Chapter 090: Legendary Race, Disgusting Guy

On the rubber track.

Ichinose crouched down, a red ribbon tying their legs together, then she stood up and hugged Hikigaya for support.


"The race is about to start."

"Hikigaya, hurry up and put your arm around my shoulder."

Watching the opponents around them already prepared, Ichinose smiled and urged.


Hikigaya's mouth slightly lifted.

Naturally, he reached out his right hand and put it around Ichinose's fragrant shoulder.

During this training period, he had already gotten used to touching Ichinose's skin.

Women, you know! Once you get used to it, it's not a big deal.

Moreover, it's just for the sake of the race, with no room for misunderstandings.

It's just the beginning of autumn, the weather is still a bit hot.

But Ichinose's body feels comfortably cool.

Feeling the soft touch on his palm, the faint fragrance from Ichinose, and the soul-catching gaze from the audience.

Hikigaya blushed.

No, it's too embarrassing.

It feels like he's about to be killed by the audience's laser beams.

"Hikigaya is really gentle."

"It's already a formal race, so you can exert more force."

Ichinose looked ahead, speaking gently.

It's clear that Hikigaya just placed his hand on her shoulder, and he even wants to take it off.

"No need."

"It's just a game, that's enough."

Hikigaya quickly focused his attention. At this moment, Chabashira Sae raised her right hand holding the starting gun and covered her ears with her left hand and pulled the trigger.


With the sound of the starting gun.

Hikigaya and Ichinose seemed to have practiced countless times.

Both of them lifted their feet at the same time and ran forward. Hikigaya paid attention to Ichinose's rhythm, and the other party must have deliberately taken care of his pace.

Even though it was a three-legged race between two people, the two of them acted as one.

The speed is almost no different from his own running.


The shadows of the people around were gradually left behind, and the two of them crossed the finish line with an overwhelming advantage.


"Great, Hikigaya-kun, we are the champions!"

Ichinose hugged Hikigaya's waist, her slight panting caused a wave in her chest, she smiled and raised her hand wanting to high-five to celebrate.


Hikigaya withdrew his hand from her shoulder, moved his gaze away somewhat awkwardly, and touched her white little hand shyly.


Ichinose showed a satisfied smile, squatted down and untied the binding tape:

"The gap between the white team and the red team is too big this time, we are afraid it will be difficult to win, but the first in the grade, I feel there is still some hope."

Thanks to the internal strife of Class A, Ryuen's sinister tactics, and their Class B's unity, the white team achieved an overwhelming advantage in the first grade.

But in the higher grades.

Class B and Class C are basically being suppressed by Horikita Manabu's commander and the yellow-haired Nagumo Miyabi, the gap is huge.

It's not just hard to win, it's almost certain to lose.

"So, Hikigaya-kun, you have to come to the sports festival afterwards."

Ichinose untied the binding tape, stood up and invited with a smile.

"No, I won't go."

"No, I've thought about it, even if Hikigaya just sits on the side and eats, the celebration banquet must be attended by the whole class."

Ichinose looked at Hikigaya with a smile.

Even if there is nothing to do at the celebration banquet, as long as you participate, you can have the opportunity to interact with people, which will definitely benefit Hikigaya.

"I didn't expect, Ichinose, you are surprisingly tough..."

Hikigaya was a bit helpless.

Hikigaya was a bit helpless.

It seems that as Ichinose said, even if he refuses, Ichinose will continue this special care.


Ichinose did not refute: "I won't be like this to other people, but for Hikigaya, I think it's necessary to use some tough measures, which will be more effective."


Although it's a bit unreasonable.

But Ichinose has admitted that she will carry this unreasonableness to the end, so there is nothing to say.


This time, he has a legitimate reason, Hikigaya raised his hand to refuse:

"I have something to do after school today, I really can't participate."

"What's the matter?"

"That... private matter."

Hikigaya hesitated a bit.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with Class B, there should be no need to explain to Ichinose.


Looking up and down at Hikigaya, Ichinose thought for a moment, and gradually figured out Hikigaya's behavior pattern, and wondered:

"Is this matter unrelated to Class B?"


"Then this matter is very important? Is it more important than being with everyone in the class?"

"It should... probably... maybe... I guess?"

Hikigaya is not very sure.

After all, it's related to 150,000 private points, it's quite important, right?

Ichinose's pink lips showed a triumphant smile:

"Then it can't be said to be unrelated to Class B, I want to see what kind of thing can make you, Hikigaya, feel more important than the classmates in the class, I will go with you after school!"

"Eh, aren't you a bit unreasonable?"

Hikigaya felt a bit uncomfortable.

