Chapter 129: Feeding Porridge, If It Were Him.

Dormitory Building 1103.

Hikigaya was carrying two plastic bags, nervously observing his surroundings, somewhat guilty, he looked up at the surveillance equipment above his head.


This is his first time stepping into a girl's territory, he wouldn't be caught, would he?


This is the first time he has been outside the fifth floor.

For some reason.

Although the layout is exactly the same as the fifth floor, the air is filled with a pleasant fragrance.

Honestly, if someone saw him, he wouldn't be caught, would he?

Fortunately, it's during the winter vacation.

The students seem to have all gone out to play, there's not many people around.

Hikigaya quickly rang the doorbell.

"Ding Dong~"

"Hikigaya? Wait a moment, I'll be right there."

As soon as the voice fell.

The door was opened from the inside, Karuizawa pushed open the door wearing a pink pajama, with a white towel tied on her head.

"Alright, come in quickly."

Karuizawa said weakly.

"No need."

Hikigaya handed the plastic bags in his hand to her:

"I bought some cold medicine, and some white porridge, remember to eat it yourself, a total of 2600 private points, this is the receipt."


Karuizawa's forehead popped out a well sign.

She was simply stunned.

Although she could think of bringing white porridge to a sick person to make her happy, but you want to turn around and leave, what does this "357" mean?

Moreover, she's not sick at all.

It's already vacation, who wants to eat white porridge?


It's just a Hikigaya, it's still quite easy to deal with.

"Thank you..."

Karuizawa weakly took the plastic bag, her snow-white little hand unconsciously loosened, and the lunch box with white porridge fell to the ground with a bang.


Hikigaya was a bit dumbfounded.

Is she already sick to this extent, she can't even lift a box of porridge.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to be so heavy."

Karuizawa quickly squatted down, her delicate body softened and she leaned against the wall, "Don't mind, I'll clean up the rest..."

In front of Hikigaya.

Just watching Karuizawa pick up the plastic bag shakily, showing a reluctant and somewhat bitter smile.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

Hikigaya was a bit angry, "You're already sick like this, why didn't you say it earlier, how could you leave a sick person unattended."

"I'm sorry..."

Karuizawa was startled, and lowered her little head somewhat guiltily.


Hikigaya sighed, somewhat puzzled:

"If you don't mind, you go back and clean up first, or should I clean up?"

"Really, thank you."

Karuizawa secretly made a victory gesture in her heart, dealing with Hikigaya is really a very easy thing.

The two walked into the dormitory.

Hikigaya took a brief look around, Karuizawa's room was perfectly different from his.

The walls were covered with pink wallpaper, along with many cute stickers, and the sheets were also a girlish color.

She's indeed a loose woman.

"Where's the mop?"

"Oh, it's in the bathroom."

"You go rest first."

Once Karuizawa was comfortably lying on the bed.

Only then did Hikigaya go into the bathroom, taking out the mop without daring to look too much, and cleaned up the stain from earlier.

When he returned to the bedroom.

Karuizawa was clutching the quilt, her two eyes, like sapphires, were watery and looking at him.

"Don't worry."

"I didn't do anything."

Hikigaya said somewhat speechlessly.

Even without surveillance, he wouldn't do anything bad.

"It's not..."

How could it be surveillance, Karuizawa mumbled, hiding her blushing face with the quilt:

"I always feel that Hachiman is good at housework."


Hikigaya looked even more speechless, "And why are you calling me by my name, we've only met three times."

"What does it matter... you can call me Kei."

Karuizawa hummed, "And isn't it the second time we met? Why would it be the third time..."


Hikigaya's face stiffened and he looked away.

The first time was on the uninhabited island, if it wasn't for yesterday's incident, he wouldn't have remembered it, Karuizawa probably wouldn't remember it either.

In elementary school, he was also called disgusting because he remembered everyone's names on the first day.

He wouldn't make that mistake again.

"Then I must have remembered it wrong."

Hikigaya put the mop back in the bathroom, then returned to the bedroom again.

"Then you rest well, I'll go first."

"I'm hungry..."


Looking at Karuizawa's watery eyes, Hikigaya's face was full of disgust.

He had already brought it for you.

It was you who spilled it, okay?

Damn it.

Even he hasn't eaten yet.

But seeing the towel on Karuizawa's head, Hikigaya really couldn't bear it.

Forget it.

The sooner it's done, the sooner it's over.

"There should be some ingredients in the kitchen, I'll make you something to eat."

"There is, thank you so much."

"You're welcome, five hundred private points."


Karuizawa pretended not to hear, her mouth corner sneaked a smile, watching Hikigaya walk into the kitchen, in a moment she could smell a fragrance.

In less than a moment.

Hikigaya returned to the bedroom, placing the white porridge on the bedside table.

As for the side dish, it was just a bit of pickles that he brought earlier, it didn't fall on the ground so it's not inedible.

