Power Of The School's Strongest (Arthur X Maria) 1

With a groan, she struggled to get up to continue her attack strategy on it, using a function on her spear to call it back to her.

This wasn't the first time that she had tried this strategy of dodging, landing a large attack with a lot of harmful energies and getting flung away with very grevious injuries, only to rinse and repeat.

But this time, the injuries didn't heal instantly like the other times.

Her technique allowed her to ignore all damages that affected her body and basically store it until the technique deactivated.

Though if she deactivated the technique, all her greivous injuries would hit her at once, which would almost guarantee her death if she didn't heal the injuries before deactivaion.

Anyways, this meant that no matter how greivious the injury, she would heal instantly, which meant she could thoeretically keep on fighting forever.

Theoretically that is.

The thing with thoeries though, is that they are most often proven wrong.

The technique healed her body, yes, but there was one part that couldn't be healed by it, Her ability organ, which was the source of the ability.

It was like trying to fix a machine that created a healing medicine for humans with the healing medicine it produced. In other words, impossible.

There would come a time that if she overused it and not allow it time to recover, she would risk destroying it and losing her ability forever.

Granted, there were potions that could heal the organs and 'reset' the timer but they were so exceedingly rare that she, the first twin daughter of the Demenion household, only had one, which she had used already during the first minute of this battle.

Another thing was that while her physical well being was taken care of, her mental health still suffered due to the rush of emotions that came with the energy.

Although the amount of energy she could harness was almost limitless, the amount that she could control before her organ started to shut down wasn't.

With the amount of negative emotional energy she had brought into her body, it was no surprise that her psyche and ability organ were starting to degrade.

'At most I can perform this strategy two more times. Ahh, screw it why don't I just tear this thing limb from limb until I drop dead?!'

She thought as she increased the amount of rage energy she was using at once slamming down her spear on it while the upper part of the thing was still blinded.

'But it won't do me much good even if I do so. Should I just let it kill me?'

Another thought popped up into her head as she pumped the same sad energy into it while slashing at the vestige.

'But I don't want to die. I'm scared of dying.'

She said as she used fearful energies to increase her movement speed.

(I hope I don't have to explain why fear focused emotional energy can increase the user's movement speed.)

She once again couldn't dodge a hit and was sent flying into a tree and smashing through it.

Her hair that was tied up in a ponytail finally came loose, allowing her silver hair to flow freely in the wind.

This time she braced herself for the second impact and used the force to send her further away from it, giving her injuries more time to heal.

She couldn't control her landing though and graclessly landed on the floor, calling her spear towards her while she used it as a cane to try and get back up.

The healing had gotten noticeably slower as it took much longer for all the cuts on her body to close up.

Her thoughts were also jumping all over the place more frequently too.

It was clear that she couldn't continue this for much longer.

The vestige also looked to be suffering as slash marks and punctures were still seen all over it's body even though a minute had passed since it was made.

The chaotic energies in it's body seemed to be doing their work well.

But she could tell. She would definitely fall before it did.

Was she happy with that? Of course not.

Could she easily run away? Yes.

Would she do it though? Well....

A few minutes ago she would have definitely said no to that, but now she was seriously considering if she should run away without looking back.

'I did my best right? I doubt anyone can blame me if I run away now.'

'In fact, they dare not even try it! I kept this thing occupied for 8 minutes!'

'Most of these losers will last a few seconds against this thing at best.'

'They should be thanking me that I even bothered to help them hold this thing back instead of letting them die!'

'No! I am the one that brought it here. I can't abandon responsiblity and flee.'

She was quite literally having an emotional conversation with herself at this moment.

The vestige was also starting to make it's way towards her, although it was a bit slower than it usually was due to the poison still acting up in it.

Though I said slow, it would still cross the 400 meters separating them in about ten seconds.

But even with all this going on in her head, she still knew that her decision was going to be to fight it till she couldn't move.

Because while she was saying all this, no matter how twisted her mind got, she would still agree without hesitation...

'If I should leave this place and someone got hurt, Alia would get sad.'

This though was what was making her not back down from this fight and running away.

Because she would under no circumstance want to make Alia sad.

Granted, once she noticed that her life was in critical danger, she would still bolt out of here without hesitation.

Because as much as Alia valued other people's lives, She hammered into Maria that she valued her life above them all...

Minus Alexander that is.

She was unhealthily obsessed with his life.

Long story short, she would keep fighting for as long as she could until she had no choice to run unless she wanted to die.

'Besides, I'm sure my sister has seen my situation and has a plan to help me.', this after thought came to her mind and made her feel more reasured.

Just before the vestige reached her and she was steeling her resolve to overload more energy into herself, a voice resounded in her head while an explosion and a screech were heard from her front.

[Thanks goodness he made it in time. Help has arrived for you sister.]. It was Alia.



Next was a fit of joyful laughter and a dialogue that would make you wonder if the person saying it wasn't the real monster.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You guys have no idea how good it feels to give these guys a sneak attack as the opening strike!"

Maria smiled when she heard this voice as she couldn't help but say out loud, "Why am I not surprised that you were the first to finish off your opponent, Arthur."

Arthur, who landed on the ground right next to her, let out a cheeky grin before replying to her,"What can I say, this is the only thing I can say that I will come first in."

Though his tone was light, his expression was increadibly serious as his gaze didn't leave the walking bonfire he had created.

He knew that his flames wouldn't last long and was preparing himself for the inevitable counter from the furious vestige.

But even though he expected it, he was still suprised that the thing didn't even last two seconds before it was extinguished, leaving behind an exceptionally furious monster staring at him.

Arthur really had a talent for pissing off vestiges as all vestiges that he had performed this sneak attack for always lost their minds with rage.

This one was no exception as it lunged at him like he had killed all it's relatives and pissed on their bodies.

Tossing something towards Maria, he jumped to take to the skies while Maria readied her spear and threw it after pumping more poisonous energies into it.

As it noticed the spear the vestige tried to hit it away as far as it could with a tentacle but the tentacle was blasted off of it's body by a flaming arrow.

It had still not regrown more that two eyes and it put them in front of it, taking the remaining two eyes on its underbelly and shifting them around to let it see on the other side of it's body but still leaving above it's head blind.

Which is why it didn't notice the other human which was charging the quick blast above it's head until it was too late.

Both strikes met their marks as the vestige was both poisoned and lost a tentacle, making it more angry than it already was and disorienting it with the pain and rush of energies.

Maria used the chance to see what Arthur had thrown into her hand and couldn't help but smile.

In her hand was the potion that could help her reset the time limit of her ability, allowing her to continue the fight.

'Okay then', she thought as she called back her spear into her hand. 'Time for round two.', she thought as she drank the potion quickly, feeling it's energies run through her body.