Chapter 171: So, Hikigaya Ran To School.

The next day was just like any other for Hikigaya. He went to school as usual. The dormitory was never crowded; there were always just a few people around.

Stepping into the elevator, he saw three idiots from Class D Yamauchi Haruki, Ike Kanji, and Sudou - who were also meeting Ayanokouji Kiyotaka again on the fourth floor.

"That's Hikigaya, right?" one of them said.

"I remember meeting him during the exams on an uninhabited island and sleeping in the woods," another added.

"I have no impression of him at all," the third one muttered.

The three Class D fools murmured softly behind Hikigaya in the elevator. Sudou had completely forgotten about him, a person of little significance.

Hikigaya stood in front of the elevator with his hands in his pockets, his back straighter than when school started.

On the fourth floor, he ran into an old acquaintance, Ayanokouji, again. They weren't very familiar with each other and had only met a few times, so there was no need for conversation.


Yamauchi Haruki said disdainfully, "This guy is really bad. He even threatens girls. He has no gentlemanly manners at all."

"Keep your voice down..."

Ike Kanji quickly lowered his voice, sounding a bit nervous. "Maybe he has done other things. It would be bad if we were associated with such a person."

"What are you afraid of?" 

Yamauchi Haruki patted Sudou on the shoulder. "Since Sudou is here, let him come"

"Even so..." 

Ike Kanji glanced at Hikigaya's back in front of him and said with some disgust,"

"If we get involved with this kind of person, it will definitely lower our evaluation, right?" "It would be bad if girls misunderstood us."


Only then did Haruki Yamauchi react, and the others quickly moved away from Hikigaya. It would be bad if they were unpopular with girls because they were too close to Hikigaya.

Your evaluation is probably not much better than mine, Hikigaya thought to himself. Although he didn't know them very well, he was sure that these guys didn't have a good reputation.

These stupid people.

Even if they arebeing manipulated, they has no awareness of it.

Hikigaya was even a bit proud.

The elevator stopped on the first floor.

Several people exited the dormitory building. Yamauchi Haruki and others quickly walked away as if they were fleeing, not wanting to associate with someone like Hikigaya.

Ayanokouji stole a glance at Hikigaya discreetly.

Although he was a bit curious and wanted to interact with Hikigaya to understand him better, it was clearly inappropriate with Sudou and others around.

Perhaps next time.

Watching the retreating figures of several people, Hikigaya felt utterly ridiculous.

It's precisely because you care so much about the atmosphere that you are so easily manipulated. 

At this moment.

"Hikki, yahoo~"

Ichinose's energetic voice came from behind.

Hikigaya felt a tap on his shoulder, and the air was instantly filled with the aroma of tangerines.

Perhaps Ichinose had bought a new perfume.

It doesn't matter.

It's great to see Ichinose picking herself up again.


Hikigaya turned around and greeted, "Ichinose, you're still here at this time, that's quite unusual~".


An inexplicable blush appeared on Ichinose's pretty face.


She had been waiting here for a long time before finally seeing Hikigaya come out.

She was a bit embarrassed and said:

"Well, there's a lot of preparation to be done."

"I see."

Hikigaya nodded and walked back to school.

This was the first day back to school since Ichinose took a leave. Perhaps he needed to make some mental preparations, but he just couldn't comprehend it.

"Actually...I went back yesterday and thought about it seriously."

Ichinose also followed Hikigaya, the haggard look on her face had long since disappeared.

It only took one night to recover, and Ichinose's vitality was truly amazing.

"What's there to think about?"

Feeling a bit too close, Hikigaya pulled away slightly, only to find Ichinose moving closer again.

Isn't it quite inconvenient to walk if your arms touch each other occasionally?

Why do people always stick together like this?

"The misunderstanding can be resolved."

Ichinose looked at Hikigaya beside her with a bright smile on her face.

"How is that possible?..... .....It can't be resolved, right?"

Hikigaya was left speechless.

Those guys never give anyone a chance to explain, they just interpret things on their own and then avoid it like the plague.

"It can be resolved."

"As long as you explain it carefully, the misunderstanding will be resolved."

Ichinose nodded vigorously and said with a serious face: "Indeed, it is difficult to resolve a misunderstanding. At least, you can resolve the misunderstanding with those close to you first, and then slowly let others understand.

"Although it may take a lot of time, I will definitely find a way to resolve this misunderstanding!"

"I promise!"

Ichinose's face was serious.

There is absolutely no need for Hikigaya to bear the misunderstanding of others for her sake.

Even if this misunderstanding is difficult to resolve.

Then she would at least have to bear it with Hikigaya.

Ichinose made up her mind.


It feels like a complete waste of time, Hikigaya doesn't care much:

"With this kind of time, why don't you focus on how to promote our class to Class A?"

