Chapter 084: The opening of the sports festival, what is this protagonist template?

The sports festival begin.

All students in the school lined up to enter the venue and listened to the opening declaration of Fujimaki-senpai.

Around the rubber track.

Many school medical staff are preparing medical tents, and there are sporadic spectators in the stands, most of whom are staff of Keyaki Mall Shopping Center. It's different from other schools.

The schedule of this school's sports festival is quite tight, and there will not be too many spectators.

Hikigaya breathed a sigh of relief.

After dealing with the activity report of the Sheep Shearing Club, he has been training with Ichinose and others.

Although he did not slack off, the actual effect was not ideal.

There are too many outstanding people around.

Although he did not slack off, Shibata and others are not only talented, but they work harder, and they really can't win.


"Leave this sports festival to me."

"I will definitely win the first place in the individual race!"

Shibata was running in place, and his bright smile was really reassuring.

"You are really reliable."

Ichinose stretched out her white little hand to the middle and smiled, "But we can't leave everything to Shibata and them, we have to work hard too."

"I...I will also work hard."

Shiranami Chihiro plucked up the courage and nodded, put her little hand on her hand, and then other people also put their hands on one after another.


Ichinose looked at Hikigaya and smiled.


Hikigaya's face turned red.

He walked over with some embarrassment and put his hand on top.

If you think he can achieve good results, it is really troublesome, excessive expectations will only crush people.

I can only do my best.

"Everyone, one, two, three, come on!"

With Ichinose's shout, Hikigaya blushed and slapped his hand.

It's really embarrassing.

How do these people do it?



The 100-meter race begins.

The first grade moved to one end of the playground to prepare for the race.

The girls are lined up at the end.

Waiting for the next women's 100-meter race.

Hikigaya looked at the simple entry form.

It's the eighth group and the sixth lane, and the same line is Hamaguchi Tetsuya from Class B.

Others people lookedl familiar.

It seems that only Yamauchi Haruki and Ike Kanji from Class D are there.

Wait, why I remember these two.

It's just because these two are noisy and stupid, they are really too conspicuous, from another angle, they are also famous people in the school.

This group doesn't seem to be very strong.

"Hikigaya, come on~"

Hamaguchi smiled and raised his fist, seeming to want to fist bump with him.

"Ah, oh."

Hikigaya was a little embarrassed to bump him.

Are you foreigners?

Can you improve your performance by bumping it?


Just then, the starting gun sounded. Hikigaya also turned his head to look at the track. The first group of first-year boys immediately sprinted out.

A redhead baboon instantly left his competitors behind, taking the first place with an overwhelming advantage. "Hey, is he a human? He is just like a monster." 

Hikigaya was simply stunned.

He must have crossed into a parallel world, how could this monster run faster than Usain Bolt. It might be a bit exaggerated. But it feels like this guy could totally become a professional athlete.

Why is he still in school? "You should know him, that's Sudou from Class D, he should be the ace of Class D, and also the opponent we need to pay the most attention to." 

Having said that, Hamaguchi Tetsuya also laughed and patted his shoulder, "But, don't be too nervous, we just need to do our own thing."


Hikigaya nodded. It feels like Hamaguchi wants to comfort him, but he doesn't need comfort.

After all, he can't win against that monster Sudou. If you can't win, then give up. This is his style of doing things, just do his best in the competitions where there is a chance.

At this time. The starting gun sounded again, about every twenty seconds. It only takes four minutes for all the boys to finish running, then it's the girls' race, and then it's the senior race.

The first-year 100-meter race may take about thirty minutes. Therefore. On the football field inside the playground.

There are many girls who are being excluded and are cheering for their class. However. The ones that can make the girls cheer are basically some popular characters in the school and the class aces.

Even if you don't want to remember it. Names like 'Hirata', 'Shibata', 'Sudou', 'Kito'. Still enter the brain like noise.

This group of damn winners, why haven't they exploded yet. Soon. It's the eighth group's turn.

Hikigaya walked onto the sixth track to prepare for the race. "Hikigaya, come on!"

Just then, a cheer attracted his attention, Hikigaya's face turned red and he quickly turned his head to look.

Himeno Yuki put her two snow-white little hands to her mouth, acting as a loudspeaker and cheering for him. "Hamaguchi too~" 

Hamaguchi laughed and waved his hand, then whispered:

"Hikigaya, you and Himeno have a good relationship." 

"It's not, idiot, she is just cheering her classmate, didn't she also cheer for you?"

"But I feel like her cheering for me just a bonus..."

"It should be because you were running in the fifth race, she didn't see you just now." 

Hikigaya squatted on the ground, posing in a crouching start position. It is proven.

No matter who participates in the competition, the students of Class B will cheer for him. "Hikigaya, come on!" 


Can you stop shouting? It's very embarrassing. As the starting gun sounded, Hikigaya suddenly exerted force under his feet, gritted his teeth and sprinted forward, but unfortunately he was soon overtaken by a figure next to him.

He didn't even see who the other person was. A group of people almost reached the finish line at the same time. Regrettably, he only got second place, the first place was Hamaguchi Tetsuya from the same class.

Hikigaya once again recognized his own strength. This is still the eighth group without any strong players, even if he tries his best, he can only get second place. Okay.

Second place is already good. With his grades. Being able to get second place is already a blessing from the goddess of luck.

