Power Of The School's Strongest (Part 1)

[All the vestiges have been wiped out. I'm going to attaract more.], Maria's voice resounded inside Alexander's head.

[Good job. this time double the number of tier twos and let one of the tier threes be a magnitude 8. The rest of the tier threes should hover between magntudes 4-6], Alexander replied with his classic bored voice after a bit of thought.

[E-eight?! Are you crazy?! Who among us can take on a vestige that powerful? Do you want them to die?!], she screamed through the telepathic connection, even ignoring the rest of what he said for now.

All vestiges were divided into tiers dependent on the quality of energy in their bodies.

The weakest were the tier ones and it kept going up to tier 4.

But not all vestiges in the tiers were equal.

They were further subdivided into ten magnitudes so they would go from magnitude 0 through 9.

Each magnitude was a threshold were the quantity of energy took a leap upwards as opposed to the quality.

In other words, a magnitude 8 tier three (or magnitude 3.8 for short) vestige was one that was a particularly strong even amongst tier threes.

[You don't have to worry for them. I will be handling that one personally.], he replied after the echo from her voice in his head subsided a little.


[Hello? Maria are you still there?]

He didn't get a reply several seconds after so he asked again, wondering what was wrong.

[...Do you really think you can take on a magnitude 3.8 all by yourself?], she asked after her brief hesitation period, sounding more than a little skeptical and with an almost invisible sliver of worry.

[Although it is going to be difficult, I can do it if I focus on it alone and nothing distracts me. It would be even easier if your sister supports me.], he replied to her, although a little confused why she was seemingly worried for him.

If there was one thing he was sure of, it was that of all the people he had met, one person was neutral to him, the other outright disliked him.

Maria was the one who disliked him. In fact, dislike wasn't the right word to use in this context.

'Had a mild to mid level of hatred' fitted it more than a mere dislike.

He was pretty sure he knew why but both of them couldn't be bothered to talk to each other that much for him to actually confirm his suspicion.

Which was why he was so confused that she was worried for him. Deciding to satisfy his curiosity, he asked her.

[Why do you sound worried for me? I always got the feeling that you despised me.]

[Oh yes I do], she replied almost instantly.

[But I also can't deny that you are the strongest one amongst us. If something were to happen to you the overall morale of the students would drop to the level that even Arthur would find it too difficult to raise it back up.], she replied matter-of-factly.

This reply confirmed his thoughts so he just nodded and was prepared to mute the connection when her next words came.

[Also, Alia would be very sad if something happens to you and I will never want to see her sad again.]

Alexander didn't reply to her for a few seconds after which he started speaking again.

[You can rest assured that even I don't want to see her sad. Negative emotions would affect her mental state and cause her efficiency to drop, thereby making my plan harder.]

Maria did not reply immediately but instead took a few seconds before saying with a bit of anger in her tone.

[I hope you're not wondering why I hate you as you've made the reason abundantly clear just now].

She didn't wait for his reply before muting the connection.

Alexander sighed mentally before thinking, 'I've already known for a long while now', and then started preparing for the battle he was about to have.

For a very long time, Alexander had observed that he couldn't feel any type of emotions.

It wasn't that he had trouble feeling them but that he couldn't, at all.

And he couldn't even find out the reason why.

The last time he even recalled feeling any emotions was when he was about 12 years old during an accident.

It was also the day he lost the person closest to him and the day he got his ability.

That day was still etched deeply in his mind for a reason that he couldn't understand.

But he knew that the only way he would understand it would be if he felt any emotions.

This condition of his was also the reason Maria hated him.

Her ability to feel negative emotions was one that was known by only a select few people.

For a person who could feel all negative emotions, the existence of Alexander, who she could feel no form of negative emotions from, instantly alerted her.

No matter the person she tried it on they would always have some sort of negative emotions, whether little or raging, but from Alexander she could feel nothing.

Not even the slightest form of negative emotions could be felt from him. He was like an empty shell.

It was almost like he didn't exist there or he wasn't even human.

But even though she felt no emotions from him, she had seen him act like he had them several times.

This naturally brought her to the conclusion that he was the type of person to manipulate others.

And her sister just happened to fall in love with this type of person.

She hated him because she thought that he was manipulating her sister, but she still didn't have the heart to tell this to her sister.

Her flaw that made it hard to feel positive emotions only fueled that idea as she just ignored all the good things he had done, focusing only on the times he pretended to feel emotions to decieve others.

Granted, she couldn't tell if he just didn't have negative emotions or if it also extended to the positive spectrum but, in all honesty, she didn't really want to find out.

There was also the fact that he hadn't really done anything to harm her sister or anyone else so she didn't really feel the need to let everyone know.

While he was preparing for the fight, another voice also resounded in his head a few seconds after Maria's voice ended.

[She's right you know. The way you are handling this situation doesn't really sound good for you.], the male voice said.

[Why am I not surprised that you were listening in on our conversation, Shin]

[Name: Shin Tahama, Ability name: Mega Mind Meld, Flaw: Clear mind]

It was the person responsible for the mind link to allow telepathy, Shin Tahama.

He could be seen sitting on the platform in a lotus position and had his eyes closed.

He stood at a nice 5 feet and 10 inches tall when he was standing upright and had a black hair that he kept in a fade style.

He had a litle bit of facial hair in a mustache which made him look older than what a ninteen year old should have any right to.

Couple that with tatoos that covered his temples and extended to the center of his forehead, ending in a vertical line in their middle, and his clothes that were a black jacket foulded up to below his elbows and a white tee-shirt and blue jeans with brown boots to top it of, he looked like a young bachelor that easily swept women older than him off their feet.

He was also the person who had a neutral disposition towards Alexander due to what had happened as a result of an experiment with his ability.

[All information comes to me before it is delivered to it's recipient. Of course I'll listen in on the ones you had as you are the center of command.], Shin replied to him.

[And don't try to change the subject with me. They will eventually all find out that you have no emotions and have been manipulating them. No secret stays a secret forever.], he continued after.

[And I know that. It's the reason why I am doing good deeds all over so that the fallout won't be all that bad.], Alexander countered while still preparing a few things on the outside looking like he was just in deep thought to not alert the others and make them ask questions.

[Is everything just numbers and math to you? How does that make you different from a murder hungry psychopath?], Shin couldn't help but blurt out and ask.

[Of course it is. But the difference beween me and a total psychopath is that I also include emotions as part of my math.], Alexander replied without any delay.

Before shin could reply to that another voice said in the connection, [The new set of vestiges are here.]

Maria was back, and she brought with her a new batch with the specifications that Alexander asked for, albeit wih a little twist.