

Miss Xia has been helping the company lately. It has been quite some time and the company seemed to be improving pretty fast.

'. And take this!'. She handed the files to the staff.

'. Yes, ma!'.

'. Make sure to send them to the department'.

'. Okay, ma'.

'. And you...make sure the hotels are cleaned according to instructions.

'. Okay, ma!'.

'. Mei Xia!!'. Shanggue walked into her office.

'. You may leave!'. She said to the staff.

'. What do you think you are doing?.....giving orders to my staff?!'.

'. Brother....why would you walk into my office without permission?'.

'. Spare me that!!'.

'. Brother.....I hate office malice the most, you have yours and I have mine.

'. Xia Xia, I am warning you to stay away from me and the company.

'.[Smiles]...Too bad!.....you are always on my way!..... I should be the one telling you this!'.

'. Damn you!!'. He hits her desk and walks away.

'. Boss!'. Her guard walked in.

'. Why are you here?'.

'. Aren't you having a meeting with some investors?'.

'. Did you get the information I asked for?'.

'.[Smiles]...don't you trust me?'.

'. Of course, I do...you are the best in such'.

Xiabo sat there in her office, operating her system. Lei Wuije walks in.

'. You are here?'.

'. Um!.....did something happen?'.

'. Just curious about what plan you made'.

'. Are you that impatient?'. She rubs his face.

'. Do I look like such an impatient person?'.

'. Pretty much!'.

'. So when is the good news coming in?'.

'. Just wait a little!...in no time, the media will be filled with negative news about your boss'. She smiled at him.

'. I am waiting.

Miss Xia arrived at the hotel. She was there to see some investors.

'. It's been a long time since I saw this hotel!'. She stood there staring at the high building.

'. Your father did a good thing building up these hotels.

'. One of the best hotels under ZGDX'. She smiled and walked in.

'. Be careful.....the paparazzi seem to be after us'.

'. Not us darling.....someone more important'.

She turns to the guards.

'. You three guide the door.....I and Mulang will be going in'.

'. Yes, boss!'.

'. Let's go in!'. She said to him.

Getting in, the room was pretty empty. She sits and looks through the window.

'. Are the investors serious?...shouldn't they be here before us?'.

'.[Sighs]...if they aren't here...I would love to take a work around the hotel'.

'. Are you sure it's safe?'.

'. Mulang, you don't have to worry about me. She leaves the room.

'. You three....make sure to guide here'.

'. Okay, ma!!!'. And she walks away.

Lu Si Cheng sat there in the hotel room, he was arranging his sleeve. Suddenly a girl walks in.

'. Who are you?'. He asked as she walked to him.

'. Just here to help!'.

'. Who are you?!!'. He said as she tried to force herself on him.

'. Don't let me hit you!'. He pushes her to the bed.

'. [Sighs]....Do you know that you can be sued in court for this?'. Miss Xia said to the lady and she ran off.

Suddenly the paparazzi started taking pictures of Miss Xia and Lu Si Cheng in the room. Miss Xia protected her face and that of Mr Lu which made them take pictures from the wrong angle. It seemed they were kissing.

'. No!...pictures!!'. The guards stood there.

'. Mr Lu!!'.

'. Take them out!'. She said.

'. No thanks!!!...this way!!'. The guards take the paparazzi out.

'.[Mei Lien?]'. Lu Si Cheng got confused as he saw a woman who was exactly like Mei Lien. He stared at her.

'. Sorry about that....'. She apologized.

'. Mei Lien?!'.

'. Huh?..... What did you say?'.

'. Mei Lien?.....you are alive?!". He tries to hold her but she resists.

'. Wait a minute, I think you mistook me for someone else!'.

'.[Mistook you?]'.

'. Anyway, I just want to say I am sorry about that.

'. You?'.

'. I am the manager....and I am sorry.

'.[Manager?].....it's okay'.

'. Why didn't lock your door?'.

'. The door?..... I did, I have no idea how she got in'.

'.[Low security]'. She sighs.

'. Come have a sit'.

'. No need!..... I was just taking a walk'.

'. Please!'.

'. Okay!'. And she sits.

