After the explanation on how to go about the battle, the two of them, after using their speed to zigzag around the forest area to allow time for the others to be filled in on the plan, moved in the direction of where the supporting trio were.
At that moment, a shift occurred in the minds of all those connected to the mind link.
As long as the person wasn't deeply concentrating on a task, they felt the subtle upgrade in their connection as foreign thoughts flew into their minds, their brain capacity growing bigger as it became easier and smoother to think during the battle, raising the general combat effectiveness.
Mind meld phase 2!
If everyone could see Shin at this moment, he would be seen levitating of the platform, loose debris and plant matter around him and his hair waving in the windless wind.
The markings on his forehead had started glowing with a faint purple, the line at the middle of his head becoming slightly open as the center of it seemed to start revealing something.
As cool as he looked floating there like that though, his face was marred with concentration and frowns, showing the pain this phase brought and the concentration it required.
Though to call it pain would be an over exaggeration. It was more like mid-high discomfort.
Anyways, the mind link also included the two people running, enveloping their thoughts and bringing them clarity.
While this mind meld brought great advantages to the group to help them take care of the outnumbering amount of vestiges, it also brought with it its own share of problems.
Firstly, due to the two way nature of the link, while it could bring in and take out information, it could also bring in and take out pain waves.
And due to the fact that it was connected to everyone, all it took was one person experiencing excruciating pain to cripple the entire group.
Secondly, one distracting thought could very well spread, making trouble for all in the link and causing other issues.
They had countermeasures for all these issues that would prevent them from spiralling too out of control, such as people blasting thoughts of focus through the link, but that didn't stop them from happening entirely.
Third, while the link would boost the functions of the weaker people, it would also weaken the functions of the stronger ones. The boost to some processes had to come from somewhere.
While it wasn't a total equalisation, it sure did reduce the capabilities of the ones best in their field.
A plan was quickly formed and communicated between the five of them, leading them to start their assault.
Alexander instead, speaking out loud to himself in a low voice, said,"Now it's time for me to do my part." before being carried off into the distance by a branch.
The five of them though, started stage 1.
Using the function of the mind link to speed up their thoughts to match those of the two, temporarily drawing an extra amount, they targeted the vestige and subjected it to slowed down time.
While the syncing of their thoughts would definitely slow down their reaction time a bit to be able to bring that of Maria, Amanda and Felix up, the slow down effect brought by her time powers when synced with the two others more than made up for it.
After which, only Maria had to maintain a faster thought speed so the two others could go back to normal.
Noticing the slower movement of the vestige about the same time their thoughts slowed, the two of them slowed down their speed both to keep up with their slower thoughts and conserve energy.
Victoria was able to get out of her hyper speed state and pull out two daggers, taking a turn to face the vestige while Victor slowed down, a spear appearing in his hands.
Using the power of his lightning and the positive and negative charges, he made this spear into a homing projectile weapon, leaving it to hover into the air and launching it forward with a spinning roundhouse kick.
The vestige, not one to be outdone, slashed at the spear, the tip of its claw colliding perfectly with the tip of the spear, sending it spinning and his claw backwards from the rebound before the second claw hit the projectile, slashing it in two.
The vestige with its super senses noticed that the entire environment around it seemed to have gotten faster.
But not giving it time to think, a flash of light came from behind it and slashed at the back of its head, right at the joint on its neck.
Now this one took it by surprise and, due to it being too slow to react, the blade that seemed suffused in light bit into its chitin before it had to be withdrawn for her to avoid three of the ribbon blades coming for her head and torso.
Not wanting to let their jumping advantage go to waste, both of them didn't let up their charge, with Victoria using the blades that came for her as stepping stones, launching herself towards its legs.
This time, under the combined force of these two people, and the pressure from catching it off guard, she managed to take off one of its six thick spear like legs!
She didn't have time to align herself though as a blade came flashing from behind her aiming to pierce right through her.
When it was merely half a foot away from her, her eyes flashed white as she turned into her light body, phasing through the physical attack and coming out unscathed physically.
While she put a bit of distance between them, Victor came immediately after, his legs swinging out in a flurry of kicks shooting metal balls at the vestige, his hands holding chains with barbs all over them and a large and spiky ball on their ends.
At this point the vestige seemed to have had enough as at a speed the boy could hardly react to, three whitish green air blades came swinging at him, two of them cutting through the balls on chains.
The balls didn't seem to slow them down much though but made them dim a little as the three blades, one uninterrupted, went on straight towards him!
Too slow to react and surprised at the ease it went through his weapons, the blades had almost sliced past his skin before he finally reacted.
