Chapter 165 In The Face Of Self-Destruction, Any Means Will Be In Vain!

The next day.

Tuesday at noon.

Hikigaya hurried to the cafeteria as soon as get out of class was over, found the seat agreed upon by Karuizawa, and sat down. He couldn't help but glance at the four empty seats behind him.

Although it feels a bit outrageous.

But according to Karuizawa, there are exclusive seats in the cafeteria.

As long as there are vacancies for these frequently used seats, few people will occupy them.

This seems to be the default unspoken rule between deposits and deposits.

People at the bottom class cannot integrate into the current group and are always oppressed.

And behind.

It is Class D of the first year, the exclusive position for the Karuizawa group.

If you look carefully you will find it.

There are many noisy girls in the cafeteria, always exuding an atmosphere of 'I'm so happy today' and 'This is so funny'.

It also seems they have their own exclusive seat.


Hikigaya actually doesn't know.

Although junior high schools have cafeterias, they basically take them to the classroom or the rooftop to enjoy lunch. The high schools has developed to such an extent.

Are you the leaders?

At this moment.

Karuizawa walked into the cafeteria with a group of girls. She stood in the group and exuded a cheerful atmosphere casually, without paying any attention to the other people in the cafeteria.

It seemed as if she was saying all the time, big sister is here, you all shut up and eat! The other girls took a step back to surround her.


This is also true.

Whenever Karuizawa walked, the chatter around her could not help but become much quieter.

I see, this is the usual Karuizawa

Just like the big sister of the Yakuza.

So cool.

It seems that I really found the right person when looking for help.

At this moment, Karuizawa and others walked over with plates, and Hikigaya quickly lowered his head to eat.

Karuizawa sat behind him, and several girls started chatting.

Strictly speaking, since Karuizawa has such a tragic past, it is not easy to integrate into the class.

If she can stand at the top of the school again, she must have her merits.

Hikigaya is really curious.

How on earth would she lead the conversation like this?


While eating, Karuizawa laughed and joked: "Aren't you and Ayanokouji already dating? How far has it progressed? Tell me quickly."


The girl named Maya's face turned red, and the people around her also cast gossipy glances.

"I haven't held hands yet..."

Maya also said helplessly: "I don't know why, but I feel like Ayanokouji has no interest in me."

"How is that possible? Sato is so cute?"

"You didn't even hold hands, what on earth is that guy Ayanokouji doing?"


"I thought He had at least kissed you. Does that guy have any problems in that area?"

The bold topics of several girls made Hikigaya blush. As expected of the hot girls group, they are really frivolous.


Sato Maya said a little unconfidently: "I asked Ike and the others about it, and I heard that Ayanokouji is quite good in that area. It should be that the time has not come yet."

"What? Sato has already asked about it?"

"Ayanokouji is very good at that? Just how good is he?"

"I don't know either…."

Maya Sato leaned on the chair and said with some helplessness: "I heard that the boys had a competition when they slept together in the forest. Ayanokouji and Koenji were tied for second place, right?"

"He can have a same position with Koenji? So powerful?"

"Then who is number one?"

"I heard it's a guy named Hikigaya from Class B."

"I have never heard about him..."

"It seems like he's the one who dragged Class A down in the exam, right?"


After hearing that the most powerful one was Hikigaya, Karuizawa's face turned red and he started coughing crazily.

And behind.

Hikigaya is also extremely embarrassed. Do these girls usually talk like this? Moreover, the intelligence network is so powerful.

"Karuizawa, are you okay?"

"it's okay no problem."

Karuizawa waved his hand quickly, and for some reason his heart was pounding. He quickly changed the topic and said:

"By the way, Shinohara, how's it going with you and Ike? Don't you like very much?"

"Huh? Who would like that kind of idiot, stupid, stupid, short and ugly!"

Shinohara's face turned red and he quickly changed the topic:

"By the way, how is Ichinose's situation lately?"

I see.

Is there such a way to lead the topic?

Hikigaya couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He would be in trouble if he talked about such a hot topic again.

"I heard that she seems to have asked for leave again today~"

"Matsushita, how do you know? Tell us quickly."


The guy named Matsushita seemed unwilling to talk more, until Karuizawa said:

"Matsushita, please stop showing off."

"It's really nothing."

The guy named Matsushita Chiaki said frankly: "My friend in Class B told me that Ichinose seems to have been on leave for several days in a row."


Hikigaya frowned.

It's okay for people in Class B to have other friends.

It's just that Matsushita Chiaki seems to know that the center of this group is Karuizawa Kei, and knows how to abide by the rules.

She would only speak when Karuizawa was asked to do so, probably to avoid stealing the limelight from Karuizawa.

No matter what the original intention is, she is obviously a more alert type.

Hikigaya really couldn't understand how such a person could hang out with hot girls like Karuizawa.