'. As a manager, what are you doing here?'.

'. I was just taking a walk around the hotel...I am sorry for the inconvenience. She bows as a sign of apology.

'. You don't have to...I was rather too careless".

'. Careless?'.

'. I just came out here without knowing who asked me to'.

'.[scoffs]...Anonymous messages still work?'.

'. You are sitting with a victim'.

'. From my point of view.....someone must have tried to set you up.

'. My life is already set up!'. He sighs.

'. I have no idea what to say.

'. It's okay.

'. About earlier.....you seem to have mistook me for someone else?'.

'. Um! About that...you look like someone I know.

'. Is the resemblance that much?'.

'. I thought you were her'.

'. I am sorry.....but I am not that person.

'. It's okay.

'. I will be leaving now!'. She gets up.

'. Wait'. He gets up.

'. Have this.....my card'.

'. Oh!....thank you!'.

'. You can come over or give me a call.

'. Okay'.

'. And sorry for the trouble'.

'. It's okay. She walked away.

Miss Xia sat there in the car with her guard. She was staring at the card.

'. Future Group company?'.

'. Do you need something?'.

'. Take a look!'. She hands it to him.

'. Future Group company?'.

'. Do you know anything about it?'.

'. It is one of the biggest architecture and designs company'.

'. I see!'.

'. Where did you get this from?'.

'. Luck made its way while I passed by.

'. Um!'.

'. What about the investors?'.

'. You could imagine.....they said they don't need us!'.

'.[Sighs].....Those old bastards!'.

'. Luck is always by our side!.....future Group company!'. He smiles at her.

'. You are unexpectedly getting smarter. She smiles.

'. Is that a compliment?'.

'. You take it as one!'.

Miss Xia and her bodyguard are close. They are more like siblings. Kui Mulang was an orphan picked up by Miss Xia and has lived with her until now.

Getting home, Lu Si Cheng was still in deep shock.

'.[She looked exactly like Mei Lien!.....but!...]'. He was left in confusion.

'. What the hell is going on?'. He picks up his phone and calls his secretary.

'. Hello boss!'.

'. Lin Ba check someone for me.

'. Who?'.

'. Mei Lien!'.

'. Mei Lien?.....boss, do you still think about Miss Lien?'.

'. Not that much...just investigate what happened!'.

'. Okay, sir.

'.....And her family.

'. Okay'. The call ends.

'. This can't be a coincidence!'.


Getting home, Miss Xia sat there in the living room. She was operating her laptop.

'. Someone seems to be too busy to come for dinner. Yuayua walked to her.

'. Are a bee that can't resist honey?'.

'.[Smiles]...you must be joking!'. She sits down and turns on the TV.


'. It's my favorite show!!'. She volumes up the TV sound.

'. [Sighs]...Yuayua!'. She calls her.

'. This fashion show is a hit!!'.

'. Yuayua!!'.

'. What is it?'.

'. Can't you see am busy! can you turn the volume down?'.

'. Why should I?'. She added more volumes.

'.[ Why am I still sitting?!]'. She gets up and takes the remote control.

'. Give it back!!'.

'. At least, respect yourself!'.

'. You are a child of the mistress...you don't have equal rights as me!!'.

'. What's going on here?!'. Lun Weishan walked there.

'. Mom!.....am happy you are here.....she's bullying me!!'. Yuayua runs to her mother.

'.[scoffs]...How did I?'. She scoffed.

'. How dare you bully your younger sister?!!'. She yelled at her.


'. Mom is speaking to you!'.

'. I am talking to you!!'.

'. Do you two love your heads?'.

'. Are you threatening us?!'.

'. What's wrong with you both?'.

'. Can I have the remote control?'. She stretches out her hand.

'. How can you just jump to conclusions?'.

'. My daughter was bullied in her own home, should I take sides with some total stranger?'.

'. I am disappointed in you,... stepmother!'. She drops the remote control and walks away.


'. Why do you love causing trouble?'.

'. I want her to leave!'.

'. You have to wait.

'. I can't wait to see Grandpa chasing her out!'. She sits down.

'. You are a headache!'. Her mother walks away.