Chapter 026: Arch-nemesis, Kushida Kikyo

Thanks to a good family education.

My father once said, when you see a big sister with a gentle face you must be careful.

Because of my father's experience.

Our family had to bear a lot of debt for this, almost angering my mother to death.

In any case,

Better to leave first!

"I'm full, I'll go back first."

Hikigaya stood up.

Kushida Kikyo is likely to use the name of friend, then call a bunch of friends to come over for dinner, and then let him pay the bill.

He wouldn't fall for this.


Kushida Kikyo was stunned.

By rights, she thought her performance just now was perfect, ordinary people would definitely become her lapdogs in an instant.


Although somewhat narcissistic.

But Kushida Kikyo knows that she is very beautiful, even normal people would want to get along with her, at least they wouldn't refuse, right?

Why did he just got up and leave like that?


Himeno Yuki also stood up somewhat speechlessly: "Then I won't bother you guys, goodbye, Kushida-san."

After all,

Kushida is from another class.

and Himeno is a classmate and clubmate.

Although her personality is somewhat twisted, she can barely be considered a friend. She still stands on Hikigaya's side.


Kushida Kikyo quickly stepped forward and grabbed Hikigaya's wrist.

This girl definitely has a problem. Hikigaya turned his head back somewhat speechless: " there anything else?"


Kushida Kikyo's eyes were evasive, somewhat embarrassed: "My dream is to become friends with everyone in the school. Hikigaya-kun, can you be my friend and exchange contact information with me?"


Himeno Yuki on the side was somewhat surprised: "Kushida-san, so that's your dream. It sounds really nice."

"Himeno-san, don't tease me."

Kushida was somewhat embarrassed. Her moist beautiful eyes were slightly uneasy as they stole glances at the man in front of her.


Hikigaya nodded indifferently.

Kushida Kikyo secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The two took out their phones and quickly exchanged contact information.

"Hikigaya-kun, Himeno-san, goodbye. Let's have dinner together next time~"

Kushida Kikyo waved her small hand with a smile.

Even if he's somewhat special, he's just an ordinary man after all. He can't escape from the palm of her hand!


Exiting the café, they made their way toward the dormitory building.


Himeno Yuki complained: "You really don't care about other people's opinions at all. This is very rude and lowers the evaluation of fellow girls."

"Well, how should I put it? Sorry."

Hikigaya apologized without sincerity.

"You're exceptionally lucky that it was me who happened to be there"

Himeno Yuki didn't care either: "If it were someone else they would definitely hate you. You have to learn to be smarter in the future."

"How is that possible."

Hikigaya put his hands in his pockets indifferently: "If I could learn that, I would have been popular long ago."

"That's true."

Himeno Yuki nodded in agreement, "You're already like this, there's no hope for you."

"Mind your own business..."

Hikigaya retorted without courtesy.

"That being said,"

Himeno Yuki was somewhat puzzled, "Why do you want to leave directly? Are you that afraid of interacting with people? But I didn't see you being so afraid in class before, what's going on?"

He was certainly not afraid to socialize with other people.

He just didn't like that kind of fake interpersonal interaction. It felt tiring and troublesome.


Although Himeno Yuki was a bit excessive, she was indeed a good person.

She did remind him a bit.

Whether she listens or not is her own business.


Hikigaya said nonchalantly, "I feel that girl is a bit hypocritical. It would be better for you to have less contact with her."

"I'm telling you,"

Himeko Yukino frowned, "Speaking ill of others behind their backs is not a commendable act."

No matter what,

Kushida Kikyo was also her friend. Hearing one friend speak ill of another friend was somewhat uncomfortable.

"Well, listen,"

Hikigaya didn't mind, "Most dreams are influenced by our surroundings. When people want to become astronauts, it's often because astronauts look cool on TV. When people aspire to be doctors, it might be because their father is a famous doctor."

"In a nutshell, dreams are closely tied to one's surroundings."

"But most people's dreams are just talk, and that Kushima or something..."


"Oh, Kushida obviously has very strong initiative. What is the reason for her dream of being friends with everyone? I really can't imagine."

