Chapter 100: Dictatorship, Hikigaya Begins to Question.

End of October.

Classroom B.

Hikigaya sat at his desk, suppressing his excitement.

If you ask why...

That's because...

The hidden shops of ANHS officially opened today.

A lot has happened recently, such as the student council elections, but nothing is more important than the opening of the ramen shop.

The school has already issued a notice.

Keyaki Mall Shopping Center will add two new ramen shops, along with other shops.

They are Tenkaippin and Toranoana.

But they are hidden shops.

Therefore, the school only gave out the names of the shops, and the specific locations need to be found by oneself.

Hikigaya couldn't wait to start his shop-finding journey.

Today's classes seemed extraordinarily long.

Just then, the class bell rang, and Hoshinomiya Chie, swaying, walked into the classroom.

"I can't... I drank too much yesterday. Honami-chan, help me... post the midterm exam results on the blackboard."

"Teacher, are you okay? Do you want to sit down and rest for a while?"

"I need... I need to drink water~"

Hoshinomiya sat in front of the podium, acting like a child, and Ichinose poured her a glass of water.


She picked up the magnet and fixed the midterm report card on the blackboard.

Despite such an unusual scene, no one in Class B felt anything was wrong.

Hikigaya was somewhat speechless.

Does Hoshinomiya really qualify to be a teacher? He wanted a job like that too, damn it.

The report card was spread out.

The midterm exam results were displayed in front of everyone.

Without a doubt...

Everyone was above the passing line.

This time, Hikigaya also got the 14th place overall, but this was also the result of getting extra points from the sports festival written test.

Actually, it's not much different from the start of school.

In fact, the grades of this group of people in Class B are similar, and they basically hover around this ranking.

Rank changes are common.

"By the way."

Hoshinomiya, who was drinking water, seemed to remember something.

"Next week there will be a quiz for eight subjects, but the quiz content is only at the national third level, and it won't have any impact on the grades, so you don't need to worry about it."


Ichinose keenly noticed, "Teacher, if it doesn't have an impact, then what's the need for the exam? Is it just like when school started, just to see our strength?"


Hoshinomiya began to think with a somewhat headache.

"I remember."

"The school will pair two people based on the results of this quiz, and this pair will face the final exam as a community of shared future."

"There are eight subjects in the exam, with a full score of 100, 50 questions per subject, a total of 400 questions."

"There are two passing lines this time."

"One is that all subjects will set a passing line of 60 points. If any subject does not reach 60 points, both people in the pair will have to drop out."

"However, this 60 points refers to the total score of the two partners, you don't need to worry about it."

As Hoshinomiya said.

There are no students with poor grades in Class B.

Each person only needs to score 30 points, even if the last two are grouped together, it is easy to exceed 60 points.

"The other is that if the total score of the two people is a certain score, according to the past, it is generally 700 points."

"If the total score is less than 700 points, it will also be treated as a dropout."


Hikigaya breathed a sigh of relief.

In this calculation, each person scores 350 points, and each subject only needs to score about 40 points, and there will be no risk of dropping out.

This is really easy for Class B.

It seems.

The backup transfer group 

This special exam can also be easily passed.

Even if you add another 100 points, it doesn't seem very difficult.

Looking at the midterm exam scores on the blackboard, Hikigaya has this confidence.

"It seems that this time it's very simple."

"Even so, we can't be careless."

"Indeed, it's better to continue the study meeting, right?"

The people in Class B obviously also considered this point, and the written test was not difficult for Class B. The ones who might feel dangerous are probably Class C and Class D.


"Is the exam just like this? What is the way of pairing?"

Ichinose Honami confirmed again.

Although she likes Hoshinomiya's cheerful style, this teacher is indeed like a child.

"The way of pairing can only be told to you after the quiz."

Feeling the doubtful eyes of the people in Class B, Hoshinomiya Chie also coquettishly said:

"Don't look at me like that, I can't help it."

"I see."

Ichinose Honami nodded in understanding, "So, there is indeed a certain way of pairing, we need to think about it ourselves."

"Oh, not bad, little Honami, the teacher's favorite student!"

Hoshinomiya Chie gave a thumbs up and praised, "Also, there is one more thing."

"This time the exam, the test questions need to be made by you, and then distributed to one of the other three classes."

"That is to launch an [attack], and the class that is hit will become a defense, and the total score of your own class will be compared with the total score of the other class."

"The winning class can get fifty class points from the losing class."


Hikigaya frowned.

It sounds like it's nothing, but if you think about it, it's too unfair.

"Then teacher, what will it be like if it becomes a direct confrontation?"

"If it becomes a direct confrontation, for example, Class A attacks Class B, and Class B attacks Class A, the class points will temporarily change to 100 points!"

"I see."

The entire Class B had become Ichinose's one-woman show, she nodded and said:

"Teacher, are there any restrictions from the school regarding the creation of our own exam questions?"

"Don't worry, the school will conduct a strict and fair review. If the questions exceed the scope of study or are unanswerable, the school will ask you to revise them."

"Until the exam questions meet the standard, if the questions you create are still not up to par in the end, the school will replace them with questions prepared by the school in advance. But it's better for you to think of the school's prepared questions as being of lower difficulty."


Hikigaya was somewhat speechless.

Adults are indeed so cunning, they like to say such high-sounding lies, where is the fairness in this?

"Once you have decided on the class you will compete against, you can report to me. If there is an overlap with other classes at that time, the school will call out representatives to draw lots."

