Chapter 077: Caring About You, Has Nothing to Do with You

"Sit down."

Ichinose curled up her legs and sat on the lawn, patting the empty space next to her.

"No need, I can stand."

Hikigaya shook his head.

Sitting with Ichinose, I'm afraid I'll be killed by other people's stare, forget it.

"Then I'll stand too."

" don't have to worry about me."

"But isn't it strange for one to stand and the other to sit?"


Hikigaya hesitated a bit, and Ichinose was still smiling and patting the empty space next to her.

Letting Ichinose worry about his feelings doesn't seem to be very good.

Thinking about it,

Hikigaya sat next to Ichinose, leaving a space between them.

"Hikigaya, you want to ask about the entry form, right?"

Ichinose tucked her hair behind her ears and said, "Apart from the individual competition where everyone participates, the only thing you need to participate in is the mixed Three-legged race recommended for men and women."

"Why did it turn out like this?"

Hikigaya's mouth twitched.

There are too many people in Class B who have better physical education scores than him. With his physical education scores, even if he doesn't participate in the recommended competition, it's justified.

Three-legged race

Although it doesn't require very strong strength.

It focuses more on the cooperation and coordination of the two people.


Mixed Three-legged race for men and women.

He would rather participate in the 1200-meter relay for the whole grade and lose face.


Ichinose said somewhat helplessly, "There are really too few people willing to participate in the mixed Three-legged race for men and women, maybe some are shy."


I'm afraid they're all in a state of wanting to participate but being a little embarrassed.

The number of people who actively sign up may not be very many.

After all,

If someone take the initiative to participate.

The intention to approach girls is too obvious.

"There can't be none at all, why is it me, and who is my teammate..."

Hikigaya asked somewhat helplessly.

As expected, This kind of job that no one wants is always pushed to him.

But he also has unspeakable difficulties.

Why do the girls who relayed with him in junior high school always like to say things like 'why is my previous baton Hikigaya, it's really bad'.

If he participates in the mixed Three-legged race for men and women, the other party may choose to give up directly.

"There are a few indeed."

"But in the end, I decided to let Hikigaya participate."

"As for the teammate..."

Ichinose suddenly turned her head and looked at Hikigaya, her mouth showing a bright smile, "It's me!"


Upon hearing this, Hikigaya fell silent.

If it's just simply pushing the unwanted work to him.

Although Hikigaya will complain, he will eventually complete it well, no matter how vicious the other party is.


If The teammate is Ichinose...

Obviously, it can't be considered this way.

Even if he, who rarely communicates with others.

Also understand the charm of Ichinose, beautiful, attractive body, cheerful personality, she is undoubtedly the most dazzling school flower of ANHS.

With Ichinose participating.

There must be no shortage of boys willing to participate in the two-legged race.

Choosing him as a partner, there is undoubtedly only one reason.

"Remember, I have told you..."

Hikigaya clenched his fist and looked directly into Ichinose's beautiful eyes, "Ichinose, if you are out of sympathy, please don't do this."

Only this point.

He will never back down.

Even if he is despised, scolded, and spit on by others, he is not so pitiful that he needs someone to sympathize with him.

These people, what qualifications do they have to sympathize with others arbitrarily.

"I remember."

"If I say that our physical education scores are comparable, you should accept it more easily, but I won't say that."

Ichinose, with her hands around her knees, looked up at the sky and murmured:

"Actually, I've been thinking about how to get you to fit into the class. You might not need it, but that's what I've been thinking."


Even though he had said he didn't need it, why was she still clinging on?

"Because... I can't help it."

Ichinose shook her head helplessly: "I thought about respecting your thoughts, so I didn't deliberately approach you."


When they met, 

Ichinose would greet him, but without a special reason, she wouldn't get too close.

"But this is not working."

Ichinose, with her hands around her knees, her body slightly swaying, gazing at the sky as if envisioning the future, unconsciously revealing a smile.

"I really can't leave you alone."

"I want to see you fit well into the class, make close friends, and see you smile from the heart."

"Finally, I want everyone to graduate from Class A together!"


Hikigaya clenched his fist.

This presumptuous sympathy made him uncomfortable.

"I know."

Ichinose glanced at his expression and laughed: "I am indeed taking care of you and I don't deny that there is indeed some sympathy in it."

"All of this is my presumption, which makes you uncomfortable. So, if you hate it, just refuse, if you don't like it, just avoid it, if you resent it, it's okay to curse."

"Before you fit into the class and make friends, I will always take special care of you, and my first step is let's start with becoming my partner."

"The competition form has been decided now, or do you think, Hikigaya, it's okay to cause trouble for the class?"

Ichinose got up and walked to his side, leaning forward and extending her snow-white hand, wanting to pull him out of this quagmire.

The radiant smile on her pretty face was like an angel.

"How could... it be like this..."

Hikigaya opened his mouth slightly, not knowing what to say.

How could there be such a person in the world?

No matter what he does, no matter how vicious his words are, Ichinose will always want to accommodate him.

