Chapter 070: Self-blaming Ichinose

Class A: -200 class points; zero personal points.

Class B: -100 class points; 500,000 personal points gained.

Class C: +300 class points; 4.5 million personal points gained.

Class D: -50 class points; 1 million personal points gained.

After this preferential treatment exam, the class points for each class are:

Class A: 924 points.

Class B: 866 points.

Class C: 792 points.

Class D: 259 points.

Only about 60 points behind Class A.

However, it's also only about 70 points ahead of Class C.

Although they guessed the preferential treatment person in the Dragon Group, Class B was completely wiped out, and Class C undoubtedly achieved an overwhelming victory.

If there is a traitor.

It must be Class D.

But the result of -50 for Class D left Hikigaya a bit confused.

If all three preferential treatment persons in Class D were guessed.

It should be -150.

If the Ape Group won on the first day, it should also be -100.

This result.

Can only indicate that one group of preferential treatment persons in Class D.

Successfully hide it.

"This is troublesome..."

Watanabe shook his head helplessly: "I didn't expect Class C to catch up so quickly."

"Don't worry." Shibata comforted: "We're only one step away from Class A, aren't we?"

"That's true."

Watanabe sighed and nodded: "But how did Ryuen do it?"

"There's only one possibility."

Kanzaki also said solemnly: "Someone in Class A or Class D betrayed the class for personal points."

"Class A is impossible"

Shibata was somewhat incredulous: "They are originally Class A, as long as they hold onto the throne of Class A, there is no need to betray the class for personal points."

"That's true..."

Kanzaki thought for a moment and nodded in agreement: "But I've met Sakayanagi once, she's a very dangerous person, she will satisfy her own desires even if it harms the interests of the class."


Watanabe was even more confused: "Can such a person be supported by the class?"

"Yeah, it's really impossible."

Kanzaki thought for a moment and agreed, Hikigaya on the bed was also listening to their conversation.

People who blatantly betray the interests of the class.

Can't be supported by the class.

To understand the VIP person of the whole class, one must gain a certain trust in the class.

Even if there are one or two exceptions.

But it's impossible for such a large number of people to prefer to risk falling behind Class A in order to betray the class interests.

The judgment is indeed in Class D.


Hikigaya couldn't help but say: "Why don't you consider the possibility of a traitor in Class B?"

Although he didn't think there would be a traitor in Class B, it was a bit too much not to talk about it at all.

"How is that possible."

Shibata was somewhat speechless: "There can't be a traitor in Class B."

"What's the reason?"

"The reason?"

Shibata then stroked his chin in thought, "Because everyone gets along well, I don't think anyone would have any dissatisfaction with this class, right?"


Watanabe added, "We're not far behind Class A, so there shouldn't be anyone who would betray us, right?"

"Those aren't reasons, are they?"

Hikigaya said somewhat speechlessly, "Anyway, I feel that Ryuen and Katsuragi are not weak, even if they rise to Class A, there is a possibility of falling again."

"In that case, even if you aim to save twenty million personal points and wait until the end to rise to Class A, it wouldn't be strange, would it?"

Although it seemed a bit argumentative.

But he felt these guys were a bit too optimistic

Because everyone gets along well? So no one would betray?

What kind of messed-up logic is this?

The world is not likely to be made up of bad people from a bad mold.

Usually, they are good people, at least ordinary people, but at the critical moment, they turn into bad people, which is why they are scary.

"I don't think so."

Kanzaki turned to look at him, "In Class B, the only person who didn't give their personal points to Ichinose for safekeeping is probably you."

"So let me ask, Hikigaya, are you a traitor?"


Hikigaya's mouth twitches.

So that's how it is—people from Class B giving their private points to Ichinose. Indeed, there couldn't be a traitor.

Although it felt that this attitude of having no doubt about their own class was not very good, even the exam was not considered.

But they all handed in their personal points except me, it seemed there was really nothing to doubt.

The person most likely to betray the class is actually him

Alright then.

Whatever you say.


Kanzaki's mouth showed a hint of a smile, "Hikigaya, I don't quite understand what you're worried about, but so far, I've always felt that Class B is the best class, and Ichinose is the most outstanding leader."

"For now, let's work together."


Hikigaya lay on the bed nonchalantly.

There are many smart people in this world, and he is not the only one who has concerns.

But at least Ichinose did a good job.

This time it was just that Class D somehow had a traitor, but they were only one step away from Class A.

It doesn't seem to be a problem.


The next day.

The exam is over, and the cruise ship is heading back to the port.

Hikigaya, as usual, enjoyed his holiday, climbed onto the deck and headed to the top floor cafe.

A wonderful figure attracted his gaze, Ichinose was standing alone by the railing at the stern of the ship, looking out at the sea.

It's rare to see Ichinose alone, she's always surrounded by friends, and more importantly, the worry on her pretty face is really concerning.

"What are you doing?"

Hikigaya asked as he approached.

No matter what, this girl wouldn't be thinking of jumping into the sea, would she?