Otherwise. In a normal group, with his physical education grades, he can probably only rank fourth or fifth. He can't ask for too much.

Under the urging of the teacher, Hikigaya and Hamaguchi Tetsuya returned to the Class B camp to wait for the next event. As for the other competitions. Hikigaya just took a simple look.

Although there are many beautiful girls in this school, Hikigaya is just like ordinary boys, looking at them with appreciative eyes. Himeno Yuki, with her ponytail, danced on the track. Regrettably, she got second place.

And Ichinose seems to have only got fourth place because of the weight on her chest. His physical education grades are indeed similar to Ichinose's. Soon.

Ichinose and others returned to the camp, observing the senior competition. The first grade feels like it's a back and forth fight. But.

The third-year A class led by Horikita Manabu and the second-year A class led by Nagumo Miyabi have achieved an overwhelming advantage. 

With this situation, it's almost impossible for the white team to win over the red team. Shifting the target to being the first in the grade ranking might be easier.

"Hey," Himeno Yuki sneaked over to Hikigaya and gently kicked his calf, lowering her voice somewhat unhappy, 

"I just cheered for you, how come you only get second place?"


Hikigaya laughed dryly.

You cheered for me, so I must get first place? What kind of logic is that?

"No way, I only have this strength."

"Besides, there is Hamaguchi, so there's no difference, right?" 

Anyway, the first and second are both in Class B, what's there to pick about this result?

"Although that's the case,"

Himeno Yuki lowered her voice across a position, "But don't you want to get more private points?"

"No chance, I'm not interested either," 

Hikigaya said flatly. Although he does want private points, if it's too difficult, forget it, the sports festival clearly exceeds his personal strength.

As for Himeno Yuki being one position apart, Hikigaya had no opinion. This girl always pretends to be good in front of the class. Rather, Hikigaya was a bit surprised that Himeno Yuki would come over to chat at this time.


Hikigaya retorted directly, "You're also get second place, how dare you talk about me." 


Himeno Yuki's face turned red, and her voice was a few points lower, "You saw it..." 

"What's the problem,"

Hikigaya said somewhat speechlessly, "I'm also a member of Class B anyway, and I'm free to sit here, I will watch my classmates' competitions."

"But, Ichinose only got fourth, you're better than her, by the way, aren't you slacking off, why do I feel you run much faster than in physical education class."

In the same group as Himeno Yuki is Horikita Suzune from Class D, but she only managed to get second place with a slight gap. This made Hikigaya have to suspect that she has been slacking off.

But considering that Himeno Yuki has been pretending to be good in class, there is indeed such a possibility. 

If the performance is too outstanding, I'm afraid it will be excluded by the girls. Although he doesn't think this will happen in Class B, on the other hand, it will be entrusted with high expectations and all work will be pushed to those who are capable. 

In fact, Class B is now operated independently by Ichinose, and Kanzaki is just an assistant on the side. Himeno Yuki, although not averse to parties, likes to be alone by nature. It's understandable to want to slack off.

Just hearing his words, Himeno Yuki's face stiffened for a moment, and then she said somewhat displeased,

"You are always alone, how can you see it so clearly, even Ichinose and their grades, disgusting!" 

This girl is really too much.

Hikigaya glanced at her and didn't say much, after all, Himeno Yuki was just shifting the topic. Since she didn't want to talk, Hikigaya wouldn't delve into her life. "I've said that I'm a member of Class B, I also watch others not just Ichinose,"

Hikigaya looked at Horikita Manabu on the field and chatted casually. As expected of the commander, he is overwhelmingly strong. "Who are you kidding, you must be watching the girls with lustful eyes!" 

Himeno Yuki said mockingly. It's really too understanding of these boys, after all, this is also human nature. "Impossible" 

Hikigaya quickly denied, although he was watching the girls, but he was not such a person. "Then tell me what place Kanzaki is?" 

"First in the second group, the same group's A class Katsuragi is second."


Hearing his answer, Himeno Yuki was stunned for a moment, unexpectedly this guy was really not just watching the girls. "Can you really see the whole situation?" 

Himeno Yuki was a little astonished. Basically, there is a game every few people, and it is not easy to see the whole situation. "It's not that amazing."

Hikigaya said flatly, "I just looked at them because I bored and I don't know most of the people here, I just to watch them to pass the time." 

After all, except for sitting here, he has nothing to do.

Although he saw a few outstanding guys, but he mostly didn't know them, those who had contact were only Sudou and Hirata. "Then do you think we can win this time?" 

Knowing that Hikigaya's desire to rise to A is not high, Himeno Yuki did not ask too much, whether to assist Ichinose completely respects personal thoughts.

"Can't win." 

Hikigaya looked in the direction of the senior grades, fearing that Himeno Yuki didn't know, and then explained, 

"That student council president Horikita Manabu and vice president Nagumo Miyabi are overwhelmingly strong, and several seniors standing next to them are all in the top two."

"That's true."

 Hikigaya was overthinking, Himeno Yuki said somewhat helplessly,

"I heard that the two of them were praised by the school as the most outstanding students in the past fifty years."

In terms of school information, Himeno Yuki would know more than him. "What kind of protagonist template is that."

Hikigaya was somewhat speechless.

Two geniuses who have not been seen in fifty years, making it like the protagonist of a light novel. If it follows this template, the first grade might have a genius who only appears once in a hundred years to specifically face slap. That's too scary.


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