It didn't take long to prove her right in this situation as the vestige seemed even more mad now, rushing towards the two at a faster speed on its five remaining legs.
At this point the last of the six ribbon blades that was cut off earlier had finally regrown, giving it the confidence to try one of the moves it knew best.
Segment lines appeared all over the body of those six ribbons, the in-betweens glowing with a green light.
In less than a second, all those segments split apart, turning those segmented parts into individual projectiles shrouded in the same sharp green energy!
Its antennae started moving more and more rapidly, almost becoming a blur of motion as the six tails split up at the segmented points and started flying in all directions towards them!
[Oh come on now!], the three of them thought in unison this time, one voice incredulous while the other two getting tired of the new tricks this vestige seemed to be pulling out every minute.
In a space of 20 meters in diameter, there seemed to be an all cut zone established, were all trees, if they were still standing that is, seemed to have multiple scars of cuts.
These cuts either went through them entirely or just barely, with very few in-betweens.
At this point, out of the sixty-odd tail blades that were sent out, more than half had been destroyed by the two of them, though not without consequences.
At this time, Victor could be seen standing in one spot, dense vapour coming out from the joints and numerous cuts on his armor.
Little bits of blood could also be seen all over him, proof of the injuries he had received.
This battle had been going on for about 7 minutes, and the high intensity of it all, where a single mistake could lead to the loss of a limb or worse, had taken its toll on the young man.
He knew he couldn't afford to stand still so he started moving again, rushing towards the vestige at high speed, just in time to catch Victoria who was hurled away from the vestige.
She seemed both worse of and better than him, her face pale and her left hand shaking almost uncontrollably, but with no visible injuries.
Her blades, looking like they were made of glass, had a few nicks and cracks on their bodies, showing the punishment they had endured.
The power in the hit that just sent her flying wasn't small at all.
Victoria could be said to have one of the weakest maximum damage values of everyone in her class.
But what she lacked in burst damage she made up for in speed.
But if you take it the opposite way though, it would be even more accurate.
She had a lot of speed but too little damage.
And in the two of them, while she has been able to avoid all bodily injuries, she had also dealt the least damage.
Several blades came from all around them at that moment, their green hue shining as they sliced through the air, literally.
But once they got in the vicinity of the two of them, they just deviated off course.
[I take back all the complaints I had about you. We'd be on the floor by now if not for your help.]Victor said through the link, thankful for her help.
[And I'd not be able to react in time if not for you guys and Shin. So let's call it even for now.], Alia replied back.
Another reason they were able to last this long against this vestige that was very much stronger than them was because of Alia's help.
The younger of the two twin's space-time powers could deviate the incoming projectiles, slow them down, or even stop them briefly.
Her powers even worked on the vestige somewhat which she had used to both slow it down in general and made it difficult for it to move, tripping it sometimes.
The vestige had been screaming more and more often due to the increasing frequency that odd things like that had been happening all around it.
Well, screaming wouldn't be the right word. It was more of high frequency and high density clicks, ones that sounded very irritating to hear.
But it couldn't do anything because the cause of these odd things was far out of it's sensory range.
This lead to a situation where it could only watch helplessly as the prey it was chasing about just kept being out of reach.
But while the vestige thought that it was on the losing end, only the two of them's faces were seen growing grimmer by the minute.
They were still on the fifteen minute time crunch!
The reason they were able to last this long was because of Alia, who was able to link up with them through Shin.
And the phase two of Shin's ability could only be maintained for another seven minutes!
After that time passed, Alia wouldn't be able to react to this thing's speed and all the debuffs it was under would fade, spelling doom for them.
And the worst part? They still had no clue how they would be able to kill this thing!
Victor's brain started kicking past overdrive, the lightning coursing through him accelerating his thought speed to levels that his head started overheating, trying to think up a way to win.
It was at this moment a red flash caught his eye as a sound wave shook the air with a low pitched rumble that grew louder before dimming down.
Eyes still on the vestige, he asked in the link, [What was that?]
[My sister and Arthur.], Alia replied after she took a brief moment to look in that direction.
She had been paying attention to the situation over there and she knew that they were winning that battle.
She just couldn't pay much attention to there otherwise something bad might happen here.
But this reply brought something to his mind. It was a conversation he had with Maria a few weeks ago when he lost a bet with her.
