Power Of The School's Strongest (Arthur X Maria) 2

Arthur let loose a barage of flaming arrows from high up a tree while Maria circled around the thousand organ vestige.

Once she reached it's other side she used a burst of fearful emotional energy to... start running away from there?

She didn't go too far though as once she reached about 200 meters in a relatively straight line, she turned around and started running back with a burst of speed, accelerating the closer she got to it.

When she was twenty meters away from the thing, she put herself into a textbook javelin-throwing stance.

Normally she would have been assaulted by the things' tentacles already but it's focus and eyes were currently behind it and on Arthur at this moment, picking up rocks and broken trees to throw at him.

Arthur was seen jumping from tree to tree, avoiding the projectiles while hitting it with flaming arrows or constructs whenever possible.

Seeing the vestige more concentrated on him than her, Maria got a little mad at it for some reason.

'This should teach you to pay me more attention!!', she thought as she readied herself.

With a stomp on the ground that sent the surrounding loose soil and debris into the air and made cracks on the ground, her upper body was sent lurching forward due to inertia.

Swinging her arms at the same time, she transfered all her forward momentum as she let go of the spear when it reached it's fastest velocity, not forgetting to load it up with the sorrowful energy poison.

With a sharp whistling noise and an initial explosion that sent all the floating debris around her flying in all directions, the spear was sent at sonic speeds towards the distracted vestige, blowing away a few tentacles as well as a large hole in it's body before flying into the distance!


With a mental command, she brought the spear flying back towards her after a wide curve while jumping into the air, avoiding the tentacle from the screeming vestige had landed in her prior position.

As soon as she landed again, she immediately sprinted away from her position to avoid another tentacle, dodging in between trees while gaining a higher and higher altitude.

The vestige, still drunk on madness and volatile energies, saw it's now second most hated enemy and attempted to either capture her or smack her back to the ground.

Just as it's tentacles got within a ten meter radius of her though, they were either blasted apart or away from her direction by Arthur, making it switch it's focus to it's most hated enemy.

It started running towards the very tall tree that he was perched upon and tried to use it's tentacles to catch him.

Arthur quickly jumped away from his position and landed on another branch, only to jump away again to dodge more tentacles that were coming towards it.

But not before throwing something in his hand very high up into the sky.

Arthur's ability flaw was really inconvenient for someone like him. 

He didn't even need to worry about overusing his ability because the price of his flaw would burn him out before he ever reached his limits.

This was one reason why he wasn't using his flames while running away but opted for internal energy control to boost his bodily functions, dodging in between and jumping from tree to tree.

He also didn't want to use the coolant to bring down his body temperature as it would mean he couldn't use any other potions, and that could spell his doom in a battle against an opponent that could kill him with one smack if he made a mistake.

He contemplated about the situation with a smirk on his face while dodging the vestige's tentacles, making sure not to get too high and to stay within it's reach.

'Stupid vestige. I'm not the one you should be chasing right now.', he thought while moving from tree to tree, thinking about the telepathic conversation he had with Maria half a minute ago.


[Okay, what do you know about this thing? No detail should be useless.], Arthur said telepathically.

[It can create apendages and facial organs, move them about and heal very quickly. ]

[It has the ability to create a second hit on a target it hits five seconds later and on the opposite side of the thing's body. ]

[As for weaknesses, as far as I know it is very weak to fire, which makes your presence more than welcome.], she replied to him.

She then went on to describe her battle with the vestige with as much detail as she could.

[So in other words, we have leeway to hit it from a distance and as long as we keep all it's eyes away from one person, we can do whatever we want?], he asked back with the telepathic equivalent of a grin.

[When you put it like that it makes it seem like you have a plan.] she retorted back with a hopeful tone.

[Do you remember maneuver 3 from my list of vestige hunting strategies?], he asked back instead of answering her question.

[What does it have to do with... wait, ohh I see what you mean.], Maria replied to him with a sinister smile on her face.

[Let's tag team this thing to death then! Hahahahaha!]

(Due to the nature of mind links this conversation took less that a second and a half)


Looking at the vestige that ignored her while chasing Arthur, Maria started to feel a lot of anger burning in her chest for a reason she couldn't quite understand.

Shaking of her intrusive thoughts, she concentrated on guiding the spear back towards herself, accelerating it as best as she could.

Because of the sheer speed and force with which she threw the thing, it had traveled a whopping two kilometers in the 5 seconds before she called it back!

It would have gone way further if not for the fact the vestiges' body slowed it down when it pierced through it.

You could only imagine the damage that the sudden stop when she was about to throw the spear would've done to her body if her rage technique wasn't active.

Her spear that managed to withstand that amount of force without shattering also deserved praise.