"You just need to tell me the class you have nominated the day before the quiz~"

"That's all."

"The rest is up to you to think about, see you tomorrow~"

After saying that, Hoshinomiya Chie, tired, waved her little hand and chose to make a quick exit.


Although Hikigaya didn't really want to say it.

But wouldn't Hoshinomiya's teaching attitude really get her fired?

It feels like...

Hoshinomiya Chie is more intent on suppressing that Chabashira_Sae than Class A.


After school.


"Don't rush off, let's have a strategy meeting first."

Seeing Hikigaya about to get up and leave, Ichinose quickly spoke up to retain him.

"No, I still have club activities..."

Hikigaya's face stiffened.

Damn it, I still have to go find the ramen shop, how can I be kept in such a place.

"You're in the Sheep_Shearing Club, right? No problem, then let's go to the Sheep Shearing Club together to have the strategy meeting." 

"Uh... no need, if it's just for a while, it should be fine."

Hikigaya reluctantly squeezed out a smile and returned to the class, feeling like he was completely under Ichinose's control.

The whole class having a strategy meeting in the Sheep Shearing Club...

Absolutely not.

Although there are two ghost members, that place is his secret base!

A boy's secret base, wouldn't easily allow outsiders to enter.

No one in Class B left, everyone gathered around Ichinose, and Hikigaya also stood on the outermost side.

He looked around, wanting to find a place to sit down.

But considering that these are other people's seats, it wouldn't be good if someone disliked it, after hesitating for a moment, Hikigaya chose to give up.

"Then let's start with the next quiz."

Ichinose sat in her seat and looked around at everyone, "Although this exam is not very difficult for us, we can't be careless, the student council will continue to hold it, what do you all think?"

"That's right, if we relax and are overtaken by other classes, that would be a pitfall."

"Yes, I agree too!"

As expected, there was a chorus of agreement from below.

Indeed, as Ichinose said, if it's just to pass the exam and avoid dropouts.

This exam is not difficult for Class B.

The only thing to consider is how to win over other classes and snatch class points from them.

"According to what Teacher Hoshinomiya said."

Ichinose pondered, "There is indeed some way to pair up, what do you all think?"


Kanzaki said solemnly, "Listening to the teacher, this kind of exam has been done before, we should be able to ask the seniors in the higher grades."

"Yes, about that."

Pure-hearted Shibata was somewhat puzzled, "Apart from the second grade which seems a bit special, I don't see many dropouts in the third grade."

"Let's not talk about Class A and Class B for now, people in Class C and Class D are generally not very good at studying, and there are very few dropouts."

As expected of the promising superstar of the football club.

He has a good understanding of the situation in the higher grades.

Hikigaya couldn't help but nod, he really didn't think that people like Yamauchi_Haruki could have any intellect, even if he directly said they were a bunch of idiots, it wouldn't matter.

Pure-hearted Shibata even tactfully said that they were just not good at studying.

He really is gentle.

In this case...

Ichinose and the others nodded thoughtfully and said:

"No matter what, there won't be too many dropouts, so the pairing method is likely to be the rule where people with high scores and low scores are paired together."

"I agree with that." Kanzaki nodded, "Only in this way can we calculate the most balanced result."

"Well, in that case..."

Ichinose turned to look at Shiranami Chihiro and the others:

"Although I don't think there's a risk of dropouts with Class B's grades, just to be safe, should we make good use of this rule?"

"Yes, it would be bad if there were dropouts due to carelessness."

"Yes, I also don't want to see anyone leave this class."

Hearing the echoing voices around him, Hikigaya had no objections.

Although with Class B's grades there's no need to worry about these things, there's no reason not to take advantage of the rules if they can be used.

Moreover, it's always better to be cautious.


On the other hand.

Hikigaya felt something strange about the scene before him.

"Next is to decide the class to compete against."

Saying that.

Ichinose looked around at the people.

This is the most important thing.

After all, this is a big deal that relates to class points.


When it comes to class points, everyone fell silent.

It seems a bit wrong to say that.

It's just that everyone else is looking at Ichinose with expectant faces, waiting for her to speak first.

"Honami, which class do you think is better to compete against?"

Shibata smiled and voiced everyone's thoughts.

"As for me."

Ichinose said without hesitation: "I hope to directly compete against Class A."

"Can you explain the reason?" The one who asked the question was Kanzaki.

"The reason is simple."

Ichinose's eyes were firm, "As long as we can win against Class A in this exam, we can move up to Class A."

"That's right, as long as we can defeat Class A, we can move up to Class A in this exam."

"Even if it's just the facade of Class A, it would be more beneficial for future exams."

"I agree too."


Hikigaya finally understood the strange feeling he had earlier.

It seemed like a harmonious discussion, but in reality, it was Ichinose's monologue, as long as Ichinose proposed an idea, no one would refuse.

Although Ichinose had sufficient reasons.

But Hikigaya really didn't think attacking Class A was a good decision, there couldn't be only him who had the same idea, right?

Thinking about this.

Hikigaya looked at the others.

Everyone's face was filled with relaxed smiles.

Alright, it seems that he really was the only one who had such thoughts.

"Is there something I overlooked, or?"

Hikigaya furrowed his brows.

He wasn't sure if it was his problem, or if the others were afraid to take responsibility, so they pushed everything onto Ichinose.

But choosing to attack Class A didn't seem like a good choice.

After hesitating for a moment.

Hikigaya still decided to speak up.

Although the person in charge is responsible, the people below should also voice their opinions in a timely manner.


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