It's not that I look down on Karuizawa, it's just that birds of a feather flock together and people flock together.

Whether it's Maya Sato, Shinohara, or Karuizawa, they are obviously hot girls who speak carelessly and don't care about the feelings of the people around them.

Matsushita Chiaki is obviously not this type of person.

never mind.

Anyway, it was a matter of another class, so Hikigaya didn't take it to heart very much.


Maya Sato smiled evilly and said, "Do you think that note might be true?"

"It's possible!"

Shinohara and others also joked: "Ichinose must have been a criminal before."

"It's really funny."

It seemed that the topic was moving in this direction. Someone covered his mouth and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect that Ichinose to be a criminal before. Do you think that girl has always been pretending to be good?"

That's just the way it is.

Even those who originally had no thoughts about Ichinose.

At this moment, I'm afraid I can't wait to see Ichinose fall off the stage and seize her place in the school.

But even if Ichinose falls, you guys can't get up.

Hikigaya sneered secretly.

All I can say is that as expected of Class D, they are so stupid that they look cute.


That's fine.

"I'm sure, he must be pretending to be a good person."

"What do you think she did before?"

"Is it a paid date? Or having a suggar daddy?"


Several girls gathered together to say bad things about Ichinose, and Hikigaya couldn't help but glance back.

That Matsushita Chiaki just cooperated with a smile on his face. As expected, she didn't look like the same people as these guys.

"I know something."

At this moment, Karuizawa covered her mouth and smiled.


Someone said with a face full of surprise: "Karuizawa, do you know something? Tell us quickly."

"You haven't read the forum yet, have you?"

Karuizawa lowered his voice and whispered: "Actually, Ichinose has caused violent incidents before."

"Eh? How is that possible?"

Some girls looked at each other with disbelief:

"After all, it's that Ichinose, right?"


I would rather believe that Ichinose had a history of paid dating, but it is difficult for anyone to believe that she would cause violence. Ichinose's kindness is what makes people understand this level.

"No, actually....."

Karuizawa hesitated slightly, then took a deep breath and said:

"I heard that Ichinose and that Hikigaya were classmates in junior high school, It seems to be the guy Sato was talking about just now."

"Hey, let's talk about that kind of thing later, then, then, then."


Some girls gossiped.

"It is said that."

Karuizawa lowered his voice and said: "At that time, Hikigaya often bullied others in the class. Once, he even planned to coerce a girl, but Ichinose happened to see it."

"The two had a quarrel, but Hikigaya seemed unable to defeat Ichinose, and finally got a little angry and beat Ichinose."


Matsushita Chiaki frowned and said, "This doesn't seem to have anything to do with crime, right?"


Karuizawa pretended to smile and said: "I heard that guy lost the fight and was beaten up by Ichinose instead. Because of this incident, both of them suspended school for a while. I heard they were summoned by the police. ."

"Ichinose also caused violent incidents because of these, and I heard that he is very famous in the local area."

"What is this?"

Maya Sato sneered: "That guy is a coward, isn't he? He threatened the girl and let it go if she was found out, but in the end he got so angry that he wanted to beat her, and finally lost the fight?

"Really, this is so shameless, it made me laugh to death."

"There is such a shameless guy in the world."


Karuizawa further added: "I heard that both of them happened to be assigned to Class B. I saw that guy named Hikigaya was completely afraid to speak to Ichinose. He couldn't even make any friends in Class B."

"I'm afraid this rumor was spread secretly by him behind his back to take revenge on Ichinose."


"He only dares to do small things behind her back, but he still attacks people in his own class. This guy is too bad, isn't he?"

The women showed some disgusted expressions.

Listening to the conversation of several people.

Hikigaya behind him showed a satisfied smile. Sure enough, leaving the matter to Karuizawa was the right choice.

He could already feel many curious eyes around him.

With Karuizawa's influence in the school, this matter will probably spread throughout the school soon.

The incident will also be resolved.

The matter has been determined and no one can stop it.

Ichinose is indeed a criminal.

But he is a criminal on the side of justice.

In order to save the girl, she was finally forced to take normal defensive measures and caused violence.

Be it jealousy or not.

It doesn't matter if Sakayanagi has some purpose.

It doesn't matter if it's Ayanokouji on the back or some other person has any other purpose.

Or any other random reasons.

In order to maintain their own image in school.

It is impossible for anyone to dare to blame such Ichinose, and Ichinose will be freed from such self-blame, and Class B does not need to worry anymore.

Even if Sakayanagi continues to spread the truth, it will only be regarded as a slander against Ichinose.

By the time.

Everyone will side with Ichinose and help her attack Sakayanagi.

Ichinose is the criminal who caused the violence.

The incident has been determined.

The whole school has achieved the desired results, and any means will be in vain!


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