Power Of The School's Strongest (Arthur 1)

(A/N: I think I'm gonna be naming these vestiges that will appear for more than a chapter now. )

After explaining the situation to them they proceeded to carry out the plan to take on this tier three.

Maria also finally turned around to fight her own tier three, which looked like a giant black ball of flesh with four human like feet and lots of eyes, mouths and slimy tentacles coming out from all over it's round body.

It's size and uglyness weren't the only noticeable trait about it though.

This particular vestige wasn't in the 3.4 to 3.6 range.

This one sat comfortably at 3.7, making it one of the strongest vestiges in this area!

When she was looking for the last vestige to lure here she stumbled across this one that didn't have anyone strong enough to take it on and was left to run rampant.

She wasn't supposed to lure one this powerful here but she couldn't leave it to do what it was doing as it was decimating and eating up the soldiers in it's area.

Another reason that vestiges liked to attack human cities was that they were the best source of energy for them, allowing them to grow stronger faster.

And this particular one had time to gourge itself as it had grown from being a magnitude 3.0 all the way to 3.7.

Maria couldn't leave it to continue on so she had no choice but to lure it here.

The problem was that there was no free person who was strong enough to fight a regular 3.7 and have a high enough chance to win here.

So she took it upon herself to destroy it.

She was originally planing to tell Alexander about it but the arrival of the speedsters and the monster they brought along made her pause.

She didn't want to impose on the already struggling group so she took it upon herself to fight it.

Due to all the fighting no one really stopped to check up on her due to all of them being busy...

No one except for her sister that is.

She immediately noticed the strength of the vestige and why Maria didn't say anything and she understood her reason for doing so.

Understood didn't mean she liked it or had to accept it though.

The problem was that she couldn't really do anything about it on her own.

Though her powers were strong enough to affect and even take down a tier three, that was only if her full attention was on it.

But with 2000 tier twos and one exceptionally strong tier three, she could give anything but her full attention to it. 

In fact, the amount of help she could give her sister wasn't even enough to slow the thing down.

She also couldn't tell Alexander about it as he was about to begin his own battle against his tier three. 

He couldn't leave a level 3.8 to roam around on it's own after all.

So Alia turned to the next person she could ask for help, Arthur.

While Alexander was undisputedly the strongest student in their class, no one would dare take second place from this guy.

If Arthur was to get into another class that Alexander wasn't in, he would be hailed as the strongest person with no competition whatsoever.

You could tell by the fact that he was currently laughing and enjoying himself with his battle against this magnitude 3.6 vestige without suffering much injuries.

This vestige was even on the cusp of evolving to the next level, yet it still stood no chance.

This vestige, although it looked like a puffin, was different in four ways.

First, it had a very long tail that seemed to be covered in crystalline hair and a few scales and ending in a sharp point and wings larger than its body by almost two times.

Second, it's four thick feet were less like a bird and more like a three toed mammal (althugh one toe was pointing backwards), ending with giant claws.

Third, it was icy blue in color with deep red eyes.

And finally, this thing was huge! It stood at an impressive six meters in height, dwarfing anything a puffin could even dream of!

On his way to the bird, Arther took out two pieces of metal from the two sides of his belt which quickly combined to form a bow.

Arthur fought with a lot of ranged weapons and his most preferred ranged one was by far the bow.

He liked to open his fights with a barrage of flaming arrows or even ones made of pure flames on his target.

The glacial puffin (I'm definitely going to make this a thing.) didn't notice his arrival until it was too late, screeching loudly as it took the initial barrage before managing to fly away, dodging the rest.

As it dodged them and stopped moving to take a look at it's attacker, growing madness and rage visible in it's eyes, the dodged arrows that hadn't touched the ground suddenly turned mid air and flew to hit it on it's back!




This surprised it and threw it further into unquenchable madness as it lost all reason and flew towards the tiny and relatively weak human at subsonic speeds!

As if in retaliation to his ranged projectiles, the glacial puffin began firing small beams of extremely cold energy and ice boulders his way, blasting away or freezing every tree in its way until it reached him!

