Power Of The School's Strongest (Part 3)

[Give me a status report on the battlefield situation. And how did this happen?], Alexander asked them.

[We have basically finished our task there. The issue was that we attracted this guy's attention in the process. I almost ended up losing an arm to him too.], Victoria replied while running and dogging though the trees to get away from the speedy bulldozer on steroids chasing them.

Victoria was a beautiful young woman standing at 5 feet 10 inches tall. she had a head of creamy white hair that under light made her look like her hair was made of solid white light. 

Coupled with her golden eyes, she would be taken as an aloof princess if only she didn't speak.

Her personality was rather bubbly and fast paced which could be seen from her carefree speech and she had a tendency to speak her mind. 

She literally took the definition of restraint and flipped it on it's head, liking her freedom to an almost unhealthy degree.

[Stop talking like we had a choice. If we didn't do it all those soldiers would be dead by now.], Victor said to her through the connection.

Victor, on the other hand, was almost the exact opposite in terms of character.

He was the kind of person to chose his words extremely carefully and valued rules and order above anything else, not disobeying one unless his life or others lives truly depended on it.

He was the type to put his freedom in jeopardy if it meant following reasonable orders.

He took the definition of restraint and added more restraint to it.

He had blue hair with yellow streaks and electric blue eyes which came together with his diamond shaped face to give him the look of a rowdy person, a direct contrast to his personality.

It was also this strange incongruity and their seemingly polar opposite styles and characters that even drew them to each other in the first place.

[What is the level of the vestige?]

[It should be around a level 3.7? I'd give it a 3.8 to be on the safer side. It is way beyond something that the two of us could handle on our own without assistance, hence why we came here.]

After listening to the situation and thinking a bit more, Alexander asked Shin.

[Could you open up a connection between the speedsters, me and the supporting trio please?]

A split second later a connection that connected the six people together appeared and Alexander gave a brief over view of their predicament.

[New change of plans. The three of you will offer most of your support to them as this particular vestige takes priority.]

[What about the other students? If we don't help them with our full attention then there is a high chance that somebody will die.]

[I have a plan for that too. Shin, can you hear me.]

[What do you need?]

[I need you to take your ability up to phase two.]

[... You know what that would cost me. If I stay in that phase for anymore than one hour then there is a high chance that I would be put out of commision for the rest of this battle. I don't think everybody can finish their battles in one hour.]

There was another part that Shin didn't say out loud and that was there was a chance that people could also peep into his mind and learn both his and Alexander's secrets if they let their guards down or made a mistake but he was pretty sure that he knew that already.

[Which is why I am putting all of you here on a very strict timer. In thirty minutes or less, I want you to destroy that tier three. After the thirty minute mark, Shin will take the ability down back to phase one. You all should be familiar with what that means.]






Their silence spoke their agreement and the gravity of the situation.

[In that case, we will start it now.] Alexander said before connecting all the students together and explaining the situation to them as fast as possible.

This conversation took place in about six seconds due to the nature of mind links that could be either very fast or extremely slow depending on the wishes of the participants.

(A.N: Below here is a rundown of what the plan is and what it means for Shin to enter phase two in his ability.)

Alia's ability allowed her to take control of space and time on a minor scale up to anywhere she could see clearly and manipulate it by spending her energy. 

This would be extremely overpowered even if the strength she could exert was a bit limited but her flaw took her ability down from very useful by a few notches.

Yes she could manipulate what she could see clearly but she was very short sighted.

In a world where the weakest person could easily see about 70 meters clearly, Alia who could see at maximum 20 meters was extremely short sighted. 

She also couldn't move around corners as things would be blocking her line of sight. 

She had managed to overcome her flaw somewhat by a little army of machines connected directly to her brain that acted as artificial eyes, but the distance from her they could operate and amount she could control were limited to about 1000 meters and 15 respectively.

She also couldn't control space and time as well as when she saw the place with her eyes without any extra assistance.

And even with that the range she could use couldn't affect the entire battlefield as they were all spread out very far.

But we also had Amanda here who could see the entire battlefied with such overwhelming clarity it was simply frightening and a man who could merge abilities together.

What do you get when you merged an ability to manipulate space and time wherever you could see with an ability that let you see things with beyond high quality?

You'd get any army's worst nightmare.

The three of them worked together to put pressure on every vestige while not hindering their classmates by either slowing down the vestiges or even holding their limbs in a spatial grip, tilting the battle in their favor immensely.

But no matter how wonderous their abilities were, they were still only human at the end of the day.

They had their own limits they couldn't pass and 2000 vestiges at tier 2 was just about it.

So if they had to help the other two then it would mean pulling their attention away from most of the students, severely hampering their progress and might even lead to death and serious injuries if they weren't careful enough.

This was were the phase two of shin's ability came into play.

Shin's ability, Mega Mind Meld (I'll be calling it MMM from now on.) allowed him to connect his mind with up to 2000 people.

His flaw made keeping any secrets difficult as a simple slip up in his concentration would make all his thoughts known to every person connected to him. 

He also couldn't really lie in this situation as the truth would automatically come to his mind when a person asked a question, allowing them to know the truth regardless of his intentions as long as they probed deep enough.

The first phase allowed him to create a weak mind link that would just allow for the sharing of information, albeit with a little bit of effort from their part to convey it.

Phase two, however, went a step further in the merging of their minds as it also allowed an almost automatic transfer and reaction to information like they were all of one mind.

This naturally put a heavier strain on Shin's mind and made his flaw more detrimental to him.

The strain on his mind was so large that he couldn't keep this aspect of his ability active for any longer than three hours.

Once he reached his limit he would enter a state of deep sleep to let his mind recover, and even if he didn't reach his limit he couldn't use his ability for at least five minutes after deactivating phase two or he could risk damages to his psyche.

By putting the trio on his phase two of the mind meld, they would be able to react to every thought for help and use Alia's ability to help them.

It was like they became one body with the various people like nerve endings.

Once they sent a signal to the brain then the brain would react by sending the needed resource all without really affecting the movement of other parts and maintaining other more stressful functions.

While Xander briefed the other students, the last of the students to handle a tier three, Maxwell also made his move.

A bright light flashed as it condensed to form a pair of semi transluscent wings on his back that took him up in the air with a flap of them.

As I said before, a very versatile power.

(For those paying attention and counting there was always one person missing from all the counts I made when talking about strong people. It was intentional.)