Chapter 122: The exam is over, the sneaky girl!

Class B classroom.

Halfway through December.

The final grades of this paired exam were posted on the blackboard, and the expressions of the people in Class B were a bit disappointed.

Class B lost to Class A by a small margin and lost a hundred class points, but Class C also lost to Class D and lost a hundred class points.

The class points of each class have changed again.

Sakayanagi's Class A: 974

Ichinose's Class B: 716

Ryuen's Class C: 592

Horikita Suzune's Class D: 209

The gap that had been narrowed in several exams was once again widened by Sakayanagi.

Hikigaya was lying on the table.

Other than hard work, there is no other way, it is normal for such a strategy to fail.

In this world, who doesn't work hard?

Not to mention that they are originally better than Class A.

If it continues.

I'm afraid it will fall into a situation where Class A is leading alone, and Classes B, C, and D are fighting internally.

The only thing to be thankful for.

I'm afraid it's just that there were no dropouts in this exam.


This is also because Class B itself has better grades.

Relying on Ichinose might not work, and the focus in the future should be more on collecting personal points.

That being said.

Is it really that important to be promoted to Class A?

Hikigaya was lying on the desk observing Ichinose and others.

Whether it's Ichinose, Kanzaki, Shibata, Himeno Yuki, Kobashi Yume, Amikura Mako, Hamaguchi Tetsuya.

And Shiranami Chihiro, who is poking his back, and perhaps many more.

He just does what he can to satisfy himself.

But they all seem to want to be promoted to Class A.


Even if we promoted to Class A.

To get the opportunity to work in a dream company.

Most people will probably just become a grassroots employee, betrayed by the dreams in their hearts.

Thinking about parents who go home late every night and fall asleep immediately with a tired face.

Just in junior high school,

Komachi had to help her mother cook and take care of her family.

As a member of a wage-earning family, at least Hikigaya thinks.

No matter what company.

Being exploited as a wage slave is not a beautiful thing.

and his life right now It's just being a wage slave in a different place, why so obsessed with Class A.

A hefty salary is certainly important, but a high salary also means that you have to put in corresponding labor.

If it damages the body because of money.

It's better to choose a more relaxed job as a wage slave.

Hikigaya really can't understand.


After school.

"Can everyone wait a moment, I have something to say to everyone."

After stopping everyone.

Ichinose got up and walked to the podium, pursed her lips and bowed at ninety degrees:

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault that the class lost the exam!"

"There's no such thing!"

Amikura Mako quickly got up and waved her hand:

"Honami-chan's grades are already very good, it's hard to improve any more, it's all because of me, if I could score higher, we wouldn't lose."


Kobashi Yume also quickly walked to the podium, pursed her lips and looked a bit self-blaming:

"How could the failure of the exam be the responsibility of one person, we all have a responsibility, it would be better if we could work harder!"

"That's right, Honami-chan doesn't need to take the responsibility on herself."

Shibata also looked a bit self-blaming: "As Kobashi said, the failure of this exam is the responsibility of all of us."

"Everyone doesn't need to be like this."

Seeing the scene in front of her, Kanzaki got up and comforted everyone:

"Although it's a pity that we lost this exam, it's just a defeat, we still have a chance, as long as we work harder to win back the exam next time!"


Feeling the warmth from the small hands of Kobashi Yume and Amikura Mako, Ichinose finally showed a smile.

Thinking about the scene she saw on the cruise ship before.

Hikigaya feels that Ichinose will still find a place to bear it alone.


Hikigaya couldn't help but have a headache.

Although it is indeed as Kanzaki said, except for the preferential treatment exam, Ryuen found the root rule of the exam, mainly because there was a traitor in Class D.

This time.

It is the first time that Class B has been defeated in a strict sense.

It's not really anything.


Talking about responsibility

Without any reward and punishment system, the pressure cannot be transmitted to everyone.


Responsibility and duties are seriously mismatched.

The person leading the class is clearly Ichinose, how can everyone have a responsibility, at least those who score higher than the average score of Class A will not have a responsibility, right?

Even if there is.

The biggest responsibility should be on Ichinose.

But the problem is.

Ichinose is not the leader she wants to be, but was pushed up by others.

In that case, Ichinose can't be blamed entirely.

Honestly, doesn't anyone in Class B want to be a leader?

That's a high-quality position that can lead 39 people, control the finances of Class B, and greatly enhance one's reputation by standing out in school.

If you apply now, you can be assured of passing!

At least Hikigaya supports it.

Honestly, why doesn't anyone want such a good position?

Please, someone stand up and say they want to be the class leader!

Hikigaya will definitely give this position to that person.

As for him?

Hikigaya knows his own weight, if he takes the position, he might not only drop to Class B, but even directly to Class D.

Moreover, Hikigaya secretly glanced at the podium, a foreign object mixed in with the students was hugging Ichinose Honami and stroking her little head, probably trying to comfort her.