Although it wasn't anything shameful, it was just using his personal affairs to help Horikita Manabu do something.

He didn't dislike Ichinose's way of doing things, but being specially cared for by a beautiful girl like Ichinose, Hikigaya still felt a bit uncomfortable.


Ichinose nodded frankly:

"Hikigaya doesn't have any particularly good friends, so it shouldn't be something hard to say, right?"


Hikigaya had to compromise: "I took 150,000 private points from the president...Horikita, and he asked me to keep an eye on his sister after school today, so she wouldn't be bullied."


Ichinose was slightly stunned, feeling a bit bitter:

"Horikita's borhter should be Horikita Manabu, right? Hikigaya is really amazing."

"Is that so? I just running errands for him and keeping an eye on her sister, and call him if something happen."

"Can you tell me more about it?"


Hikigaya thought for a moment, indeed there was nothing that couldn't be said.

Although he was indeed in the wrong for taking on private work outside, but with a kind leader like Ichinose, she probably wouldn't be too strict, right?

Class B is a very democratic company!

Apart from the love and hatred between Horikita Manabu and Horikita Suzune, Hikigaya recounted his conversation with Horikita Manabu in its entirety.

Although he often talks behind people's backs, when it comes to other people's privacy, Hikigaya decided not to gossip.

"I see..."

Upon hearing this, Ichinose nodded:

"Although I don't think Ryuen would do anything excessive, as a brother, President Horikita is really worried about his sister."

"That's it."

After thinking for a moment, Ichinose smiled: "Then let's change the celebration dinner to tomorrow, Hikigaya should be free tomorrow, right?"

"Eh? Why did it become like this?"

Hikigaya was suddenly stunned.

"I told you."

Ichinose pointed at Hikigaya with her jade-like finger and laughed: "I won't leave you alone, we are all the best partners in the same class, and everyone must participate in the future celebration dinner!"


Hikigaya still felt a bit awkward.

"If Hikigaya doesn't come, the celebration dinner won't start. Do you think it's okay for Hikigaya?"

"I know, I know."

Hikigaya was a bit helpless: "Is it okay if I go?, but don't blame me if the atmosphere gets worse."

"It won't, everyone will be very happy if Hikigaya can come!"

Ichinose laughed unconcernedly.

Although he seemed unsociable, Hikigaya was actually very good in nature.

The two walked side by side back to the Class B camp.

The next 1200-meter relay race does not require the two of them, who are sports chickens, to participate.

"Welcome back~"

"Honami-chan, Hikigaya-kun, good job."

Shiranami Chihiro handed Ichinose a bottle of mineral water, and by the way, Hikigaya also had one.

Looking at the mineral water in his hand, Hikigaya couldn't help but be moved.

Someone would actually give him water.

If this were in junior high school, it would be unimaginable.

Class B is a good class, no, ShiranamiChihiro is also a kind child.


Shiranamu should be using class funds.

Suddenly, Hikigaya felt a little shaken, whether to simply hand over the personal points to Ichinose for safekeeping.

It's always a bit embarrassing to use class funds all the time.

But thinking about it.

Hikigaya still gave up.

Although it's a bit inappropriate, but fraud always starts with gaining the trust of the victim.

Money still needs to be kept in his own hands.


Hikigaya nodded lightly, took the mineral water and turned to leave.


Ichinose suddenly grabbed his wrist and said, "Shibata and the others' relay race is about to start, let's cheer for them together!"

"No, I just..."

"Everyone was cheering for us just now."

Before Hikigaya could finish speaking, he was refuted by Ichinose's righteous words.

Since others have cheered for him, he naturally has to cheer for others, which is the most normal thing.

Hikigaya returned to Ichinose's side somewhat embarrassed.

"That's right."

Shiranami Chihiro, standing on the other side of Ichinose, said excitedly, "You two were so amazing just now, it's like you were one person."

"I think so too."

Ichinose also nodded in agreement with a smile, "I have a great chemistry with Hikigaya, but this might be because Hikigaya is always paying attention to my rhythm."

"There's no such thing.

Hikigaya, who was praised, said somewhat embarrassedly, "It's all because Ichinose understands me very well, that's why we can run so fast."


Don't always say the word "chemistry" that is easy to misunderstand.

It's really too embarrassing.

"I think..."

Shiranami Chihiro's face turned slightly red, and she hesitated to say:

"You two don't need to be modest. Honami-san and Hikigaya-kun are both people who often pay attention to others and are very gentle, so your cooperation will be so tacit, which is what is called good chemistry?"

"That makes sense."