"Of course, I will not slack off in this matter."

As she spoke, Ichinose fumbled for something in her bag, and Hikigaya couldn't help but slow down when he saw the makeup.

This girl has never been late to school.

If this is the case.

But it is very likely that she will be late.


Ichinose took out a rectangular, exquisite gift box from her schoolbag, and Hikigaya saw that there seemed to be several more in the bag.

"This is for you..."

Ichinose handed the gift box to him, and Hikigaya, somewhat confused, asked:

"What's this?....." ".....You should have cleared up what happened yesterday. You have no reason to give me anything, right?"


Ichinose was taken aback for a moment, but she already knew Hikigaya's character. Her face turned red and she said in a soft voice:

"This is...chocolate..."


Only then did Hikigaya react.

Ichinose had taken leave on Valentine's Day, and considering the several gift boxes in her bag just now, these must be obligatory chocolates for Valentine's Day.

Even though the holiday had passed,

Ichinose hadn't forgotten and had even specially prepared gifts for everyone. She truly was a considerate and good leader.

That's acceptable.

"Thank you."

Hikigaya took the chocolate and carelessly put it in his school bag.

He thought to himself,

What's the point of such a Valentine's Day?

Apart from increasing expenses, it serves no purpose at all.

Thinking of having to return so many gifts in the future, Hikigaya felt a bit of a headache, it was too costly.


Hikigaya suddenly thought, "By the way, I have a question I want to ask you. It's okay if you don't want to answer, okay?"


Ichinose was startled, and her face suddenly turned red.

She had just given away the chocolates, was she supposed to confess her love here? Wasn't it a bit too soon?

"Well, it's okay..."

"How did Sakayanagi find out about your past?"

Hikigaya was genuinely puzzled.

Logically speaking, Sakayanagi and Ichinose should not have much interaction, being in different classes.

Ichinose is not an idiot.

Given her concern about her past, it stands to reason that she wouldn't tell anyone.


Upon hearing this, Ichinose's eyes filled with resentment and she couldn't help but sigh.

"She probably heard it from President Nagumo. I only told him about this…"


The corners of Hikigaya's mouth twitched, and his face stiffened slightly.

This is bad.

I don't know what Nagumo Miyabi's motive was in telling Sakayanagi Arisu about these things.

But in this case.

I'm afraid it's not just Sakayanagi that he has offended, he may also have indirectly offended Nagumo Miyabi.

He had tried his best to avoid Sakayanagi like the plague, but he completely ignored Nagumo Miyabi's existence.

It seems the incident is not over yet.

After that, I need to go and apologize to President Nagumo. I really can't afford to offend these people, and I don't want to deal with them.

"Hikki, why do you look so upset?"

Ichinose looked sideways with some confusion: "Don't worry, I told President Nagumo about this because I wanted to join the student union. This should be a test for me. He shouldn't do anything to you."

"I really hope so…"

Hikigaya forced a smile.

Even when you go to work, you won't be asked to report your past misdeeds. How could you possibly care about joining a run-down student union?

Most likely, it was Nagumo Miyabi who took advantage of his position.

Half threat, half inducement.

That's why Ichinose said what she didn't want to say.

And to say this is a test…

It is obviously a lie.

Most likely, Nagumo Miyabi had some ulterior motive.

Hikigaya was a little confused and said:

"Don't you hate that guy?"

"Hate? .... No way."

Ichinose shook her head frankly and said: "Rather, I am very grateful to President Nagumo. It is because of his approval that I have the opportunity to join the student union."

Hikigaya was truly at a loss for words.

It almost felt like she was being taken advantage of, yet still counting the money for the other person.

He chuckled dryly and said:

"I get the feeling that you might be deceived quite often in the future, Ichinose."

"Isn't it good?" 

Ichinose also smiled awkwardly.

After hearing her words,

Hikigaya was about to speak, but quickly nodded and said:

"As long as you think it's okay."

He has no right to interfere with Ichinose's life. Whether it involves growth or decline, it's Ichinose's own business.

Not to mention,

Innocence and kindness are both commendable traits.

There's nothing wrong with that.

The one with the problem must be the one causing harm.


Hikigaya quickened his pace and changed the subject: "You'd better hurry up, or you'll be late."

"Is that so?"

Ichinose quickly took out her phone and glanced at it, her pretty face suddenly becoming nervous.

"Why is it this time? ..... It would be bad if we're late. Let's run faster," said Ichinose.

Ichinose grabbed Hikigaya's wrist and ran towards the school.

"No, it's not like I have to run..."

Being dragged forward, Hikigaya felt a bit embarrassed as he felt the breeze brushing against his cheeks.


This feeling wasn't unpleasant at all.


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