It was Hoshinomiya Chie.

You, a teacher, are mingling with the students like this.

Don't you feel ashamed?

And stop touching Ichinose's hair, it's almost bald.

Most people in Class B want to be promoted to Class A.

But only the class teacher.

Hoshinomiya Chie seems to be more obsessed with suppressing that Chabashira Sae from Class D than Class A.

The two were once classmates.

Perhaps something bad happened, Hoshinomiya Chie has been holding a grudge until now.

It's probably because of the current class points.

Class D is still unable to pose a threat to the upper classes, so Hoshinomiya Chie doesn't care at all.

Wanting to be promoted to Class A, but the atmosphere is so loose.

Do these guys really want to be promoted to Class A?

Hikigaya is really doubtful.

Wait a minute, right?

They wouldn't just be talking about it, but actually don't care about being promoted to Class A, would they?

After all, such a simple problem, how could Kanzaki not see it.

Are they actually just slacking off?


Then it's okay.

Why doesn't anyone in this class want to take responsibility?

December 22nd.

The long-awaited winter vacation starts tomorrow.

After school.

Hikigaya immediately returned to the warm dormitory without stopping.

The school's water and electricity bills are all free.

Therefore, the air conditioner is basically on 24 hours a day.

Although tuition is free.

But the cost of maintaining ANHS is definitely all borne by taxpayers.

In the middle.

There must be many corrupt officials who take this opportunity to embezzle everywhere, or achieve various personal purposes.

Parents are hard-working quality wage slaves.

They pay a lot of taxes every year.

"Don't worry."

"Dad and Mom."

"Your son will definitely earn back all the taxes you paid! This is also the way for the son to honor you."

"Please be sure to work hard to leave me a hefty inheritance."

Hikigaya lay on the bed playing with the handheld game console in his hand, babbling non-stop.

He used to talk to himself in junior high school.

But after being disliked by Komachi, he never said that at home again.

But now.

Anyway, he's the only one.

And it has to be said.

The sound insulation effect of this school is very good.

Hikigaya still doesn't know who lives next door.

As for the handheld game console.

Of course, it was brought back from the Sheep Shearing Club!

Although the school expressly prohibits taking things from the club out of school.

But Hikigaya found that the review was not strict.

Therefore, he just brought it back directly.

This is not him violating the rules.

But the supervision is not strict, which is equivalent to condoning crime.

Hikigaya decided to teach the school a good lesson.

This is also to make ANHS better, I hope ANHS can correct it!

At worst, he'll pay for it.

A handheld device doesn't cost much!

If he can muddle through, he naturally wants to muddle through. After all, the money spent by the school is from his Hikigaya family, and they are enemies who want to compete with him for the inheritance.

Only Komachi is allowed to compete with him for the inheritance!


He should give most of the inheritance to his sister. If they rob his money, they are robbing Komachi's money.


For ANHS, a common enemy of the Hikigaya family, they must be beaten well.

Don't worry, Komachi!

Brother will protect sister's property well, so let him use this handheld device with peace of mind!


Hikigaya opened his mouth and suddenly sat up on the bed.

It seems that something has been forgotten.

Today is the last day of the second semester, and the unreliable Hoshinomiya teacher said that the club is off today.


Didn't go to the club today.

Done for!

The club's socket has not been unplugged, and the electricity has not been turned off.

If it's usually one or two days, it's okay, but if it's unattended for such a long time during the winter vacation, a fire will occur.

This is not a small matter that can be solved by dropping out of school.

I'm afraid that even if all the family property is compensated, it will be a bit difficult, and the inheritance of himself and Komachi may be ruined.

What the hell.

It turns out to be just such a small thing.

Hikigaya got up, took off his pajamas, changed into his uniform and left the bedroom.

Just go back and turn it off.



Because it was a return trip, there were no people in the school.

Just at this time.

A sneaky figure appeared in front of the corridor.

Hikigaya looked up at the other party, and could only see a slender back.

The yellow waist-length hair is tied into a high ponytail, and the bottom is the white pleated skirt of the uniform.

The only special thing is.

Even though the weather has turned cold, she still tied the burgundy school uniform around her waist, revealing the blue shirt inside.

It's the so-called idiot who wants demeanor and doesn't want temperature.

At first glance, she is a hot girl who likes to yell everywhere in junior high school.


Hikigaya was a bit surprised. At this moment, this hot girl was trembling with her delicate body, shrinking her shoulders, and constantly dialing the phone in her hand to her ear.

But the other party doesn't seem to intend to answer.

She seems to be scared?

It just.

Although it feels familiar, he doesn't know her.

It's better to stay away from such a spicy girl. Having a Himeno Yuki is enough for people to bear.

Hikigaya still decided to stay away.

I feel this girl will be a trouble.