An End To What Started

Hazel nodded slightly relieved. She had thought Eve would burst while Damien would at least listen to her reasonably. It must be because she had lost her innocence that he was so harsh to her. He must have been disappointed to not be the first one to take her.

But it did not matter since she had achieved her goal. She smiled thinking about that and only then she noticed Eve's dress. It was the dress she had cut in that room when she had crossed it.

Eve smirked when she noticed Hazel's eyes at her dress with a look of disbelief. 

"Now that you have achieved your goal, leave. My husband and I want to spend some time alone." Hazel gritted her teeth. But she still stood up. Knowing well that Damien was angry at her. He would not listen to her or help her. But it was only a matter of time. When he would accept the reality, she would explain his reasons and then he would understand her.