"Ah, Hikigaya?"

Ichinose came back to her senses, scratched her hair embarrassingly and said, "Do you need something from me?"

"Not really,"

Hikigaya hesitated for a moment and still spoke, "I just saw that you seemed a bit down and came over to ask, did I bother you?"

"Eh? No, not at all."

Ichinose quickly waved her hand, "Rather, I'm quite happy that Hikigaya came to talk to me on his own initiative, it's just..."

After hesitating for a moment.

Ichinose turned her head to look at the sea, her mouth slightly bitter,

"After hearing your reasoning, Hikigaya, I roughly guessed who the privileged one in the Rabbit Group is, and I'm very sure, but in the end, I didn't submit the answer to the school."

"That's very much like Ichinose."

Hikigaya nodded.

Considering the cooperation between Class B and Class D, even if Ichinose knew the answer, she probably wouldn't betray Class D.


"Ichinose pursed her lips and spoke softly, 'When I saw the results, I couldn't help but regret... If I had submitted the answer to the school at that time, Class B might have lost fifty fewer class points, and then we might have been able to rise to Class A in the next exam.'"

Looking at the lost face in front of him, Hikigaya also realized that he seemed to have misunderstood.

Ichinose is not as strong as she appears.

She also feels guilty and lost.

However, in Hikigaya's view, this is due to Ryuen's strength and the appearance of a traitor, and Ichinose doesn't need to feel guilty about it.


Having a strong sense of responsibility,

Is one of the essential elements of being a leader.

No one would want to follow someone who is unwilling to take responsibility for the organization.

"How should I put it..."

Hikigaya chose his words carefully, "You said as long as everyone works hard together, right? If we lose this time, we can win back next time."


Ichinose seemed to cheer up again, showing a bright smile, "As long as we can win next time, it's fine. Thank you, Hikigaya, it's really great to hear you say that. By the way, what are you doing here, Hikigaya?"

"It's nothing."

Hikigaya explained, "I'm about to go to the coffee shop."

"Oh, I see, then I won't bother you. Thank you, Hikigaya."

Ichinose thanked him again, waved her hand, and turned to leave.

Looking at her departing figure, Hikigaya sighed helplessly.

He really doesn't know how to comfort people. If he knew how to comfort people, he would probably be the most popular person in the class by now.

Ichinose is clearly just forcing herself, not wanting him to see her vulnerable side.


With such a strong heart, she certainly doesn't need him to worry about.


Back at school.

The people of Class B disbanded on the spot.

Although they were about to be caught up by Class C, they were only one step away from Class A.

This defeat seems to have strengthened Class B's determination to work hard.

Everyone was promising how they would work hard, if it was before, Hikigaya would completely believe they were just talking.

But for Class B.

Hikigaya didn't know whether it was true or false, anyway, he returned to his dormitory alone to rest.

There is still more than half a month left until the end of the summer vacation.

Without Komachi.

Hikigaya doesn't have high demands for material life.

But with so many private points, he wouldn't treat himself too badly.

The next day.

Hikigaya left the dormitory and went to Keyaki Mall Shopping Center, wanting to enjoy himself.

Keyaki Mall Shopping Center

Unlike the beginning of school, several buildings in the shopping center are now blocked by renovation plastic cloth.

Looking at the scene in front of him, listening to the clanging shouts around him, Hikigaya was a bit excited.

This should be the school adopting his suggestion, preparing to set up some hidden shops in the shopping center to improve student happiness, and by the way, it can also improve the quality of life of the teaching staff.

If his guess is correct.

There should be a new ramen shop inside!

It's just not clear which brand shops the school will allow to settle in.


Given the pace of the renovation and the trial operation phase,

 it seems that it might take another one to two months. 

Hikigaya somewhat dissatisfied with the slow work efficiency of the Japanese government, So he decided to go to the cinema.

In his spare time, 

His hobby is watching movies, occasionally going to the library to borrow books to read back in the dormitory or club.

Hikigaya skillfully approached the counter 

and chose a B-grade movie

Generally, these low-budget movies don't have many viewers,

 but occasionally you can find gems among them.

He looked at the bottom right corner of the seating chart, but unfortunately, it was taken. Reluctantly, he checked the bottom left corner, but that was also occupied. All four corners were taken.


why do people in Japan like corner seats so much?

If they launched 'corner' merchandise, it would surely be popular.

Perhaps it's because the exams just ended. 

Currently, the cinema is only showing this one movie, and quite a few people are watching this B-grade film.

After hesitating for a moment.

He still chose the third seat from the bottom right corner, leaving an empty seat between him and the person in the corner.

After buying a can of MAX coffee, 

Hikigaya went to the screening room and found his seat. 

The person two seats away had already entered the room. Under the dim light, all he could make out was that she was a short-haired girl, but her fierce eyes were unforgettable.


Hikigaya couldn't help but let out a disgusted sound.

Isn't that Ibuki Mio from Class C? If I remember correctly, she's quite scary.


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