His body became suffused in lightning at the last moment, attracting him in the direction of four nails he had planted on the floor a bit of distance behind him like a beam of lightning.
Looking at his chest armor that had two lines, one almost entirely vertical an the other diagonal, both deeper at their middle, running across it and nicking his skin, he just now became aware of how close to death he went, cold sweat going down his back.
He finally confirmed what he had realized when it cut down the outer barrier and what he felt after their first encounter.
'This thing was holding back, hard.', he thought as cold sweat continued to pour down his back.
His armor was a full body suit that looked like several hundred pieces of metal of varying sizes that somewhat overlapped each other along with a connecting helmet comprising of a specialized mouth cover that could open and close and streamlined goggles.
Made from a Vorium-Silver alloy that was made into a mesh and molded into an Encael outer shell, this suit boasted both extreme toughness and conductivity.
Encael is a naturally occurring alloy that could be found deep underground and near carbon materials like diamond and graphite deposits.
It is another new metal, usually in the tier 2 range (near graphite) but could be found in its tier 3 variant (near diamonds).
This tier 3 deep blue or tier 2 fiery red semi conductive metal had the characteristic of being flame resistant, heavy and could even lightly repair itself!
Yet it was still cut through so easily!
'Thankfully I activated the enchantment on time, otherwise I'd be dead now'
The combination of the Encael outer shell and the Silver-Vorium inner mesh made his suit the perfect lightning rod/electromagnet.
With enchantments and inscriptions all over them to enhance their sensitivity to electrical currents, they made the perfect suit for a user of lightning.
With a bit of alchemical knowhow to make the suit a white, gold and blue colouring, this suit found him as its owner.
This one had just two enchantments.
The first, by planting various specially made parts on the ground, within 10 meters he could attract himself in that direction with a speed that was entirely dependent on the amount of power put in and the number of anchors.
This enchantment made instantaneous movement very much possible for him, though it would almost drain a third of his energy reserves.
Though a third of your energy for something that could save your life was a bargain if you asked him.
This was the enchantment that saved his life this time.
At that moment Victoria ran past him, her two daggers by her side as she bent down and ran, circling the vestige and bouncing off trees before launching herself past it, her blades slashing at it as she moved.
Victor was still shaken from his near death moment and didn't have time to warn her, making her suffer a bit of a loss when, after blocking all of her slashes with the tail blades, sent several blades of slicing energy in her direction.
Turning herself into light again, she planned to phase through them again before her instincts sent warnings through her, making her try to dodge out o the way at the last moment.
She couldn't dodge entirely though as two of the blades nicked her sides, taking part of the light in that area with it and eliciting a yelp as she jumped away from it, her light form fading to reveal a slightly paler visage.
Victoria, unlike her counterpart, wore white coloured light armor vest that covered her chest and abdomen with light gray pants that reached her ankles and hugged her legs.
With a creamy white skirt that was inches above her knees and a gray undershirt that reached to almost her wrists, white goggles and a hairband that helped her hair into a bun, she took a speed build and added simplistic style to it.
The only part with a design on this was her family crest above her heart that seemed to be made from higher quality metal, ensuring extra protection in that area.
Right now she was looking at the vestige with wariness in her gaze.
The vestige didn't let them have a moment of rest though as the moment it noticed them not attacking, it rushed forward in rage as it tried to attack them.
When it was halfway there though, seemingly miscalculating the distance, it tripped on its own legs and lost its balance sending it almost tumbling before it managed to regain its balance.
This short moment was enough for the two as two spears were launched at the vestige, charged with lightning at the same time a flash of light along with two throwing daggers came at it from behind.
Not having enough balance, it only had enough time to block both the two daggers and deflect one of the spears, the second one nearly taking of a claw at the shoulder and the first scraping by the side of its abdomen,
The two daggers just barely cracked two ribbon blades though before they were swatted away.
This time it was the vestige that jumped back, wary at the weird things that had been going on since a while ago, its antennas swishing about in the air.
The two of them didn't attack but used this time to catch their breaths and drink potions, the last high intensity forty five seconds having them on tenterhooks.
[Took you long enough. I have never been this close to death in my entire life, and I've gone on missions with Arthur!], Victor said though the mind link, more than a little peeved at how long it took for help to arrive.
[Sorry about that.], a voice, Alia's, said back to him.[It took a while to be able to get him at the speed you guys are moving. I haven't gotten entirely used to the new delay my ability takes.]
[Whatever. Hope you've gotten used to it though, cause something tells me we're going to need it soon.], Victoria, as opposed to her usual playful self, sounded somber.
No doubt the last near death moment chased away any playfulness she had while facing this thing.