"Alright, I'm going."


Karuizawa's eyes were resentful.

Why does he always want to leave, does he not want to stay with her that much?

The rest is not to mention.

At least, Karuizawa is very confident in her own face, it is precisely because she is too cute that she is bullied by those people.


Karuizawa got up forcefully, the back of her head hit the wall.

"It hurts..."

"Are you okay?"

Hikigaya quickly stopped and walked back, looking at the scene in front of him somewhat helplessly.

"I told you, you're bound to catch a cold if you keep doing this."

"I'm sorry..."

Karuizawa touched the place where she had just hit, and felt embarrassed.

"That... can you feed me, I feel like the ceiling is spinning, my head is so dizzy."


Hikigaya hesitated for a moment, finally sighed helplessly, and pointed to the chair in front of the desk:

"Can I sit?"


Karuizawa was slightly stunned, but quickly nodded.

"Yes, you can."

"You just lean on the bed like this."

Hikigaya dragged the chair to the side of the bed and sat down, scooped up a spoonful of white porridge and brought it to her mouth.

The rich white porridge was steaming hot.

Karuizawa's lips just brushed the spoon, and quickly recoiled.

She glanced at him with some resentment:

"Um... it's really hot."


Hikigaya suddenly felt a bit awkward, but he was also hesitant.

If he blows it cool, would he be accused of having bad breath?

Although Komachi didn't seem to say that, other girls might have different opinions.

After a moment of hesitation,


Hikigaya still blew the porridge cool and brought it to Karuizawa's lips. Her crystal-clear lips reflected a glossy shine as she sipped from the spoon.

While he breathed a sigh of relief,

Hikigaya added a few pickles to the spoon, blew on it again, and offered it to Karuizawa's lips once more...

For a patient, this should be more appetizing, right?


Karuizawa drank the porridge, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"I always feel like Hachiman is good at taking care of people."

"Well, sort of. After all, there's Komachi."

"Komachi? Who's that?"

"My sister."

Hikigaya didn't stop his actions.

No choice.

After all, their parents were workaholics, and apart from providing money, they had no time to take care of them. The Hikigaya family adopted a laissez-faire parenting style.

When Komachi used to get sick, he was mostly the one taking care of her.

But when Komachi graduated from elementary school, she started taking care of him.


After finishing feeding the bowl of porridge, Hikigaya felt his palms were sweating.

No choice.

They were currently in the girls' dormitory, and it was just the two of them alone together. Just thinking about it made Hikigaya unavoidably nervous.

"Alright, take your medicine. I'll go back now."


Karuizawa's gaze was resentful, lips pursed:

"Can you wait until I fall asleep before leaving? I had a nightmare last night, and I'm really scared..."


Hikigaya furrowed his brow, inwardly struggling.

After experiencing what happened yesterday, it's not surprising that Karuizawa had nightmares, but why does this slut matter keep coming up?

"Then take the medicine first."

Watching Karuizawa drink the cold medicine, Hikigaya sat down, clapping his thighs.



Karuizawa, with her big Kazi eyes, stared at the boy in front of her.

"Why are you staring at me?"

Hikigaya was somewhat speechless, "Hurry up and sleep. If you don't sleep, I'll leave."


Karuizawa pursed her lips, "Do you really believe Ayanokouji is the one behind Class D?"

"Who knows, do you sleep or not?"

Hikigaya was truly getting a headache.


Who cares if Ayanokouji is behind it or not? He only knows a few people, and his social circle is quite limited.


Karuizawa hesitated, "Why don't you ask me? Aren't you curious?"

"Don't joke around."

Hikigaya became even more speechless, "Even when Ryuen treated you like that, you didn't say anything. Does it make a difference if I ask? Won't you say anything different?"


Karuizawa, holding the blanket to cover her pretty face, murmured, "Yeah."

"Not interested. Do you sleep or not?"

Hikigaya was truly getting a headache.

He can't even handle Class B, so who's going to deal with the mastermind behind Class D? Instead of that, it's better to recognize all the classmates in Class B first.


Karuizawa revealed a smile at the corner of her mouth and closed her eyes.

This guy saved her.

He really has no ulterior motives, and he's eager to get away.

Maybe this is true gentleness.


He's handsome, smart, and even though his personality is a bit awkward, careful observation reveals that it's quite good. 

How can she easily let go of such a perfect man?

Karuizawa completely believed.

In the future, it's very likely.

She may never encounter someone who would selflessly fight for her like this again.


She wonders if he can accept her as she is.

Karuizawa's small hand hidden under the blanket touched her abdomen. She had to give it a try no matter what. If it's him, it should work.

On the other side,

Hikigaya finally breathed a sigh of relief; this guy finally agreed to close his eyes. Just then, Karuizawa opened her eyes again and swiftly lifted the blanket.