

Miss Xia was in the car. She was going to the company that early morning.

'. I need you to deliver some files to the public relations department, okay?'.

'. [Yes, ma!]'.

'. I might need some time to figure out what needs to be done!'.

'. [Okay ma!]'.

'. [Sighs]....'. The call ended.

'. Ma.....are you feeling under the weather?'. The driver asked as he saw her through the rearview.

'. Not at all.....how many more minutes till we get there?'.

'.....Not less than 10 minutes!'.

'. Could you please ride faster?'. She said rubbing her head.

'. Okay!'.

While they rode pretty fast, a rather careless car almost got hit. Miss Xia's car got stuck at the traffic light stand.

'. Are you okay...Miss Xia?'. The driver turned immediately to her.

'. Don't worry!'. She gets out of the car and walks to the other car.

'. Hello!....are you alright?'. She asks the lady and the driver.

'. [Pants]'. The lady and her driver got down.

'. I am so sorry!'. She offered a hand.

'. ...[coughs]....'.

'. I am sorry ma!..... I didn't mean to!'. The driver apologized.

'. It's okay!'.

'....About the damage?'. The lady pointed at her car.

'. It's okay....you are sure you don't want to go to the hospital?'.

'. I am...good!'.


'. Young lady....you don't seem to be alright?'.

'...I am.....fine'.

'. Mind if I give you a ride?'.

'....it's okay!'. She walks back. Her driver rushed to give her a hand as she walked back.

'. Should I call for a new car?'.

'.....No need.....get me a taxi!'.

'. Are you sure ma?'.

'. Just get a taxi!'.

'. Okay'.

Miss Xia got to her office, she sat there rubbing her head.


'. Shall I get the doctor ma?'.

'. No!'.

'. But you don't seem to be fine.

'. I am.....alright, okay?'.

'. Um!'.

'. Where is Mr Shanggue?'.

'. He went for a meeting'.


'. Miss Xia!!....Miss Xia!!'. The staff ran to her as she fell off.

'. How is she, doctor?'. Mr. Ài asked him as he walked out of her room.

'. She's just stressed out!'.


'. Can we see her now?'.

'. She might need some rest for the main time'.

'. Okay'. And he walked away.

A few hours later, just like the rising of the sun, Mei Xia slowly opened her eyes.

'.[Sighs]'. She gently touches her head.


'. Anyone?'.

'...You!.....are finally awake!'. The guy beside her side.

'. You?'. She pointed at him.

'. Don't try to ask...I will go get your meal!'. He ran out.

'.[Sighs]'. She slowly sits up.

'. Here!'. He returned with a plate of soup.

'. When did you return?'.

'. Not long ago...I went to your office and saw you pass out.

'.[Sighs]'. He feeds her the meal.

'. You just returned and already working your ass off!'. Fan Yin, the childhood friend of Mei Xia.

'. Isn't that my duty?'.

'. Remains me of the game.....call of duty!'.

'.....Are you still into gaming?'.

'. Mom....wants me to be a lawyer, what shall I do?'. He sighs.

'. Poor Fan!'. She smiled.

'. You finally smiled.

'. So tell me why are you here in Beijing city?'.

'. Umm....nothing much!.....came to help you!'. He smiled.

'. I forgot I still have a silly being as a friend.

'. Don't I worth it?'. He raises his eyebrows.

'. [Scoffs]....silly!'.

'.[ fakes a cough]'.

'. Yuayua.....you pretty big already!'. He said as Yuayua walked to the curtains.

'. Do I know you?'. She turns.

'. You!....you don't remember me?.....it's me, Fan Yin!'.

'.[Smiles].....sorry, I do not remember unimportant persons'.


'. Finally, the queen is dying on her throne.

'....'. Ignores her drinking her soup.

'. For a second I thought the queen was going to launch a bomb, little did I know that she would be crushed even before she started!'. Yuayua mocked her.

'. Yuayua are you here to see if am dead?'.

'. I would have wished so...but unfortunately I can't...I just want to see you end up like your goddammit mother of a mistress!!'.

'. Yuayua!!'. Fan Yin gets up.

'. [Sighs].....dogs must bark no matter what.....young lady! I do not have time to waste...when I am ready, you might as well live on the streets!'.

'.....You are nothing without Grandpa!'.

'. Did some spoilt brat just say that?..... I didn't get it...wow...like I spend money on designers....how touching!!'.

'. Hump!!'. She walks out.

'. Poor Xia xia!'. Fan Yin stares at her.

'. I am not being maltreatment if that's what is going on in your mind at the moment.

'. So tell me...were you a demon slayer In your past life?'.

'. You don't read comics, do you?'.

'.[Sighs]...I pretty much read a lot!'. He flips his hair.

'.[Sighs]....'. She slaps her face.

In the dining room, the family sat there eating. Mr Ài turns to Mei Xia.

'. Are you feeling better?'.

'. Thank Grandpa, I am alright now.

'. You should eat more!'. He places meats on her bowls of rice.

'. Grandpa, I do not like eating much!'.

'. You should eat!....if you had, you wouldn't have passed out at the office'.

'. Okay.....grandpa!'.

'. Grandpa have you seen the news about Mr Lu the CEO of future group?'. Yuayua asked.

'. What about him?'.

'. He was caught in a hotel room with a lady, they say he is a playboy!'.

'. You ladies should stay away from such men, okay?'.

'. Okay!'.

'. Grandpa.....do you know the shocking fact?'.

'. What's it?'.

'. The lady's figure looks more like my sister...Ài Mei Xia!'. She smiles at her.

'. Yuayua.....what makes you think your sister would be in a hotel room with such a guy!'.

'. Grandpa.....do you trust her that much?'.

'. Xia Xia can do anything she wants.....it's her life as long the company doesn't get involved!'.

'.[Smiles]....grandpa, your favorite fish for you!'. She places fish in his bowl.

'. Thanks, Xia Xia!!'. He smiled.

'. Anyway, I have to thank Miss Yuayua for taking good care of me...thank you, sister'. She smiled at her.

'. You are welcome, Miss Xia '.

'. You two should get along!.....do girls things together, okay?'.

'. Grandpa do not worry,.....we will go shopping tomorrow!'.

'. Okay!....let's eat!'.

'. Oh!'.

'. Fan Yin, how have you been doing?'.

'. Fine Grandpa!'.

'. How was living with Xia overseas?'.

'. [Fakes a smile]....it....wasn't as fun as I expected!'.

'. What!'. She turns to him.

'. I had it best!'.

'. I would have love you two to be a couple.

'. No!!'. They chroused.

'.[Smiles]...I was only joking!'.

'.[Sighs].....Grandpa, you should eat!'.

'. Okay....let's eat!!'.