Chapter 143: That kind of feeling is not real.

In the dormitory.

The last day.

I have to attend continuously during the winter vacation.

Where did I become such a workaholic?

Hikigaya stood in front of the mirror, tidying up his coat, this winter vacation was really tiring, even today he had to go out.


Today is still okay.

After all, it was Shiina Hiyori who made an appointment for the reading exchange, and by the way, they exchanged book lists again, Hikigaya had no complaints.

Reading with Shiina Hiyori.

It's a very relaxing thing, Hikigaya doesn't dislike it and doesn't feel tired.



Hikigaya bought a MAX coffee and came to the library.

There are hardly any people in the library during the winter vacation, even saying that there are few people is not an exaggeration.

As soon as he entered the door.

Hikigaya saw Shiina Hiyori sitting at the table, she waved at him with a pure smile on her face.

"Oh, you're early."

Hikigaya sat across from her.

He took out the books that Shiina Hiyori borrowed last time from his bag, put them on the table, although he was a bit busy during this period, he still managed to finish reading them.

"Hikigaya-kun is really early."

Shiina Hiyori looked at the time and laughed: "I'm always in the library, but you arrived ten minutes earlier than the scheduled time."

"Is that so?"

Hikigaya was somewhat surprised.

He didn't expect that some people would spend all day in the library even during the winter vacation. It seems that Shiina Hiyori really likes reading.

"Yes, let's start then."

Shiina Hiyori picked up the book in her hand with a smile, and Hikigaya realized it was the book he recommended, "No Longer Human".

It was nothing before, but now Hikigaya inexplicably felt a bit embarrassed.

How could she recommend such a book to someone?

It's really inexplicable.

"Because of cowardice, so escape from life, to produce pride in the darkest fall without resistance, because of pride, so do not choose life, so reject the vulgar optimism, it feels like someone."

Shiina Hiyori leaned forward, her face was no longer that lazy smile, but rather a bit of a smirk.

"Hikigaya-kun, do you think everyone around you is a fool?"


Hikigaya's face turned red.

As if being publicly executed, it feels a bit like social death.

"Not all..."


Indeed, he thought those noisy and lively people were idiots, and both men and women liked to engage in some frivolous relationships.

Now he has a bit of understanding of their feelings.

Except for a few people in Class D, at least not all are idiots.


Unexpectedly, Shiina Hiyori put her small hand on her mouth and lowered her voice:

"Actually, I also think that people around are quite stupid..."

After Saying this.

Shiina Hiyori covered her mouth and giggled.


Hikigaya was stunned for a moment, then raised a smile:

"I thought before, Shiina seems to be a bit mischievous."

"That's too much..."

Shiina Hiyori thought for a moment and then said:

"But maybe, I didn't realize it before, I might indeed be a bit mischievous, I can't help but want to tease when I see something interesting."

Saying this.

Shiina Hiyori looked at Hikigaya with a smile.

The last time she found Hikigaya, she couldn't help but want to tease him, but unfortunately, the two were in different classes and didn't have many opportunities to meet.

"Hikigaya-kun, do you dislike this?"


Hikigaya thought for a while and said: "I wouldn't say I dislike it, after all, my sister is also quite mischievous, as long as she can grasp the degree, it should be considered a plus."

After all, Komachi is so cute, it shows that a little mischievousness can make girls cuter.

"Is that so."

Shiina Hiyori laughed and breathed a sigh of relief, then changed the topic: "Speaking of which, what does Hikigaya-kun think of the couples in this school?"

"What do you mean?"

Hikigaya was a bit puzzled: "This school seems to prohibit improper relationships between men and women."

Although Hoshinomiya Chie seems to have said that as long as you don't kill someone, there is generally no problem.

But in fact.

Hikigaya also found out.

There seem to be very few couples in this school, and you rarely see those stupid couples who spread a sour smell everywhere like in junior high school.

The only ones he knew.

It seems to be only Hirata and Karuizawa, and the two are also fake.

"Although the rules are like this."

Shiina Hiyori nodded: "But as long as it's not too much, it's okay, I heard that there are boys in our class dating senior girls."

