Chapter 086: So, Hikigaya Begins to Doubt

Relying on Ryuen and others, they easily won the flagpole competition. Then came the girls' throwing competition. Ichinose and others who often train have achieved overwhelming excellence, and then it was the senior grades' competition. Hikigaya sat on the folding chair, looking at the people who were congratulating each other.

But no one mentioned what happened in the pole-falling competition just now. This time, Class B and Class C belong to the white group. After all, Ryuen easily won, probably wanting to turn a blind eye to Ryuen's affairs. It's not hard to understand, it's too normal.


Hikigaya still felt.

As a member of Class B, it's better to report anything to the leader, and how to decide is Ichinose's business. Thinking of this. "Ichinose."

Hikigaya walked lightly behind Ichinose. "Ah?"

 Ichinose turned her head, looked at Hikigaya somewhat helplessly, and said, 

"Hikigaya, your way of talking will make people very nervous, it's better not to do this." 

"Ah? Oh..."

Hikigaya was a bit embarrassed. After all, there are always many people around them, and it feels a bit embarrassing to talk directly. He can only use this method. "Then Ichinose, can I borrow a little time?"


Ichinose said a few simple words to Amikura Mako and others, and came to a corner of Class B with Hikigaya.

"Hikigaya, what's the matter with you looking for me?" 

"Did you watch the pole push competition just now?" 

"I saw it." 

Ichinose nodded with a sweet smile, "It looks like a very fierce comparison, but thanks to Ryuen and others, we can easily win the game." 

"Fierce huh..."

Hikigaya murmured, "Actually, I saw Ryuen and others beating, to be precise, trampling on Sudou from Class D." 


Ichinose frowned and fell into thought. She pursed her lips and said somewhat complicatedly, 

"As expected, Ryuen used some disgraceful means. What does Hikigaya want to do?"

"Eh? Me?"

Hikigaya was stunned for a moment. Don't push the problem to me, you are the leader of Class B. "I won't do anything..." 

Hikigaya said indifferently.

In other words, it was thanks to Ryuen and others' performance that the white team could win. He also prefers to do nothing. Anyway, it's stupid not to take advantage of it. But if there is a disadvantage, he must complain fiercely and criticize the school for being unfair. "As expected, I knew Hikigaya would say that..."

 Ichinose nodded and smiled, "Then, if I let Hikigaya testify for Class D, what does Hikigaya think?"


Hikigaya also didn't care and nodded. The two classes are cooperative relationships. Although he is not familiar with Class D, he has no special opinions. Anyway, the decision needs to be made by Ichinose. He only needs to do his duty and not cause trouble for Class B. Everything else is left to the leader to decide. "Okay."

"Then let's take advantage of the senior grades' competition, Hikigaya, walk with me, how about it?"


The two of them turned around and left the Class B camp. Hikigaya walked beside Ichinose and didn't care,

"are we going to help Class D?"

"That's not it."

Ichinose looked at Hikigaya beside her and smiled, "The victim is Sudou from Class D, and the decision naturally needs to be made by Class D." 


Hikigaya nodded in agreement.

This is a matter between Class D and Class C. Class B is just a bystander and can only be said to be worthy of Ichinose.

If it were him, Hikigaya would definitely pretend that nothing had happened, considering he was the one who benefited.

"But, Class D hasn't had any disturbances yet, they probably don't plan to appeal to the school, right?." 

Hikigaya looked at the camp of Class D and said, Sudou, Hirata and others were arguing with a blond man. He didn't know this blond guy. 

He just sat elegantly on the chair looking at the mirror, his burly figure looked like he was quite good at sports. But in the previous games, Hikigaya remembered that he seemed to have never seen him play. Looking at his performance, he didn't seem to be injured or sick. Could it be that he skipped class directly? 

Not planning to participate in the sports festival? Hikigaya could only admire, Class D is really full of talents, all kinds of people.

Anyway, it's all about Class D, it has nothing to do with him.

"That should be the case."

Ichinose also looked over there and nodded, "But, let's tell them our attitude first." 

Saying that, the two came to the Class D camp, and the blond Hirata took the initiative to greet them, somewhat puzzled,

"Ichinose, I wonder what brings you here?"


Ichinose moved her body to the side, introducing Hikigaya, "Time is limited, I'll make it short."

"This is Hikigaya Hachiman from our class, according to him, he saw Ryuen and others maliciously trampling on Sudou during the flag pole competition." 


Hirata glanced at Hikigaya, his cheerful face suddenly stiffened.

"No, there's no such thing, maybe Hikigaya, you saw it wrong just now?"


Hikigaya was stunned. 

We are here to help, what kind of attitude is this?

"No, Hirata, you might have misunderstood."

Ichinose quickly explained, "If Class D needs it, we can testify for you."


Hirata finally breathed a sigh of relief, somewhat puzzled, "But now Class B and Class D belong to the white group, if we appeal, the school may cancel the results of the flag pole competition, Ichinose, why would you help us?" 

"Although that's indeed the case."

Ichinose shook her head, "Although that's indeed the case, we can't turn a blind eye to Ryuen's tricks, how can we accept a game won by using despicable means with peace of mind."

"By the time, we hope that Class D will request a rematch. We will definitely win again with our true strength!"


Hikigaya felt like he was being scolded.

Sorry, he is one of those who want to accept it with peace of mind.

"As expected of Ichinose."

Hirata shook his head with a bit of bitterness:

"Although we appreciate your kindness, we don't want to make a big deal out of this incident and won't appeal to the school. The white group can win the flag pole competition, which is also Ryuen's method. Ichinose, you guys just accept it."


