Chapter 092: Don't bully people like this!

The next morning.

After the sports festival, it is a two-day weekend.

Hikigaya put on his school uniform and sat on the bed, staring at the contact sent by Ichinose on his mobile phone. The celebration banquet will be held at six o'clock in the evening at karaoke.

To be honest.

Hikigaya really didn't want to go.

It feels like going there is just sitting on the side and eating, and it will only make the atmosphere awkward.

More importantly.

The celebration banquet seems to be using class fees.

He didn't pay private points, and he felt a bit guilty about taking advantage of the class funds.

But if He don't go.

Ichinose obviously won't give up.

If because of his own reasons, the celebration banquet is forced to be postponed indefinitely, he would even feel regretful.

Hikigaya really had headache.

This is the first time he had encountered a girl like Ichinose, who is so gentle and unreasonable.

"Never mind."

Hikigaya temporarily threw such troubles behind his head.

Anyway, I have experienced it in junior high school, just sit on the side and eat.

It's already mid-October.

The weather is gradually getting colder, and he still has to buy some autumn and winter casual clothes.

He is used to be taken care of by Komachi and his mom.

Now that he is alone outside, he also need to learn to take care of themselves.

After dealing with breakfast casually, Hikigaya left the dormitory.

Yesterday, He made 150,000 private points, so I naturally have to reward myself well.


Keyaki Mall Shopping Center residential area.

Hikigaya occasionally observed the surrounding shops, and had to say that the quality of the staff here was really good.

When he used to go to the mall.

He often aroused the vigilance of the staff and was regarded as a pervert or a strange person.

Only now did he realize.

No one has ever been on guard against him.

As the grades get better and better, the average quality of the people around will also get higher and higher, and occasionally improving the grades is not a bad thing.

Perhaps it was because he earned 150,000 personal points yesterday, or because he could clearly feel that the surrounding environment was gradually becoming friendly.

Hikigaya unconsciously showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

After all, there is not much difference between T-shirts, it's good to have a few free T-shirts in summer, but winter casual clothes still need to spend some money, the quality should be better.



Just then.

Hikigaya accidentally made eye contact with Himeno Yuki in front of him, and she also opened her small mouth slightly and showed a somewhat surprised expression.

She was wearing a gray knitted long-sleeved shirt today, and a white pleated skirt underneath, carrying a pure white handbag.

It doesn't have the style of a normal student, but rather like a hot girl.

But her pretty face is as clean as a normal student, which looks a bit neither fish nor fowl.

Maybe she wanted to dress up, but was afraid of being corrected by Ichinose and others, so she became this strange dress.

There were no other people around.

It seems that Himeno Yuki is still sneaking out to hang out alone.

Hikigaya was suddenly a bit embarrassed.

If he turned around and left directly, he might be killed by Himeno Yuki. If he went up to say hello, it would feel a bit presumptuous.

Having said that.

He just listened to Himeno Yuki's complaints in the club, and occasionally met a few times outside, saying that he was a friend is a bit inappropriate.


Just then, Himeno Yuki walked up to him with a light step, leaned forward to look up at Hikigaya, and showed a smirk.

"It's really surprising that you didn't run away, I thought you would turn around and leave."


Hikigaya turned his face to one side in disgust.

As soon as she came up, she exposed people's shortcomings. This girl really has a bad personality.

"Don't mind it so much, I'm praising you."

Himeno Yuki seemed to realize that she had gone a little too far, and patted his shoulder with a smile.

"Turning around and leaving when you see an acquaintance is a very rude thing, but if Hikigaya can take the initiative to talk to me next time, it would be even better."


Pretending not to see acquaintance is indeed a rude thing, Hikigaya blushed and retorted:

"Okay, next time I will greet you when Ichinose and others are present."

This girl has always been pretending to be good in class.

If he suddenly greets her in class, it will definitely be very conspicuous. I believe Himeno Yuki definitely does not want to become like this.


Himeno Yuki looked up at him, thought for a while with some trouble.

It seems that Hikigaya can greet her, which means that he intends to integrate into the class.

It doesn't seem to be bad.

Ichinose and others will be happier, needless to say.

The most important thing is that seeing Hikigaya greet her, other people should also have self-knowledge.

Thinking of this, Himeno Yuki agreed frankly.

"Okay, as long as Hikigaya greets me, I will definitely respond well, so when are you going to greet me?"


Her good response.

Most of it is just a polite perfunctory in front of Ichinose and others.

This kind of superficial communication.

Hikigaya thought about it and felt that it was better to forget it. He was really not Himeno Yuki's opponent, and quickly raised his hand and said:

"Forget it, I surrender."


Himeno Yuki sighed faintly, raised her beautiful eyes:

"Forget it, Hikigaya, are you here to go shopping? By the way, why are you still wearing a school uniform on the weekend?"

"Buying clothes."

Hikigaya gave a dry laugh.

He felt he could already predict the direction of the conversation.

"That's perfect."

Himeno's eyes lit up: "I'm also here to buy clothes this time, let me give you some advice!"

