Chapter 136: Accepting Karuizawa's Guidance with Gratitude.

Returning to the dormitory.

Hikigaya lay on the bed, feeling a wave of exhaustion, and fell into a deep sleep, not waking up until nearly noon the next day.

Looking at the tidy dormitory.

A small smile unconsciously lifted the corners of Hikigaya's mouth. Although a bit tired, he didn't feel bad.

He picked up his phone and went into the bathroom to freshen up.

While brushing his teeth, he scrolled through the messages on his phone.

Apart from goodnight messages from people like Kobashi Yume, there was also a message from Karuizawa.

He had just fallen asleep yesterday and forgot to check it.

Without thinking too much, Hikigaya clicked on Karuizawa's profile picture.

[Karuizawa: Are you still awake?]

[Karuizawa: You haven't gone to sleep, have you?]

[Karuizawa: Alright, remember to reply when you see the message tomorrow, I need to talk to you.]


Three consecutive messages.

Not seeing the read receipt, Karuizawa guessed that he had already fallen asleep.

But what could it be?

Hikigaya frowned.

This girl was clearly better yesterday, what else could be the matter, this scheming girl sure has a lot of things going on.

'What a garbage app.'

Hikigaya felt a bit helpless.

Since he had seen it, he couldn't pretend not to have seen it now.

Just as Hikigaya was hesitating, Karuizawa took the initiative to send a message.

[Karuizawa: You don't sleep yet?]

[Karuizawa: I saw the read receipt, you're definitely wake up, right?]


Hikigaya pressed the keyboard with a look of disgust.

[Hikigaya: What's up?]

[Karuizawa: The coat you borrowed from me last time has been washed, come to my dormitory to pick it up.]


Hikigaya leaned back and peeked at his bedroom.

There were originally two ANHS uniforms on the wall for changing, but now one was missing, which he remembered lending to her during the rooftop incident.


Karuizawa's dormitory, Hikigaya wouldn't go there again.

[Hikigaya: No thanks, I have another one, just bring that one to school when school starts.]

After all.

As the one providing assistance, it shouldn't be too much to ask for a small favor.

[Karuizawa: Huh?]

[Karuizawa: That's so troublesome, if you don't want to be bothered, then I'll bring it to you, which floor do you live on?]


Hikigaya pulled the phone further away with a look of disgust.

People like Kobashi Yume, no matter what, were classmates from Class B, they shouldn't harm him.

As for the this girl, forget it.

There's no way I would allow you to approach my dormitory.


Having kept the clothes at her place all this time, Karuizawa might also find it troublesome and want to return the clothes as soon as possible.

But, she definitely can't know where his dormitory is.

[Hikigaya: Then let's meet at Keyaki Mall Shopping Center.]

[Karuizawa: Okay, okay, what about the time and place?]

[Hikigaya: Whatever.]

[Karuizawa: Then two hours later, at Palett Cafe! Don't be late!]


Hikigaya sighed.

After all, he still had to get his clothes back, there was no helping it.

After hesitating for a moment.

Hikigaya still took off his clothes to freshen up, then put on his windbreaker again and left the dormitory, today he would also improve his meals.


Two hours later.

It should be twelve fifty-three.

After enjoying the delicious pork rice, he still had about fifteen minutes left before the appointed time, Hikigaya arrived at the entrance of Palett Cafe.

Looking at the group of girls in the shop, there was a joyful atmosphere.

Hikigaya still chose to wait outside the door, indeed, it felt somewhat embarrassing for a person to enter such a shop.

At exactly one o'clock.

Hikigaya glanced at his phone with a plain expression.


There's no helping it.

A hot girl like Karuizawa really doesn't have a sense of time.

Meeting five minutes early is the basis of social activities.

Wait another ten minutes and then go back if she didn't come.

I can apply for a school uniform again.


On the other side.

Dormitory building.

Karuizawa sat in front of the dressing table.

The pink lipstick glided over the crystal clear lips, the cherry-colored lips shone with a gloss that looked especially tempting.

"Very good, perfect??!"

Karuizawa pursed her glossy cherry lips, looking back and forth in front of the mirror, feeling that she was about to be moved, boys couldn't possibly not be moved.

"Ah, it's already this time!"

Looking at the time, Karuizawa's face was full of panic, and she hurriedly started picking out clothes.


Around half past one.

Hikigaya only noticed Karuizawa not far away, running towards this side with a slightly flustered look.

"I'm sorry, I kept you waiting."

Karuizawa, with her hands on her knees, said with a slight pant, "I took a little time to prepare."

"Yeah, I really did wait a long time."

Hikigaya was somewhat speechless.

She actually made him wait here for nearly half an hour, this girl was really too much.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Karuizawa put her hands together, her apology seemed more sincere.

"Forget it."

Hikigaya extended his right hand with his palm up, "Alright, the clothes."


Karuizawa was slightly stunned, it took her a good while to react and start apologizing with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally forgot."

"So what did you come here for?"

Hikigaya was somewhat helpless.

To say that he was angry, he was indeed a bit angry.

It's bad enough that he had to stand outside for thirty minutes, but not even bringing the clothes is just standing for nothing.

But as soon as he saw Karuizawa, he already knew that this girl didn't bring his school uniform, Hikigaya didn't expect this girl from Class D to be very smart.

There's a reason why she were assigned to Class D.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't be angry."