Hikigaya was stunned again, what's wrong with this person?

Class D was bullied by Ryuen's despicable tactics, and they still have to swallow their anger?


Hikigaya really couldn't understand the thoughts of Hirata, Ryuen and others.

Anyway, the victim himself accepted it, and it doesn't matter to him, it's better to do less than more, Hikigaya doesn't plan to say much.

"I see."

Ichinose looked at Sudou in Class D who was a bit resentful, and nodded:

"Well then, Hirata, if you need anything, you can find us at any time. Hikigaya is also willing to testify for you. Moreover, I will remind Ryuen later, I hope he will not use these despicable tactics again."

"Is it, thank you so much, Ichinose."

"Then we'll go first."

Ichinose nodded and turned to leave, and Hikigaya followed her.

Until they left a certain distance.

"Are you going to Class C again?"


Ichinose looked at the senior girls who were competing and said, "There should be enough time, let's hurry up."


The two sped up.

Hikigaya followed behind Ichinose, feeling a bit puzzled.

In a short while, the two came to the Class C camp.

"Ichinose, and Hikigaya?"

Ryuen appeared in front of the two, and the group of younger brothers seemed to be resting in the camp.

His sharp eyes fell on Hikigaya, and he was a bit curious:

"This combination is really rare, Ichinose, I should have said that I refuse to cooperate this time, what are you doing in Class C?"


Ichinose had a smile on the corner of her mouth, but her tone was somewhat serious:

"You used improper violent tactics against Sudou from Class D in the flag pole competition. I want to persuade you not to use such small tactics again."


Ryuen frowned and looked at Hikigaya, "I really can't understand, Ichinose, first of all, we didn't do the violent tactics you said, and even if we did, what does it have to do with you?"

"Don't you plan to admit it?"

Ichinose laughed indifferently, "It just so happened that Hikigaya from our class saw you trampling on Sudou. If necessary, he will testify for Class D."


If they appeal to the school, Class C will definitely be disqualified from the exam, considering Sudou's injury, they might even be suspended.


Ryuen was even more puzzled:

"If, I say if what you're saying is true, it's just accidentally stepping on it, and there's something I don't understand even more."

"What does this have to do with Class B? We belong to the same white group and won the pole push competition. Isn't it good for you Class B to enjoy the fruits of victory?"


Perhaps the two of them think somewhat alike, Hikigaya even wanted to give Ryuen a thumbs up.

This has nothing to do with their Class B.

Since Ryuen likes to use despicable tricks, isn't it good for them to take advantage of it?

"No, Ryuen."

Ichinose shook her head: "Just as you said, we belong to the same white group this time. If your careless tricks affect our Class B, that would be bad. This matter naturally has something to do with Class B."


Hikigaya pondered, if it were him, he would probably take advantage of Ryuen, and then sell Ryuen when the time comes.

Directly eat from both Class C and Class D, it's indeed not very glorious.

But Ichinose's consideration also makes sense, and it's upright and upright. Since she decided this way, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Ichinose, you are really a good person."

Ryuen sneered, and after a while, he disdainfully said:

"In that case, if our Class C causes dissatisfaction from the school, all losses of Class B will be borne by our Class C, there should be no problem, right?"


Ichinose hesitated a bit.

Such a proposal should be no complaints, but Ichinose still seemed a bit reluctant.

"Don't worry."

Ryuen sneered, disdainfully said: "Our Class C's goal is also to win the game, it's just some necessary means, we won't do anything excessive to those idiots."

"Is that so."

Ichinose nodded: "Forget it, since that's the case, Ryuen, you better think clearly. If Class D needs evidence, we will testify. You should know how effective this human testimony is for the same white group."

"How scary..."

Ryuen waved his hand mysteriously and returned to the camp without saying anything more. Hikigaya couldn't help but feel...

Ryuen seems to understand Ichinose better than him.

After all, this is also a helpless thing, although they belong to the same class, but he has very little contact with Ichinose.

Strictly speaking, except for Himeno Yuki.

He doesn't have much contact with all the people in Class B, and even less understanding than people outside the class.

"Let's go."

Hikigaya followed Ichinose and turned around to leave, looking at her slender back, he didn't know why he felt that Ichinose's figure was so weak.

Not to mention that he couldn't understand Ryuen and Hirata.

Hikigaya felt that he couldn't understand Ichinose at all.

Although Class D and Class B have a cooperative relationship.

But only this time.

Class B and Class C are in the same white group, which is the real cooperative relationship.


Ichinose still wants to assist Class D, so she wants to use this warning method to limit Ryuen's play.

Strictly speaking.

This is not to assist Class D.

But it's to prevent anyone from getting hurt because of Ryuen's tactics.

Hikigaya was watching Ichinose's back.

He originally thought she was just a rare genuinely gentle person, but now it seems to be true as Ryuen and others said.

Ichinose is not just a good person, but almost like an angel.

Only in this way.

It can explain why Ichinose came to warn Class C.

But what's wrong with being an angel?

Ichinose gained the support of all people in Class B in just a few days, and it is said that she is also widely trusted in the entire school.

Such leadership is unmatched.


Hikigaya couldn't help but doubt, can such a character really lead Class B to Class A?

After thinking about it.

Hikigaya still thinks it's better to forget it.

Whether Ichinose has the ability to rise to Class A, this is not something that a person of his level can see.


Anyway, even if Class B cannot rise to Class A.

Hikigaya will also slowly aim at twenty million personal points.


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