Power Of The School's Strongest (Part 2)

[Okay, here is the new plan of operations. I asked Maria to bring in double the amount of tier two's than before as I feel that you all have warmed up enough.], Alexander began speaking.

[So right now we have a total of about 2000 tier two's and six tier threes. Although the tier threes are less in number they are higher in power so it won't be easy for the strongest of us.], he continued.

[Alia, Amanda and Felix will assist you all in managing the increased number while the six strongest of us, myself included, will take out the tier threes as fast as we can.]

[I will keep on increasing the number of tier twos and threes we handle until I find the sweet spot that will allow us to handle the situation with the most efficiency. ]

[We will do this until we clear up enough of the battlefield for us to win or we are utterly spent. Whichever comes first.]

[Now, let us carve out a path to our victory in this battle!], he said the last part with such enthusiasm that you would wonder if this guy really lacked emotions.

It's effect was seen as the link was flooded with cheers from every person before Shin forcefully muted them all, as he was beginning to get a headache from the barrage of information.

"You really know how to give a pep talk even though you don't like to don't you.", Arthur walked up to him with a big grin on his face.

He didn't know about Alexander's condition even though he was his best friend.

Alexander gave a small smile before replying him, "Only when I need to. Wouldn't want to take the spotlight from you and what youre best at, talking."

"Oh I'm so lucky to have such an observant and benevolent friend.", Arthur said with an exaggerated bow and sarcastic tone of voice, all while keeping a light smile on his face.

[In all honesty I pity him the most. He has no idea that the guy he is talking to doesn't really see him as a friend, or even close enough to share such an important secret with.], Shin said to the telepathic connection so that only Alexander could hear.

[Oh shut up. I'll make sure to compensate him the most.], Alexander replied back.

[...I finally understand a little of why Maria hates your guts so much.], Shin said to him after a pause.

[I doubt you both would prefer that I used him and manipulate him without planning a compensation so just appreciate my math and honesty.], Alexander replied back to him before muting the connection.

[Oay everyone, our battle starts now so get ready to intercept.], he said before opening a connection to Alia, Amanda and Felix.

[Alia, Amanda, Felix, you three know what to do. I entrust the safety of all of them to you three.], he said before moving towards the edge along with three people.

[Please be careful out there, Alex.], Alia said with a telepathic message.

[Don't worry. I don't plan on dying here.], he replied before stretching his hands to do his part before the battle.

Taking control of the battlefield plants near the vestiges, he separated the tier threes and twos into two groups and lead the tier twos in the direction of the normal students.

All the tier threes were then split up from each other before the students began moving towards their designated marks.

It could be seen that Maria definitly did a good job of getting opponents that were either good or neutral matchups for the students.

Arthur was especially happy with his matchup as it was a living storm of icy energies that took the shape of a bird that resembled a puffin made of snow.

One would think that a frost focused vestige would be a terrible matchup for him but it was exactly the opposite. 

Due to his flaw that caused him to burn himself out, he needed to cool himself normally thanks to the mechanisms in his armor and special cooling liquids that were injected into his bloodstream directly. 

While they stopped him from overheating they also limited his fighting style as the coolants could only do so much before they were ineffective and had the side effect of making him unable to use any other types of potions.

But as he had a monster with a very high level of cold energy as his opponent, he could fight without worry as any signs of overheating would be countered by the vestige.

[Oh Maria, I take back everything bad I ever said about you in my mind. Thank you for such a wonderful opponent!], he spoke in the mind link with such joy that you would think she ressurected him instead of sent him to a battle that could potentially kill him.

[S-shut up. You don't have to thank... wait, what is this about bad things you said about ...]

[Okay time to go!] Arthur cut her off before temporarily muting the connection. 

Thankfully, this conversation was only between the two of them so no one else heard it.

Closing his eyes breifly, Arthur opened them swiftly a moment later as his body swiftly underwent a change.

His red hair with the stripes that made it resemble fire that was in a fade cut literally caught fire and made it look like he had no hair, only actual fire.

His sport outfit dissapeared under a burst of flames and out of the flames appeared a deep blue suit that looked to be made of a rubber and silk combo covering his entire body.

Guards for his shoulders, gauntlets and knee high boots along with a special contraption on his back also appeared along with a belt that held a glowing blue liquid on the inside and two compartments on the side.

He looked like a less burly endeavor to be honest.(MHA fans should be familiar.)

He directly took off with a jet of flames towards the vestige and before long explosions were heared accompanied by a screech and maniacal laughter.

The next to find his oppoent amongst them was a person who looked like his skin was made of alabaster and studded with extremely tiny and vast amounts of gems.

He was on the bulkier side with eyes that looked to be made of grey stone and a head of dark grey hair that, despite looking real, didn't wave in the wind like normal hair.

He was in a black tank top and a deep green, almost black trousers and wore a headset on his neck.

His stoic face and sharp jawline on his face that had a shape in between square and diamond gave him a unique type of charm.

[Name: Jari Moonstone, Ability name: Living stone, Flaw: Living stone ]

(A.N: I took the name from the african word Jabari (Swahili), which means, fearless like a rock. Correct me if I'm wrong in the comments.)

His ability, in the simplest way of saying it, 'gives life' to earth, allowing it's behaviour to deviate from the norm.

(A.N: Basically a form of earth manipulation but with a little difference I won't be revealing now.) 

His flaw literally makes him a living stone statue, which was the reason he was given that name after his birth.

Literally the day after he came out of the womb of his mother, his heart turned to stone before the rest of his body gradually did the same until he was completely stone at the age of 13.

Jari held the record for the earliest a person had awakened their abilities till date.

His opponent was a 50 meter tall vestige that seemed to be made out of gemstone, which he could also manipulate. So it could be said his opponent was easy to handle for him.

He dropped down from the tall tree they were on and immediately after his feet touched the ground, he sunk into it.

Moments later, with a rumble that could be felt from 500 meters away, the ground started moving up as a 40 meter giant made of the soil and holding a greatsword began walking out of the ground.

It looked like it was walking on steps as it moved forward and upwards, completely unearthing itself after walking for 500 meters.

Armor made of stone came up to cover the entire construct to hide the weaker soil underneath while he kept walking towards the gemstone golem at a speed you wouldn't expect to see from a statue that tall.

In fact, from any statue, period.

At that moment a voice came to Alexander's head from outside the forest and carried a hint of urgency [Open up the forest fast! We are coming back and we brought very fast company of the infected kind!]

Alexander didn't hesitate and made an opening on the side of the forest that he felt they would be around.

Seconds later, a flash of light and lightning passed by the opening before it was wildly torn open by an even bigger and faster moving object.

The speedsters were back, and they brought with them an extremely fast and powerful tier three.