As expected, it would turn out like this.

Hikigaya hesitated for a moment, his tone equally hesitant.

"Wouldn't it be troublesome for you if someone saw us?"

As he spoke, Hikigaya became self-conscious.

At the beginning of the school year.

Himeno Yuki had also been his advisor.

Why didn't he care about these things at the beginning of the school year, but now he started to care?

Hikigaya quickly came up with an answer, he didn't care at the beginning of the school year, but now he didn't want to cause trouble for Himeno Yuki.

Whether he likes it or not.

The relationship between the two has indeed been brought closer.


Doesn't this mean that Hikigaya also cares about her, cares about what others think of their relationship?

Thinking of this, Himeno Yuki's pretty face blushed, and she laughed a little mischievously:

"Not at all."

Hikigaya said somewhat speechlessly: "I'm talking about you. If people see us hanging out together, it might lower your evaluation. It's okay for Class B, but people from other classes might ridicule you."

"That doesn't matter~"

Himeno Yuki raised her hand indifferently, somewhat disdainful:

"There will indeed be some people who judge others by labels, but just perfunctory is fine, besides, we are still in the same club, we can completely perfunctory past."

Speaking of which.

Although Himeno Yuki's social relations are definitely much wider than his.

But this guy is always pretending to be good in class.

It's even less likely to become good friends with other classes.

Most of them are taken by Ichinose and have to deal with other people reluctantly.

Although Himeno Yuki's real personality is very bad, her social skills are at least above him, it seems that there is indeed no need to worry.

"Alright then, where to go?"

Hikigaya still gave the choice to the other party.

Anyway, if it were him, he would probably just buy a black down jacket and end the battle in two minutes.

"Okay. Let's take a look at Hikigaya's clothes first, and then you can help me look at my clothes."

Himeno Yuki looked around and quickly walked to a shop on the side.


Hikigaya followed her a little puzzled, let him choose clothes or forget it.

"I'm not bragging, if it's my aesthetics, you might become the object of ridicule in social places."

"It's okay."

Himeno Yuki fell behind a step and walked side by side with Hikigaya.

"It's just for reference, I may not choose it, besides, I look pretty good and my figure is pretty good, I should be able to take any clothes!"

As she spoke, Himeno Yuki proudly puffed up her chest, immediately attracting Hikigaya's gaze.

"I see."

Hikigaya's face turned red.

There's really nothing to refute, this girl is indeed beautiful and her figure is also very good..

The place that should be thin is thin, and the place that should be fat is also very charming.

It's just that the black hair mixed with blue, no matter how you look at it, it's a hot style, whether it suits any clothes is really uncertain.


The two came to a shop.

The signboard was written with an English brand that Hikigaya didn't recognize. After a brief glance, Hikigaya was a little helpless.

The shop is full of flashy and weird clothes, which should be the trend in other people's mouths.

Those who chase the trend in their mouths are the most personality-less guys.

Since you need to chase the trend, doesn't it mean that they don't have their own aesthetics at all?

"It seems there are no down jackets here..."

Hikigaya believes that he, as a mature and stable man, must wear a down jacket.

"Is there only a down jacket in your mind?"

Himeno Yuki rolled her beautiful eyes: "And now it's only mid-October, it's not the season to wear down jackets, there aren't many stores selling down jackets."

"Hey, don't push, don't push."

After saying that,

Hikigaya was pushed into the store by Himeno Yuki, feeling the gaze of the people around him, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

This terrible woman is always so careless.

Don't you know that men and women should not be intimate?

"So just buy a trench coat first."

"Eh? No, trench coats are not warm."

Hikigaya quickly refused.

He had tried it in junior high school, after all, trench coats are really stylish.

But as he got older,

Hikigaya also became self-aware, he really doesn't suit trench coats.

"It's okay, it's just right to wear a trench coat now, and you just need to wear a sweater inside in winter."

Himeno Yuki smiled and pushed Hikigaya to the display rack.

"And besides, you hardly go out anyway, so it's just right!"

"That makes sense..."

Hikigaya was stunned and somewhat unable to refute.

Anyway, he wears a school uniform to school, and he doesn't go out on holidays. It's more comfortable to buy a warm pajama than a down jacket.

"Then go buy pajamas?"

Hikigaya suddenly had an urge to leave.

"That will be bought later, try the trench coat first."

Hikigaya was even more headache, why do you have to buy everything?

Just then, Himeno Yuki waved to the approaching clerk, and then picked up a black trench coat and compared it in front of Hikigaya.

"That, I'm actually not very suitable for trench coats..."

Hikigaya asked somewhat helplessly.

He feels that he is really not good at dealing with Himeno Yuki, strictly speaking, he is not good at dealing with these girls.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"Okay, just this one, go try it quickly!"

Himeno Yuki stuffed the trench coat into his hand, and then pushed Hikigaya into the fitting room with her small hand.


Hikigaya looked back at Himeno Yuki who kept pushing him.

Why doesn't this girl listen to people, don't bully people like this!


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