What is this?

Mother Mary?

Absolutely an angel!

A real angel!


Hikigaya still felt strange.

If he is said to be twisted and introverted to the extreme, then Ichinose must have some problems too.

"I just want to be like this."

Ichinose still kept her hand extended: "So, what is your answer, Hikigaya?"


Hikigaya looked at Ichinose's small white hand, propped himself up from the ground, and he really couldn't accept this sympathy.

"When does the training for the three-legged race start?"


Ichinose took back her hand and smiled indifferently.

Indeed, as she said.

No matter what Hikigaya does, she will definitely let him integrate into the class.

"I see."

Hikigaya nodded and turned to leave.

Speaking of which.

It's really troublesome.

It seems that he doesn't have the right to refuse at all.

"I see..."

Hikigaya suddenly thought of Shibata's words, so that's what he meant, does this guy like Ichinose?


Ichinose just treats him as a wet dog, simply giving sympathy.

Ordinary people might retreat because of his words, but Ichinose can't ignore him no matter what.


How could he compare with Shibata.

Hikigaya also couldn't help thinking.

Ichinose seems to be different from those gentle girls in junior high school.

Is this the real gentleness?

She can't abandon anyone.


This kind of character.

Is it really okay in this school?


On the sports field, 

Hikigaya stood on the rubber track, his body leaning to the outside, trying hard to pull away.

Ichinose squatted on the ground.

With a red ribbon, she tied his right foot to Ichinose's left foot.

I don't know if it's an illusion,

Even through the sportswear, Hikigaya could feel the touch from her body, and the body temperature that made his heart itch.

"Still...still not okay."

Hikigaya was a bit nervous, "I get nervous when I touch this kind of thing, let's change someone else, I'll pay for this!"

Individual competitions cannot be replaced, and absence will be treated as forfeiture directly.

But recommended competitions.

As long as you spend a sum of personal points, you can replace it.

"It's okay."

"Just practice more."

Ichinose stood up gallantly, while stretching out her arm.

"Wait, I'm sweating a lot."

Hikigaya quickly stopped.

Feeling like he was in a sauna, he was sweating all over, and it was a bit too much to let Ichinose reluctantly accept it.

"So what?"

Ichinose tilted her head a bit confused, and then looked at his raised palm and said:

"And, you didn't sweat at all, Hikigaya-kun, why do you always like to find such excuses, do I make you uncomfortable?"

"That's not it."

Hikigaya said somewhat embarrassedly, "It's just that girls in junior high school always like to spray deodorant at me, you don't have to comfort me."


Ichinose's face stiffened.

Spraying deodorant directly at someone was a bit too much.

She could already sense that Hikigaya must have some unbearable past, and just hearing one thing made Ichinose feel a bit sad.

"See, no sweat."

Ichinose turned his hand over and let him see for himself.

"Besides, sweat is not a big deal, it's just a normal physiological phenomenon, it's a proof of a healthy body."

"That makes sense..."

Hikigaya looked at the fine sweat on his palm.

Indeed, there was still sweat.

But it seemed that not all girls would dislike it.

"Alright, let's start practicing."

"Eh? What are we doing?"

Ichinose raised her soft arm and hooked it around Hikigaya's waist, which startled him.

"Hikigaya, um? Hug my shoulder, otherwise how are we going to practice the three-legged race?"


Having never cooperated with anyone in a three-legged race, Hikigaya didn't quite understand, but it seemed to make sense.

"Or, should we change partners?"

Hikigaya turned his gaze away with a somewhat blushing face, it was too embarrassing.

"Alright, let's not waste any more time."

Ichinose lifted his right hand and put it on her shoulder.

"Alright, here we go, 3, 2, 1, run."


Hikigaya hurriedly lifted his foot to keep up.

Three-legged race.

The most important thing should be to pay attention to the other person's rhythm, he had been observing other people all the time, this was not very difficult for him.

By the way,

Hikigaya hugging Ichinose's shoulder, feeling the delicate body in his arms, he simply couldn't ignore Ichinose's existence.


"Hikigaya-kun, it seems that we have a good compatibility."

After a lap, Ichinose said somewhat happily.

Even though it was a three-legged race, it felt no different from running by herself, this level should be enough to get the desired result.

"We can untie it now, right?"

Hikigaya looked at the red rope on his foot and said somewhat awkwardly.

It felt like this lap was more tiring than running ten laps.


"It seems that Hikigaya-kun is a bit tired, let's call it a day."

Ichinose squatted down and untied the red rope: "But, we have to continue training tomorrow."

"This speed is enough, right?"

Hikigaya was not unwilling to continue training, just felt that it was not good for the heart.

"We can't be careless."

"While we are training, other classes will not relax either, so we have to work harder."

"Then I'll go back to practice throwing first, Hikigaya can also practice some other events with Kanzaki and others."

Ichinose smiled and turned around to leave back to the girls' camp.

Hikigaya looked at her back somewhat helplessly.

Sure enough

Corporate slaves have no choice.


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