second, he felt a gaze lock on to him. 

He knew almost instantly that this gaze belonged to a very pewrful individual, but that wasn't all.

He knew that the owner of this gaze wasn't human.

It didn't take him long to notice that it was the tier 4 in the distace that had noticed him when he leaked his aura a bit to try to help the soldiers. The same tier 4 that was currently running in their direction.

As if to confirm this and make the only choice he could take more obvious, Amanda, who had been keeping track of the battlefield all this while, said with a voice of urgency, "The tier 4 is running towards our direction. Its going to reach here in 10 seconds!"

With a sigh, Orion made up his mind and simply said to the Alexander,"Please make sure that none of them die.", before taking off and running, trying to get far away enough from the humans that the fallout from his fight wouldn't affect them.

The tier 4 saw this and also chased after him like a frenzied hyena who just saw a piece of raw meat after starving for days.

At that, Alexander closed his eyes while still turned away from the rest of the students. 

If they could look into his eyes they would notice that things that looked like images seemed to flash behind his closed eyelids. 

After two seconds of doing this he turned to the 700 or so students before saying to them,"I have a plan. But I need you all to trust me and do exactly as I'm about to tell you."

"Like you even needed to ask. I doubt there is even a single student here who doesn't trust you.", Arthur said with a goofy grin on his face.

Alia, still with her eyes closed, also said to him with a bright smile, "There is literally nothing I wouldn't do for you if you asked me."

Alexander noticed the tone and other meaning behind her woords but decided to ignore them. Maria didn't like that very much as she frowned after noticing their interaction.

Continuing with what he was saying, Alexander said, "Alright then, let's give these monsters hell. Here's my plan...".