"Isn't that okay?"

Hikigaya didn't care.

He didn't really want to talk about this topic.

"What about the same grade?"

"Shiina Hiyori showed a lazy expression:

"After all, everyone wants to be promoted to Class A, but in the end, only one can graduate from Class A. If you date someone from a different class, it's very likely that conflicts will arise because of this, and it might even lead to a breakup."

"Do you find this annoying, Hikigaya-kun?"


Hikigaya fell silent.

It's not that he doesn't understand their doubts, after all, there is only one chance to be promoted to Class A, and it's related to his own future.

Just like couples in junior high school.

Lowering their own requirements and deliberately scoring low to enter the same school, but in the end, they didn't end up in the same school because the other person worked hard to study.

It's simply idiotic.

This school is probably the same.

If you date someone from a different class, conflicts are likely to arise, and it might even turn into enemies.

For example.

"Do you really love me, or do you want to be promoted to Class A?"

"You clearly don't love me, you only love yourself."

"I misjudged you, let's break up, go to hell!"

Hikigaya could easily think of this unbeatable triple attack.

It's definitely possible.


"I don't hate it."

Hikigaya opened the book, completely unconcerned:

"If their feelings can be so easily destroyed, it means that their feelings are just like that, and their feelings can't be considered real."

Speaking of which.

He doesn't even need to consider this aspect at all.

He can't even recognize all the students in his own class, how could he possibly have the opportunity to date someone from another class.


It's probably because Shiina Hiyori cares about someone that she asked this.

Hikigaya doesn't mind providing some references, whether it's effective or not is Shiina Hiyori's own business.


Shiina Hiyori was slightly stunned.

If feelings that can be discarded at any time because of being promoted to Class A, naturally can't be considered as real feelings, let alone what is called liking.

"Hikigaya-kun, you're really amazing."

Shiina Hiyori's expression was slightly complicated.

It's clear to see how serious Hikigaya is about feelings. Compared to him, her mischievousness is somewhat insignificant.

The problem that made her a bit troubled, Hikigaya already had the answer in his eyes.

If Hikigaya really falls in love with someone.

He would probably give everything for her, Hikigaya would definitely spare no effort, even if he had to betray the class, it would probably just be a small problem.

"No way."

Hikigaya was a bit uncomfortable: "After all, it has nothing to do with me, I just said it casually, you don't need to take it to heart."

"Alright, alright."

Shiina Hiyori shook her head: "But I really didn't expect Hikigaya-kun to be a clean freak."

"No, I can't even tidy up my dormitory."

Hikigaya was a bit puzzled.

His room is really not clean, at most it's only better than those noisy and lively sports department guys.

At least it has nothing to do with being a clean freak.

"No, I mean mentally."

Shiina Hiyori looked at Hikigaya somewhat helplessly: "Just like this, Hikigaya-kun, if you want to find a girlfriend who can resonate with your soul, the difficulty is quite high."

"Even if I don't look for that kind, the difficulty of having a girlfriend is not small."

Hikigaya was even more speechless.

It's as if as long as you lower your standards, you can find a girlfriend.

Hikigaya still has this self-knowledge.

Even if it's true as Ichinose said, he and Kobashi Yume and others can at most be considered friends.

If he suddenly confessed to someone.

Hikigaya is confident that he will be dumped immediately, but with the kind and cheerful character of Kobashi Yume and others, there is probably still a chance to be friends.


Shiina Hiyori tilted her head.

"I think that Hikigaya-kun could find a girlfriend anytime if he wanted to."

"Haha, that's a funny joke."

Hikigaya laughed dryly.

But on the other hand, if he really could find one, he couldn't imagine himself getting along well with others.

Even if there were no problems for a while.

As time went on.

Hikigaya was confident that he would be dumped.

"Alright, let's get started."

Upon hearing this.

Hikigaya once again exchanged book lists with Shiina Hiyori.

Speaking of which.

Going shopping and singing with Kobashi Yume and the others didn't seem so hard to accept.

But still.

As expected, I still feel more comfortable with Hiyori

There was no need to desperately search for topics, just quietly reading was enough, this atmosphere was truly comforting.