Ichinose's beautiful eyes smiled and nodded, "Everyone in Class B is very good. As long as you know them for a long time, no matter who it is, you will notice the gentle side of the other person."

Hikigaya's face turned even redder.

If the other party is not Ichinose and Shiranami Chihiro, he might proudly admit that he is a gentle person.


Not to mention the simple Shiranami Chihiro, Ichinose always feels that she is implying something. Ichinose is indeed gentle.

But he.

The loner is just paying attention not to cause trouble to others.

It has nothing to do with gentleness.

In order to divert attention, Hikigaya looked at the field somewhat embarrassedly.

The ace player of Class B, Shibata, is the last one, but the opponent is Horikita Manabu's commander and the yellow-haired Nagumo Miyabi.

It must be a fierce battle.

Soon, Hikigaya actually found Ayanokouji, is this guy also very strong?

Can he actually run the last baton?

"Class D seems to have changed people, is that Ayanokouji?"

Ichinose also looked at the last baton with a little doubt.

"Is that guy good at running?"

Hikigaya was a little confused.

The last baton of the relay race is undoubtedly the ace among the elites of each class.

Except for the pervert, he didn't have much impression of Ayanokouji.

I remember seeing it occasionally during the competition.

I remember Ayanokouji's grades should be just mediocre.

Moreover, who watches men in sports games, most of the attention is still on the vigorous figure of the girls.

"I don't know, I'm not very clear either."

Ichinose thought for a moment and shook her head. Although she knew Ayanokouji, she didn't know much about him. 

But the results of the sports games are obvious to all, Ayanokouji's strength is not enough to be the ace of Class D.


Hikigaya watched Ayanokouji's figure, hesitated for a moment, and still said:

"Previously in the flag pole competition, I felt that Ayanokouji was somewhat... how should I put it, strangely out of sync? It gives people a very disgusting feeling, it's better to be wary of that guy."

He also found it hard to explain this feeling.

But at least Ayanokouji is not a qualified loner, but an alien who deliberately disguises himself as a loner.

Perhaps only he and Onizuka, who are such reclusive beings, can understand Ayanokouji's strangeness .


"It's not good to talk bad about others behind their backs! Don't worry, I will be more cautious of them."

Ichinose responded somewhat seriously.

As expected, Hikigaya was not surprised at all that Ichinose would respond like this.

Although Ichinose said she would be cautious, Hikigaya also believed that she would pay more attention during the exam.

However, it feels like Ichinose won't change much.

When the other party needs help, Ichinose will still offer help without hesitation.

It's hard to tell whether this is good or bad.

The main thing is.

Hikigaya really didn't understand.

Why Ayanokouji had to disguise himself as a loner.


Hikigaya turned his attention to the field,

As the starting gun sounded, Sudou from Class D took the lead and quickly left the others behind.


The second baton was quickly overtaken by the people from Class A in the second and third years.

High school is the time to grow.

Facing two years of time, the lower grades are at a huge disadvantage.

The first and second places were directly taken by the people from Class A in the second and third years, and Class B fell to third place.

The last baton, Nagumo Miyabi, started quickly, but Horikita Manabu, who took the baton, stopped in place and was immediately overtaken by Shibata.

"Eh, what happened?"

Shiranami Chihiro and others were immediately puzzled.

The surrounding Ichinose and others were also puzzled. The situation on the field gradually formed a one-on-one situation between Horikita Manabu and Ayanokouji, which was obviously even more bizarre.

As Ayanokouji took the baton, the two of them sprinted out almost at the same time.

Although it's clearly impossible to catch up with the first and second places.

But the two of them were like arrows off the string, their speed was so fast that they easily surpassed one or two.

"Hey, you're kidding."

Hikigaya was stunned.

It feels like these two are running like Usain Bolt, this time it's not like, this is simply not worse than Usain Bolt.

Is this really the strength that a high school student can have?

Just then, a senior fell to the ground, Ayanokouji was forced to slow down, and crossed the finish line behind Horikita Manabu.

Although he didn't get the results.

But the speed of both of them was enough to make people gasp.


"Ayanokouji actually runs so fast."

There was a burst of exclamation in the camp of Class D.

Hikigaya stared at Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's figure with dead fish eyes.

Indeed very handsome.

But why did he have to act as a loner, and then deliberately attract attention at this time.


Hikigaya can guarantee.

This guy must be doing bad things secretly behind his back.


The traitor of Class D is him!

But shouldn't traitors deliberately hide themselves, Hikigaya felt something was wrong again.

Forget it, if you can't figure it out, don't think about it.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with him what happens in Class D, it's just better to keep a distance from Ayanokouji.

He wouldn't be as kind as Ichinose.


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