Karuizawa said somewhat apologetically, "This month might be a bit difficult, I'll treat you to a meal next month, please forgive me."

"Forget it, I didn't come here just to eat."

Hikigaya helplessly walked past her, "Alright, let's go back, you take off your clothes and give it to me."

Anyway, he came out to improve his meals.

It's just right to go back, there's not much difference.

"Wait a minute..."

Karuizawa grabbed Hikigaya's wrist, her beautiful eyes looked somewhat resentful.

"I just came out, it feels a bit... can we sit for a while?"

"Huh? Who do you think is at fault?"

Hikigaya turned his head back and said somewhat speechlessly.

In the final analysis.

Isn't it because she forgot to bring her uniform and forgot about the main thing?


Karuizawa used her coquettish tactics, Hikigaya immediately felt a bit disgusted and sighed helplessly:

"Forget it, if you have any reservations, it's the same if you return it to me when school starts, I'll go back first."

"Why did it turn out like this?"

Karuizawa puffed up her cute face and got even angrier.

"It's not."

"I also came here originally to get the uniform, since you didn't bring it, then I naturally have to go back."

"Or are you dissatisfied with returning it when school starts?"

Hikigaya was even more speechless, and he was somewhat doubtful in his heart, he shouldn't have done anything wrong, right?

Karuizawa wants to return the clothes to him - so he came out to meet her - Karuizawa forgot to bring the clothes.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Isn't it Karuizawa who always gets it wrong?


Karuizawa puffed up her face, her gaze resentful and her voice lowered:

"You've been in my dormitory before."

"Huh? That was you..."

"And you've seen my body."


Hikigaya's face instantly turned tense, he looked around in a panic, then lowered his voice and said:

"That was you who lifted it up, and at most I only saw your lower abdomen, it's not a big deal, right?"

"That should be asked to the school."

As soon as he said this.

Hikigaya's face instantly stiffened.

The school would probably find it hard to believe his nonsense.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

"I'm not doing anything."

Karuizawa looked away and said, "It's just that seeing you want to go back directly, I'm a bit angry, do you dislike being with me that much?"


Hikigaya was slightly stunned.

It makes sense, anyone who sees an acquaintance turn around and leave would feel a bit angry.

"That's not it, it's just a bit troublesome."

Hikigaya said somewhat helplessly: "And I originally came out to get clothes, I have nothing to do outside, it's cold and a waste of money, why I can't go back to the dormitory?"

"Didn't your last sentence just mean you're disgusted? I really can't tell the difference."

Karuizawa's gaze was resentful, and she sighed: "Forget it, after all, that's your personality, come sit with me, and then go back to the dormitory to get your school uniform."


The two of them walked into the cafe.

Having a girl by your side, it's indeed a lot easier.

Hikigaya was behind Karuizawa, and he saw her lift up her collar to cover her pretty face before she walked to a corner and sat down.

After all, it's Karuizawa.

She was still with people like Hirata yesterday, she must have a high social status in school, she probably doesn't want to be recognized by anyone.


In that case.

Why bother choosing a place with a lot of people?

Isn't it better to go home directly?

Hikigaya sat across from her, really not understanding these people's thoughts.

"What do you want to eat?"

Karuizawa smiled and pushed the menu in front of Hikigaya: "I'm treating this time."

"No need, I can do it myself."

"Don't be so polite."

Karuizawa smiled somewhat embarrassedly: "Actually, I'm still very grateful that you saved me that day, this time consider it a thank you gift and a Christmas present, but it has to be limited to within three thousand yen."


At this point.

Hikigaya had to admit.

At that time, he did have the idea of solving the bullying problem.

But the object was not limited to saving Karuizawa, but if she wanted to be grateful for this, it would be normal.

This is what a normal person is.

Originally thought that Karuizawa was a person without a sense of gratitude, now it seems to have changed a little.

"Let's not talk about the price limit."

Hikigaya put the menu on the table, extremely speechless.

"Can a thank you gift be mixed with a Christmas gift? We've only met a few times, there's no need to give me a gift."

"You're clearly trying to use the name of a thank you gift to get a return gift from me, isn't that a bit cunning?"


If you don't want to treat, don't treat.

This kind of little cleverness is a bit too despicable.

"It's not."

Karuizawa quickly explained: "It's just that the class points of Class D are really too few, the personal points this month are a bit dangerous, this three thousand is what I borrowed from classmate Sato."

Given the situation of Class D.

Three thousand personal points are probably considered a big expense.

Sato should be her friend, most of Class D are living this kind of life of robbing Peter to pay Paul.

"It's not."

"Listening to you, I feel a bit guilty."

"Let's split the bill."

Hikigaya quickly raised both hands to refuse.

Originally, he didn't expect Karuizawa to have any return, and to make her life worse, thinking about it, forget it.


Karuizawa puffed up her face, her expression somewhat unhappy:

"If I ask you to order, just order. Why do you talk so much? You should accept other people's kindness. Doesn't this make me feel more guilty?"


Hikigaya said somewhat helplessly: "I didn't intend to save you in the first place. Even if it wasn't you, I would probably have done the same. So, you don't need to feel guilty at all."


Karuizawa lowered her voice slightly, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened:

"Are you going to order or not?"

"Order it!"

How scary.

Karuizawa is indeed scary.

Why would such a person be bullied? It's too strange.