A rather simple design of a double sided blade at the tip and a rounded bottom, it was made of Vorium, a silver-green tier three metal known for two things only. It's superb energy conductivity and it's hardness and weight that grew the more energy it was loaded with.

This relatively scarce metal was combined with a few other tier three metals to form Maria's spear, which she named Harpoon for obvious reasons.

The characteristics were further amplified and added to by one of the best runemasters of the Demenion house and turned into a highly energy-absorbent, sharp and strong spear that could grow in weight and release a lot of energy at once.

These two simple yet powerful enchantments out of it's repertoire were the cause of most of this vestige's problems.

And now, said spear was moving towards her at a frightening pace, like it wanted to skewer her to the tree she was on.

Even though it was getting close to her at a dangerous speed, she didn't slow it down but instead increased the speed.

One thousand three hundred meters...

Seven hundred...

Five hundred...

Four hundred...

Once it reached the three hundred meter mark, it was approaching the tier 1 speed of sound, which was her cue to kickstart the plan.

With a leap, she jumped towards the approaching spear which was coming at a slight upwards angle towards her.

She stopped controlling it's forward momentum and made it turn sideways, letting inertia carry it forward.

With a flip, she let her legs point towards the approaching spear. When her feet came into contact with the shaft of the spear, she executed a technique that required such extreme control it was basically impossible for most people.

She, with a shift in the angle of her legs and center of gravity and an amount of force almost equivalent to the force from the spear, she shifted the direction and subject of the force and used it to send herself flying upwards, basically using the spear as a stepping stool and transferring the momentum gained by the spear.

Simply put, she kicked at the shaft of the spear and used it to send herself flying upwards while the spear lost all it's force and started falling to the ground.

The fall was interupted though as it started to rise upwards to her again when she called it back.

Maria, on the other hand, was sent flying towards the object that Arthur threw upwards, which was one of the fist sized fuse-like capsules. 

This time, though, instead of being only about half full, it was filled to the brim of a fiery red plasma like substance and pulsing irregularly, almost like it was going to explode soon.

The capsules weren't meant to be filled up this much as they wouldn't be long lasting and explode due to the amount of energy trapped inside, but this plan did not require her to keep it for long.

Without any hesitation, she caught her spear and started drawing in a large amount of emotional energies into her body, quickly transforming it into the needed rage energy only.

Once she reached her highest point of about 700 meters, she quickly put the fuse into the slot after removing the previous one.

The spear suddenly caught fire and started to rapidly heat up. Not satisfied with the already ludicrous and rampant flame energies already in the spear, she proceeded to push in the unholy amount of rage energy into it.

The spear lit up like a star and a bright orange-red light could be seen from all around the area, heating up the vicinity of the spear and making the surrounding area look like dusk arrived early.

It seemed like Arthur had done a splendid job distracting the thousand organ vestige as it thoroughly ignored her, instead attacking him like it was it's life mission.

It was getting harded and harder for him to dodge the vestige and it was clear that it wouldn't be long before he was caught and pulverised if he didn't do something,

When she saw this she once again felt that surge of anger but this time she didn't ignore it but instead used it to fuel the attack even more.

This energy was slightly different from the others she had conjured before but she couldn't quite tell exactly why.

If her regular rage energy was an orange-red, this particular one was more vibrant compared to it.

When this particular type of rage energy came into contact with the first set, it quickly infected them and in effect the flames they had combined with.

All the flames that seemed to be directionless before suddenly gained new life and started moving in the diretion of the vestige, carrying the spear along with it and pulling her downwards.

This alarmed her a bit and she feared that the energy was too much and it would soon explode. 

The cracks on her spear's body didn't help to quell her fears as it was starting to glow a bright orange and the heat was becoming unbearable.

Losing altitude fast due to the pulling from the spear and with the thought that it might soon explode in her hand, she just threw it with all her might at the vestige.

She wasn't on the ground so she was expecting the spear to not have much speed because she didn't have a surface to push off of.

Big was her suprise when the spear, after leaving her hand at the 200 meter mark, launched itself at a speed faster than she could've ever thrown it and rushed towards the vestige.

The vestige was too late in noticing the projectile coming towards it and allowed the orange meteor to sink into it's body.

Arthur had really outdone himself when it came to keeping the thing's attention on him as it still didn't turn it's attention to address the situation. 

It was only until the spear started releasing the energies that it snapped out of it's frenzy and took notice of the foreign object in it's body.

It stopped chasing him to remo....


A shockwave comparable to a large bomb shook a kilometer radius of the forest as the large vestige exploded in a fireworks display of bloody flesh, releasing a rain of fleshy bits of different sizes and reddish-black blood in the entire area along with a burst of reddish flames, leaving behind only a very surprised pair of students.