Power Of The School's Strongest (Maria)

(This is something that I had forgotten for a while but one of the things that they can do is manipulate their energy to achieve superhuman feats.

It doesn't really change anything in the previous chapters but I will be adding it actively from here on out.

Enjoy the chapter :) )

With a quick set of rotations with her spear, Maria slashed at two of the tentacles that tried to grab her while trying to dodge the rest.

With truly spectacular movements and an inhuman amount of flexibility, she managed to dodge them all with just a hairs' breath of space to spare.

These tentacles could comfortably move at near sonic speeds, making Maria, who could easily dodge them, pretty impressive even though she was slower.

Before she could connect her feet with any solid surface though, another tentacle came flying at her from her side, smacking her towards an exceptionally strong and thick tree at near sonic speeds.

Smashing through it and leaving an indent at the tree behind it, she spat out a mouthful of blood while bracing herself for the second impact that she knew would arrive.

Exactly five seconds after she was hit, another blow on the opposite side from the original point of impact but with only half of the original force hit her and sent her flying again.

As she was expecting this one, she managed to make her flight path into the air and away from the trees in the surroundings, jumping off the ground at the last moment to reduce the amount of resistance to the impact.

While this reduced the amount of damage as the resistance to external forces from an object in midair and moving in the same direction was less, she was sent flying very high into the air as a result.

Looking down on the ground, she looked at the felled trees from their fight with a grim expression on her face.

Her clothes, which you would normally expect to be in tatters with the amount of hits she had taken, only had a few tears here and there, showing that it wasn't made of ordinary materials.

The ground all below her was littered with burn marks, craters and trees that were broken in different styles.

She also looked at the round 10 meter tall accumulation of flesh, teeth and eyes that was the main cause of this destruction.

This thing was able to create appendages in the form of tentacles, eyes and mouths anywhere in its body and as many as it liked. 

It might be able to do more but so far those were the ones it had shown.

It could also mould it's body into different shapes, although not with an outrageous degree of freedom.

The only thing that seemed to remain static were the four human-like feet with talons extending from the front and a single thick claw from the back of the feet.

This is probably what an octopus would be like if it managed to grow bones and survived on land, minus the growth of new limbs and other organs that is.

At this moment it's originally round body had a stalk at the top of it's body with a lot of eyes placed in every direction, giving it all round vision and no blind spots.

This combined with the power to grow new appendages meant it could attack from anywhere.

As much of a nightmare that this thing was to deal with, it was made ten times worse by it's ability.

All vestiges had the probability of awakening a type of ability once they reached tier three.

This particular one seemed to have awakened its own very recently as it didn't seem to possess much instunctual knowledge on how to use it or any strategies to make it more effective yet.

That said, an ability like this one doesn't really need much time and effort to master.

With every hit it landed, it could land another one five seconds later on the opposite side of the creatures body but with half the power.

This was also why she found herself mid air at this moment.

It can easily be seen how this would be a nightmare for any creature with one part of it's body more armored that the other, or for one with a small body.

In fact, if not for the fact that Maria's rage technique allowed her to ignore and remove all damages while active, she would be a broken body on the ground by now.

Granted, all the damages would come crashing on her at once when she ran out of energy or deactivated the technique.

Taking advantage of her high vantage point, She took something out of her spatial storage and attached it to a compartent in her spear after taking out the fuse like capsule that was there before.

This new capsule seemed to contain a white gold plasma like object that kept moving around randomly, as if trying to break out of it's confining vessel.

'This is my only lighning capsule. I can't believe I have to use it on this ugly thing.', she cried inwardly as she replaced it.

These capsules were special one use items which could contain a large amount of one type of energy at any point in time.

She had learnt something through her relatively short battle against this thing.

If there was an element that this thing was most wary of, it was fire.

Armed with this knowledge, she would hurl the fire-charged spear at the vestige and use that to release conflagarations and a special energy poison she had into it's body.

It was through the fire capsules that she had been able to damage the vestige heavily before and it was the source of several of the craters below.

She had used several capsules that contained fire energy but this one was different as it contained lightning energy, which was by far the most destructive type when it came to singular targets and concentrated damage.

The thing had started to adapt and was using tentacles to block the damage from the flames and cut of the body parts that were infected with the poison.

Not to mention the fact that she had run out of capsules a while ago. She had no choice but to use it at this point.

As soon as she replaced the capsule, a wild white-gold electric charge ran through the spear, charging it with electrical energies and increasing its destructive potential.

Abrubtly, she drew in a vast amount of emotional energies from the abundance in the atmosphere into her body and converted them into a part rageful and part sorrowful energy, almost instantly overwhelming her mind from the rush of emotions that assaulted her.

The tattoos on her body also changed a bit , also starting to glow a bright orange-red and a grayish purple.

While rage emotional energy amplified the potency of the energy it was mixed with while decreasing the control, sadness or sorrowful energy made energy more difficult to move while distracting the mind.

Just like a person going through grief would become lazy and unproductive with their mind unable to concentrate on productive things, this type of energy did that to it's target.

With a bit of difficulty, she took aim with her spear and threw it like a javelin, straight at the vestige who caused her to gain air.

At the last moment before she lost contact with the spear, she pushed all that raw anger and sad energy into the spear, amplifying the destructive tendencies of the alreaady destructive lightning based attack while encasing the poisonous sad energy inside the spear.

The wild lightning got 5 times wilder and 15 times more destructive, launching at her target- the stalk of eyes- an near sonic speeds.

The Thousand organ vestige (That is the name it will be stuck with) was prepared to intercept the spear with a tentacle as it had been dong before, not feeling much danger from the metal stick, instead focusing more on the tiny creature that suddenly exploded with energy.

So it was definitely surprised when all the energy suddenly gathered on the tiny stick that was coming for it.

Alas, it was too little too late to protect it's eye stalk when it noticed what a big blunder it had committed.

A streak of orange-red lightning connected from Maria to the vestige by the spear as, with a loud sound, it pierced through an eye, making contact with its insides and causing the entire stalk to be blasted or burnt off its body.

A loud boom along with wild winds were heard and felt as the entire stalk was blasted of, followed by a scream from all it's mouths that felt like it came from a several killer whales that were crossed with goats.

The spear, still embedded in it, released all the sorrowful energy, poisoning the vestige and slowing down the flow of energies, slowing it's regeneration and the growth of newer organs.

At this moment, a large blind spot had been made at the top of it's head as Maria landed where her spear was and she began pumping different types of negative energies into it while absorbing more from the surrounding abbundance, throwing it's body into disorganized madness.

This continued for several seconds before a stray tentacle came and smacked her away along with her spear, sending them flying into different trees and leaving her disoriented and in severe pain.

The second hit came before she could regain her bearings, sending her deeper into the ground, Fracturing her bones and rupturing her organs.