Instead of jumping from tree to tree like he had been doing, Arthur instead started to let out blasts of flames from the various outlets all over his gauntlets, boots and back, granting him a great amount of maneuverability in the air.

On a normal day in a normal fight, he wouldn't use his ability so recklessly as his flaw would make him heat up and start burning up fast.

The reason he could act recklessly was seen as after dodging most of the projectiles, he let one of the energy bullets hit him square in the chest!

The energy instantly started seeping into him and cooling him down till his insides even started to freeze over!

After he saw this Arthur let a big grin show on his face instead of the normal reaction a person would have when they started freezing over.

'Great. each of those blasts is enough to freeze me up entirely, which means that I can go all out without fear of killing myself!', he thought to himself excitedly, even laughing out loud a bit.

Arthurs' flaw made him unnaturally heat up whenever he used his ability.

To reduce the heat up he mostly used his ability externally to make the accumulation less and allow him to fight for longer, but he would still heat up at a very fast pace even though no flames were touching his body as long as he used his ability.

His armour and belt helped him circumvent that to a certain extent.

The blue material had the function of absorbing heat which when combined with energy programming, created a feedback that tranferred the heat to a special compartment on his belt.

This compartment would transfer the heat into a small capsule which he would attach to his arrows, thereby making them pack an extra punch while releaving his body of a lot of heat.

Another compartment also hid vials of a blue liquid which, after his body temperature hit a certain level, would be injected into him and start to rapidly cool him down.

Granted, they came with the disadvantage that he couldn't use any other types of potions while it was in effect but they allowed him to use his ability for longer.

Also, his maneuverability prevented him from getting hit most of the time and he packed a mean punch on his own so it's not like he really needed other types of potions.

The distance between the two of them closed rapidly and Arthur didn't even try to create distance between them. 

Instead, he even started to speed up as if rushing towards it like he was afraid it would change it's mind and run.

Once they reached twenty meters away from each other, Arthur put away his bow as two blades appeared on each of his knuckles and then caught fire.

As good as he was with a bow, his mastery over the bow couldn't hold a candle to how good he was at hand to hand combat.

In fact he much preferred to hit his enemies with fists packed full of his energy which was delivered by two hollow claws that were barbed all over and curved, ending with a sharp point at the tip.

They were attached right behind the knuckles and could be straightened and shortened during a direct punch for puncturing or curved and elongated during a slash to aggrevate the damage.

Once he was within striking distance of the puffin, the vestige put out its... claws? feet? whatever they were, and tried to grab him.

With a deft maneuver that would leave jet pilots green with envy, he used blasts from his hands to slow down his speed and the thrusters on his feet and back to launch himself up and over the things' four feet.

The very long tail came flying in from the side to try and slash him in two from his chest but he quickly ducked under it, landing on it's legs.

Pelets fell off of him and landed on the pelicans' feet, sticking to it before releasing intense heat waves that heated up the surrounding area.

With a leap, he reached it's belly, using the curved blades to create four deep gashes on it's belly which he pumped with a lot of flames!


The monster screamed and let out a pulse of icy energies, launching Arthur of it's body while freezing his insides again!

Not a second after, he righted himself midair and launched back at it, not giving time for the puffins' wounds to heal!

Launching himself at an even faster speed, he started doing fly-by's, clawing at it with flame wreathed claws that exploded with heat and releasing the stockpiled pellets to further heat it up!

It quickly became covered in wounds as it kept trying to land a hit with its feet, beak, tail, or even blasts of energy, failing every time and getting angrier, further descending into madness.

Instead of freezing him and slowing him down, the energy blasts just helped to cool Arthur down and made the barrage last longer.

Putting some distance and flying above it, Arthur proceeded to gather intense amounts of energy both in his feet thrusters and on his claws.

A second later, with a massive release of the accumulated energy, he launched himself at near sonic speeds, using the supercharged claws on one target.

It's left wing!