Chapter 002: Unreliable Teacher

The time left for students to communicate is not much.

Before long, I heard Ichinose's voice 'The time is almost up, everyone, let's leave a good impression on the teacher'.

Everyone in Class B responded and returned to their seats one after another.

At this time,

Hikigaya had a chance to observe the people around him.

"The person in front is a guy with sharp eyes, and his nameplate reads 'Kanzaki Ryuuji.' I glanced at him briefly and then averted my gaze."

It's really too much!

Behind him is a weak-looking girl with white ear-length hair named Shiranami Chihiro.

She also didn't communicate with him. As soon as she accidentally met her eyes, she quickly turned away her face.

Even more excessive!

Although the experience of junior high school made him mentally prepared early, he couldn't help but feel a little sad. If it weren't for his strong heart, he would have been stupid long ago.

In less than a while,

Accompanied by the 'click' footsteps, a woman wearing a pink T-shirt walked into the classroom.

Although she looks very beautiful, Hikigaya has no mood to pay attention to these at this moment. His youth has just ended.

It is difficult to join a group after school starts.


Anyway, he didn't want to blend into these people either.

"Everyone, go back to their seats~ or else I will not be polite."

The female teacher walked onto the podium with her hands on her hips pretending to be angry.

Although she said she was not polite in her mouth, there was a hint of playfulness in her tone. She seemed to be a very talkative teacher.

Hikigaya couldn't help but straighten his back either.

After all, it's the first day of school. It's always right to leave a good impression on the teacher. It will be more convenient to ask for leave in the future.

The female teacher picked up the chalk, nodded her head with one foot and raised the other slightly, and skillfully wrote down her name - Hoshinomiya Chie.

It's just that although the action is cute, how does it feel unreliable?

"Hoshinomiya Chie is my name. Everyone must remember it well. If you forget it, the teacher will be sad~"


A voice filled with surprise echoed.

It has been confirmed that this teacher is indeed unreliable.

"Don't worry, teacher, how could we forget such a beautiful teacher."

"What a good thing to say, what's this student's name!"

"Teacher, my name is Shibata Sou"

"Very good. I see such a cute student for the first time. But it's a bit wrong. It should be cute. I prefer others to say that I am cute~"

"Oh... yes yes..."


Is it true or false?

I can't believe we're talking about this.

Hikigaya was speechless.

Don't you want to tell the rules?

Since there are rules,

Just follow them, damn it!

But he didn't dare to say anything.

The straight back slowly bent down again. Since they like to chat, just chat. Anyway, just listen slowly.

Hoshinomiya Chie quickly hit it off with Ichinose and others and showed no signs of stopping at all.

After a while,

Finally, someone couldn't help it anymore.


Kanzaki Ryuuji, who was sitting in front of him, stood up and said in a deep voice, "The admission guide seems to write that the class teacher will be responsible for explaining the rules. Although the school is free of charge, the admission guide does not write about food and life."

"How will the school handle this part?"

Well done!

Directly raise specific questions, giving this unreliable teacher no chance to diverge.

Simply a hero!

Hikigaya secretly made up his mind to call him Hero Kanzaki from today!

But he seemed to underestimate this teacher a bit.

"You can't do this, Kanzaki!"

Hoshinomiya Chie put her hands on her hips and shook her jade fingers, "Impatience is a big taboo for popular men. If you want to have a girlfriend, you must be mature and stable. At least the teacher prefers mature and stable men. Do you understand?"


I don't understand.

Who the hell wants to know your mate selection criteria?

Hurry up and tell me the rules.

Hikigaya and Kanzaki at the front desk twitched at the corners of their mouths at the same time, completely unaware of how to deal with such a teacher.

"Teacher Hoshinomiya."

At this time, Ichinose stood up and smiled back, "There is an entrance ceremony in an hour. If this continues, I'm afraid it won't be finished in a short time. If there is a chance, we can continue next time, how about it?"

"Really, I really can't help you guys."

Hoshinomiya Chie put her hands on her hips and looked a little helpless,

"It's not that I don't understand your anxious feelings. I just want to chat with everyone more. Since you want to know so much, I will tell you."

It sounds like she is being bullied. Hikigaya was really speechless.

"Pass this down."

At this time, Hoshinomiya Chie passed a box similar to a mobile phone from front to back.

Hikigaya also received three of them, passed two to Shiranami behind him, saw her lower her head and passed one of them behind her before he breathed a sigh of relief.

When passing textbooks in junior high school,

The girl behind cried out in public saying 'Hikigaya touched it, I don't want it', at that time I really wanted to die.

Fortunately, Shiranami didn't say that, otherwise, he might have looked foolish.

"The school has a special rule called the S system."

"The student ID terminal just sent down is similar to a mobile phone, but it is only for internal communication in the school. The external network can only browse information."

"It also has a payment function similar to a credit card. The difference is that what is consumed is not money but points."

"There are now 100,000 points in it, each point equals one yen."

"In addition, points are credited into the account on the first day of each month. If you have points, you can buy everything!"

Hoshinomiya Chie's words were clear and concise.

She raised her chin slightly with her hands on her hips and looked triumphant.

"Is that all?"

Someone murmured.

This is too short. As a teacher, please provide a thorough explanation of the rules. Damn it.

Feeling several gazes, Hikigaya realized that he was the one who spoke out and lowered his head awkwardly.

"Hikigaya right?"

Hoshinomiya shook her jade finger with one hand on her waist and said persuasively,

"You see, work is the enemy of women, of course, if one can avoid working, they won't work."

"Compared with work, I prefer gossip and shopping. Hikigaya can come to me anytime. I am very welcome~"

Staying up late is really a woman's enemy.

This woman proudly didn't want to work.

If she can have the same dream as him, maybe she is a very good teacher.

No way.

Hikigaya chuckled twice and once again sighed at this unreliable teacher.

Unreliable teachers and a class full of enemies (For Now)

What will my youth become?


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And also if gimme power stones if you have any,