After all, everything is speculation. He has no evidence. Anyway, whether she listens or not is Himeko Yukino's own business.

"For example, has she ever been ostracized?"

"Do you think she looks like someone who would be ostracized?"

"Not really..."

Himeno Yuki frowned and shook her head.

No matter how you look at it,

Kushida doesn't look like someone who would be ostracized. If she were ostracized, she wouldn't be able to become what she is now.

After all,

People who have been ostracized are mostly like Hikigaya here.

A person's dream,

Is basically related to family environment and experience.

Simply put,

Being friends with everyone!

This is a dream for those who have been ostracized.

People who used to be ostracized.

Can't become someone as versatile as Kushida Kikyo

If there really is such a person,

At most, they might just establish a small circle around themselves.


That person must be extremely strong and sharp-witted.

Their spirit could rival that of a deity.

Kushida Kikyo is clearly not like that, her dreams are not pure.

Of course,

All of this might just be Hikigaya's malicious speculation.

"Speaking of which."

Anyway, she didn't take Kushida Kikyo too seriously, Himeno Yuki didn't care much and said, "Hikigaya, have you been ostracized before?"

"Why do I have to tell you about my dark past?"

Hikigaya was somewhat unhappy to say.

Although he doesn't mind revealing his dark history, he also doesn't like to offer his dark history as a joke voluntarily.

He is build different after all.

"Come on, tell me."

Himeno Yuki hugged Hikigaya's arm and acted coquettishly.

"I don't want to"

Feeling the softness coming from his arm, Hikigaya's face turned red. He wouldn't fall for this trick.

"Ah, you're blushing."

Himeno Yuki mischievously poked his cheek with her finger: "You're quite cute when you're shy. I thought you were a more calmer person."


Hikigaya quickly slapped her hand away and hurried into the elevator.

Himeno Yuki followed behind him. Fortunately, she seemed to know her limits and didn't continue to ask questions.

"By the way, I just realized I don't have your contact information. Let's exchange contacts."

"Well, okay."

Hikigaya operated his phone and they quickly exchanged contact information.

The school's mobile phone is also a student ID card, which contains personal points. It's best not to let others see it.

In terms of risk management, he's doing pretty well.

"See you tomorrow, Hikigaya."


I don't want to see you again!

This girl just likes to tease him and watch him make a fool of himself.

Her personality is really too bad.

Hikigaya walked out of the elevator and returned to his dorm room. He quickly picked up his phone and opened the contact list to find Kushida Kikyo's name.

The three dot in the upper right corner.

Delete and block in one fell swoop!

He can't afford to offend this kind of bitch.


As for Himeno Yuki

Although I've added Himeno Yuki's contact information, it was done by someone else on their behalf.

Indeed, operating it yourself and watching the contact list increase brings a faint sense of joy.

For now, let's just keep it. Whether to contact or not is uncertain.


On the other side,

In the middle of the night.

Kushida Kikyo returned to her dorm room. After washing up, she wrapped her delicate body in a pure white towel and picked up her phone with a cold expression on her face.

Earning everyone's trust is not an easy task.

Naturally, there's no need to mention that she can't have a boyfriend. That would arouse the hostility of most girls unless the guy is a piece of trash that nobody wants.

Daily maintenance is also essential, requiring a lot of personal time to maintain relationships.

Otherwise, relationships will naturally fade away.

Thinking about this,

Kushida Kikyo dialed the new friend Hikigaya Hachiman's number.

"The number you dialed is busy, please dial again later..."

"The number you dialed is not in service, please..."

Even if it's hard to believe,

At this moment,

Kushida Kikyo had no choice but to believe that he had actually blocked her!

"Damn it... why?"

"Hikigaya Hachiman, I will make sure you fall head over heels for me, then expose all your dark history and make you the laughingstock of the entire school. This cannot be tolerated."

Kushida Kikyo's face twisted, her fingers clutching the phone turned slightly white, and her exquisite face became full of violence with a hint of murderous intent.

Rejection is one thing,

But no one has ever dared to fool her like this before.

Acting friendly in my presence, but blocking my contact behind the scenes.

Do you think blocking me will end it?

Dream on!


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