"Why are you surprised that you lost? If you had the balls to actually ask her out you'd have done it long before now.", Maria, sitting on the parapet on the roof of the central school building, said to a despondent Victor.
Here she was seen sporting the school uniform but without the jacket and with her sleeves rolled up, the topmost button undone.
In her hands she was seen playing with a familiar looking capsule, the same that you would see her put into her spear.
With the fact she was speaking with a lightning user, it didn't take much brain power to know what she wanted after winning this bet.
"It's not that simple", he said with a sigh."I'm afraid of the consequences of that decision.", he continued, his eyes downcast and somewhat lost.
Maria didn't reply to him but instead looked at him with her emerald eyes, hinting at something else.
With another sigh, he stretched out his hands, catching the capsule that she then threw at him, his eyes glowing white before turning golden.
Visible tendrils of golden energies escaped his hands and were sucked into the capsule, turning thicker inside and becoming more wild and unrestrained.
After a few seconds, with a light sigh and a face slightly paler than before, he handed it back to Maria who looked at it with one part fascination and the other joy.
"This is perfect for it. Never have I seen an energy on a student with this much destructive potential and almost no side effects.", she said, her voice showing her happiness.
"I really don't get why you still stick with speed with you clearly being unsuited for it.", she continued, not really expecting a reply.
But he still replied to her, half wanting advice and half just to try and steer the conversation.
"That's part of what I'm afraid of. I feel like the only reason she strives to improve at all is that she has someone to give her a challenge in her field."
It wasn't hard to figure out who he was talking about.
"What if by doing that she stops improving? I wouldn't be able to look at myself if I were the cause.", he continued.
"I'm afraid that we would both stop improving if we ended up together. Why would I want to sacrifice her future when I know she'd regret it after?"
Maria, a bit stunned after hearing his reply, fell silent, her gaze on the view of the academy from her vantage point..
Just when he thought that she wouldn't reply, to his surprise her voice reached his ears from up there,"This is just me talking to myself about my powers so you can ignore me if you want to."
"Bottling up rage energies to get a stronger output or waiting for a better time is good. But sometimes the perfect time doesn't come, and I might bottle it up too long and in too large quantities, making it burst out of my control.
That's not all too. Bottling them up and restricting them can also cause harm to others as well as me. Emotions are a weird energy like that."
So what do I do? I just aim for the best at that moment and prepare for the worst, taking the consequences as they come."
She turned around and jumped off the ledge, landing softly on the ground.
"Look, I'm not really the kind of person you should ask for advice on this kind of thing. I'm just a girl who doesn't understand love.", she said, flashing a tiny smile at him.
A smile so tiny that Victor didn't even notice it but a smile nonetheless.
She started walking away, continuing her talk,"What I do know though, is that there are few cases where better and stronger powers is a bad thing in this post apocalyptic world we live in."
Reaching the door and giving one last look in his direction, she said finally,"At least try to get strong enough to lighten the trouble the consequences bring, even if by a little bit."
With that she closed the door, leaving Victor alone with his thoughts.
With a half resigned and half relieved expression, no doubt about what he was about to do next, he inwardly wondered.
'Was this what he thought when he gave my suit this second enchantment?'
[I have an idea. If it works out, we might be able to finish this thing off in five minutes. ], he said through the link.
Although it was good news, his one didn't sound like that to Victoria
For some reason, to her his voice sounded like one of resignation and also... relief?
Putting her feet back down on the ground, he steeled himself, not thinking about the possible consequences as he activated the second enchantment on his armor, while at the same time stopping the use of his ability on everywhere except his mind.
The gaps between the different pieces of his armor started to light up with a white glow, quickly spreading all over even in this slowed down reality until it reached his eye holes, which also started glowing.
It seemed like all the parts that started glowing also had the lightning that came from his ability extinguished, causing a surreal effect to take place only for those with the speed of thought and comprehension to observe it.
All the marks he put around the 20 meter diameter that the battle took place in began glowing white and the ones he put on the extra 10 meters after just in case started to glow white too, with the ones in his immediate 5 meter vicinity started sparking with white electricity.
The biggest change though, came from something most would miss.
He started hovering, with his feet barely shy of just one centimeter from the ground.
The only thing that connected him to the ground now was the small tendrils of white electricity snaking around from the ground to his feet constantly.