Chapter 042: Strategy Meeting, Ichinose's Strength


Hikigaya reluctantly opened his eyes, looking at Shibata in front of him and Kanzaki behind him.

Kanzaki seemed to have slept in another tent and had specifically come over to remind them of their duties. Was this guy's heart black?


There was also the task of protecting the leader.

After a bit of tidying up, the three left the tent.

The base was next to the wooden house under the cliff.

The three climbed down the cliff using a ladder. Ichinose and Shirogane seemed to have been waiting for a while.

The base machine was perfectly covered under a sunshade.

A U-shaped wooden table and chairs were arranged around it, presumably for the girls to use for cooking and resting.

"Good morning, everyone. How did you sleep last night?"

Ichinose greeted everyone energetically.

"Good morning."

Shibata responded cheerfully, "Very well. It's my first time camping, and it feels quite fresh."

"The boys' side is okay."

Kanzaki said with a serious face, "Although it's not as good as the dormitory, it's still bearable. How about the girls' side?"

"There's no problem on the girls' side either."

Ichinose explained frankly, "Although there are some minor conflicts, everyone has decided to endure it together."

Enduring together.

What a commendable youth.

Hikigaya yawned as they gathered around the base.

The base should have been refreshed at four o'clock, but considering factors such as work hours and physical exhaustion...

Ichinose decided to gradually delay it.

It would be best if it could be delayed to 8-4-12 o'clock three times.

He deliberately looked at the cliff.

The view was also blocked by a sunshade, so other people should not be able to observe this side.


Shiranami swiped her card again to occupy the base.

"As for Kaneda matter, do you have any thoughts?"

There was still some time before everyone woke up. Kanzaki found a chair and sat down on the side, "I watched Kaneda last night. He slept very deeply."

Hikigaya was somewhat surprised. It seemed that he was overthinking things.

Ichinose and Kanzaki were so excellent that they couldn't possibly be unguarded.

In this case...

Yesterday's tent allocation must have been deliberate. He and Shibata were assigned to one tent, deliberately separated from Kaneda, while Kanzaki stayed behind to monitor him voluntarily.

Impressive indeed!

"In this case, the possibility of him coming to cause trouble is not high."

Shibata pondered for a moment and nodded his head.


He might not necessarily be a spy, he could also have been sent over deliberately to cause trouble.

Hikigaya also found a corner to sit down in.

A person's thoughts are indeed somewhat flawed. However, he still leaned more towards Kaneda being a spy.


Since Ichinose and others already had a sense of vigilance...

He probably didn't need to worry about anything anymore.

"But..." Kanzaki expressed some doubts, "What does Ryuen want to do? According to Kaneda, Class C has used up all their points."

"We'll know if we go and investigate today. He shouldn't be stupid enough to tell such an obvious lie."

Hikigaya also couldn't figure this out.

It's not impossible if it's purely for enjoyment.

His main issue was that he had no understanding of Ryuen, having only heard about him from Ichinose and others, as a delinquent. 

"Zero-point strategy."

Ichinose suddenly said, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Zero-point strategy?" Kanzaki looked back in surprise: "What does that mean?"

"Even if what Kaneda said is true."

Ichinose explained with a hint of doubt in her tone: "Even if Class C uses up all their dedicated points, as long as they hide the last person, they can get fifty class points for each leader they guess correctly on the last day."

"What's the reason?"

Hikigaya asked with some confusion.

"Yeah." Shibata also looked puzzled: "What's your reason for thinking this way?"

"There's no special reason."

Ichinose shook her head: "It's just that in my eyes, Ryuen is not someone who would give up easily. Instead, he pursues victory very persistently."

"I really can't imagine him giving up the exam directly."

Ichinose explained with difficulty: "So the only possibility I can imagine is this one."

"But..." Shibata hesitated whether to speak.

"I understand your concerns."

Ichinose also looked troubled: "After all, even if Ryuen could guess three class leaders, he could only get a maximum of 150 points, which is far less than the benefits of taking the exam normally. And if he guesses one wrong, all his previous efforts will be wasted."

The risk and reward are not proportional.

You could even say that the risk far outweighs the reward.

Would anyone really choose such an unreliable strategy?

Hikigaya also had some doubts.

But he had no understanding of Ryuen, so it was better to trust Ichinose's judgment here.

"That's right."

Kanzaki thought for a moment before nodding: "And wanting to survive alone on this uninhabited island for seven days without being discovered by anyone is not an easy task. Can Ryuen really do it?"

Surviving alone for seven days.

It's not hard to say it's hard, but it's not easy either.

After all, there's not a shortage of food on the island. If you don't mind the living environment, it shouldn't be a big problem.

The problem is what if you catch a cold or get injured.

Then you're done for.

Again, the risk is too high and the reward too low. It could even be said to be gambling.

"So what do we do next?"

Shibata looked puzzled: "We can't just kick Kaneda out like this, can we? What if everything he said is true?"

Hikigaya didn't really care. After all, he didn't have much to do with Kaneda and didn't plan to have anything to do with him.

But Ichinose and others might find it hard to accept.

If Kaneda was telling the truth and was kicked out and had to live on the island for seven days in order to stick to the exam, wouldn't that be too pitiful?

Ichinose and Shibata.

Both are the kind of people who would extend a helping hand without hesitation even if they have nothing to do with the other party.

"It's fine."

Ichinose stood up and showed a bright smile: "No matter whether Ryuen is considering such an impractical strategy as zero-point strategy or not, as long as we can guard against Kaneda well, Ryuen's zero-point strategy will collapse on its own and at worst won't affect us!"

"As long as we can pay attention normally, Kanzaki-kun, although it's a bit sad for Kaneda-kun, after all it's an exam. Please pay more attention to Kaneda-kun at night."

"When occupying strongholds, I will tell Kaneda not to get close. That should be no problem."


Kanzaki looked serious and nodded without hesitation.

Heroic Kanzaki really reassures people.

With his personality, he would probably keep an eye on Kaneda even if he didn't sleep for seven days.

On one side, Hikigaya felt a bit of a headache.

Ichinose and Shibata and Kanzaki were all better than him. Although they were kind-hearted, they were not idiots. They naturally knew how to keep an eye on Kaneda.


There is a saying that there are a thousand days to be a thief but no thousand days to guard against a thief.

But Class B had already made such a decision.

He didn't have much of a choice.


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