

The media was a total mess.


MR LU IS A PLAY BOY!!!. The headlines were a total mess.

'. Are you enjoying the show?'. Xiabo walks to Lei Wuije with a drink.

'. I thought the plan failed.

'. I thought so...but it was a surprise that someone finished the task for us.

'. You are amazing!'.

'. For the main time...the company will be keeping a low profile!'.

'. This way....we can meet more investors.

'.[Sighs]....how do you like my little show?'.

'. Amazing!!'. He smiled.

'. That's all?'. She asked.

'.[Smiles].....I am proud of you!!'.

'. You have to get used to watching such shows!'.

'. Thanks, baby.

Lu Si Cheng sat there in his office. Lin Ba stood there wondering what to do. What should you do if your boss is neither sad, angry, or happy?

'. Boss....?'. Lin Ba stood there as he slowly waved.

'.[Sighs]...'. He kept tapping his head.

'. Boss...you have been like this....is it about the news, I can ask the press to delete all information!'.

'. Um!...no!'.

'. Huh?'.

'. About what I asked you to check?'.

'...No progress yet, Mr Lu'.


'. Why does everyone here behave like they have seen a ghost?!'. Mei Xia said as she walked into Mr Lu's office.

'....Miss....Miss....'. Lin Ba stuttered as he saw Miss Xia.

'. Mr Lu does everyone here behave like this?'. She asked as Lin Ba walked to her.

'. Miss Lien, you are alive!!!'. He was going to hug her but she resisted.

'. I think you mistook me for someone else!'.

'. Lin Ba that's enough!'.

'. Mr Lu, this is.....Miss Lien!'. He pointed at her.

'. Mr Ba could you excuse us for a while'.

'...Oh!...'. He walks out of the office after a second at Miss Xia.

'. Sorry about that. He walks to her.

'. I just want to ask a question?'.

'. Oh!.....go on!'.

'. You said I have a similar resemblance with a friend.....is that why everyone keeps staring at me?'.

'.[Smiles].....please have a seat first!'.

'. Okay!'. And they both sat down.

'. It must have been hard for you to locate my company. He said pouring tea into a cup.

'.[Smiles]....do not underestimate me, Mr Lu, it isn't as hard as it seems. She receives the cup of tea from him.

'. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

'. Inconvenience?.....what are you talking about?'.

'. Getting you involved in my personal and career life!'.

'. You think so?'.

'. If you hadn't saved me at the hotel,....you wouldn't have been in the newspapers.

'. Do you care so much about people?'.

'. Not at all....this is business!...even your family can be your enemy!'. He drinks his tea.

'. [Smiles]...I guess you must be a domineering CEO'.

'. You think so?'.

'. Looking at the way you behave'.

'. I didn't get your name the last time.

'. Oh!....you can call me Miss Xia'.

'. Um!.... I am Lu Si Cheng'.

'. Nice to meet you then'.

'. [Sighs]....you remind me of a friend.

'. Mr Lu, do you like this friend so much?'.

'. What are you thinking?'.


'. She was my employee...a strong and hard-working lady...it's a pity she died and I lost one of my best staff'.

'...My imagination ran pretty fast!'.

'. What were you thinking?'.

'. A boss who regretted not confessing his love to his friend!'.

'.[Smiles].....you sure did go far....but, it isn't the way you thought, Miss Xia'.

'. Ok!'.

'. What do you do for a living?'.

'. A manager...a minute please!'. She excuses herself as her phone interrupts.

'. Hello!'. She said as she picked up the call.

'. [Miss Xia you better return to the company...Mr Shanggue seems to be taking your office down!]'.

'. Wait for me then!'. She hangs up.

'. Is everything okay?'.

'. Mr Lu, can we talk some other time, I have got some business to attend to!'. She said getting up.

'. Okay...mind if I walk you to the car?'.

'.[Smiles].....you don't have to...bye, Mr Lu!'. She walked out of the office.

Mei Xia sat there in the car. She was been rode to the company.

'. What is Shanggue doing now?'. She said on the phone.

'. [I have no idea if he is calm or not....he is sitting on your desk with the face of a hawk!]'.

'. Keep an eye on him!.....losing a stepbrother won't be a gain for me!'.

'.[Okay ma!]'.

'. And also what about the project?'.

'.[Miss Xia!....it would be good if you returned back early.....the better the more answers!]'.

'.[Sighs].....okay!'. She ends the call.

'. Where is Mulang?'. She turned to the driver.

'. He said he would be taking a day off.

'. A day off without my permission!....does he love his life?'.

'. Please drive faster!'.

At Lu Si Cheng's office. Lin Ba kept going around in circles tapping his forehead.

'. Mr Ba!...are you trying to solve a riddle?'.

Mr Lu said with his eyes focused on his phone.

'. Miss Xia looks exactly like Miss Lien....no much difference....but, Miss Lien is dead and, who is Miss Xia?'.

'. Mr. Ba.....the main reason I asked you to check her information'.

'. Mr Lu, out of all the tasks you have given to me...this is the hardest!'.

'. Why?'.

'. She doesn't seem to have much records here in Beijing city!'.

'.[Sighs].....has no records here?...what about the hotel?'.

'. They said their manager was a male and the owner was also a male.

'. Since she doesn't have many records here in Beijing city.....check other cities!'.

'. Yes sir!'.

'. You may leave!'.

'. Oh!'.

Miss Xia got to her office only to see her office turned into a trash bin. She sighs.

'. I am happy I haven't made any decorations yet!'. She walks out and rushes to Shanggue office.

'. Are you ever sensible?!'.

'. Who are you?!'.

'.[scoffs]....who l am?....the question should be who are you to turn my office into such!!'.

'. Miss Xia you only got back from the states, do you think you can turn the company I tried to maintain to your own way?'.

'.[Sighs]...Mr Shanggue can you be more open!'.

'. What give you the right to launch a project knowing fully well that the company can't afford such!!'.

'. Isn't it for the best of the company?'.

'. Are you trying to impress the board so you could be voted as the CEO?'.

'.[scoffs].....now I see why your so-called company hasn't been able to make any achievements in the past 2 years!'.

'. What are you insulating?'.

'. You really are foolish!...I am trying hard to bring the company to it's prime and you are being an insensible being!'.

'. Xia watch it!!'.

'. What if I don't?....huh?....who's gonna recieve all the scolding and insults?!!'.


'. I told you this before....I am either helping or destroying you!....the fact that you are my brother doesn't mean I can't deal with you.....mind yourself!'.

'. Xia xia, this isn't you!!'.

'.[Smiles].....was there a former me?.....I am only doing this because of grandpa!'.


'. And also I need my office to have one of the most expensive designs...you destroyed the little I was managing!'. She smiled and walked away.