Chapter 182: Don't Apologize, Kyoto Doesn't Need Max Coffee

The next morning, Hikigaya got up thirty minutes early for the first time in a long time and went to school. To be honest, if it were tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, it might still be possible. 

But six million private points felt a little unrealistic. However, there was nothing to worry about. Just like the judgment of Yamauchi Haruki and others, Hikigaya was dropping out of school just to let things take their own course. There was nothing to worry about it.

These were probably his last few days in this school. It was better to go to school early. Fortunately, thanks to this school, he had not fallen behind in either liberal arts or science. It would definitely not be difficult for him to find a high school in Chiba.

However, the only thing Hikigaya was a little curious about was whether this was the default choice of Ichinose and others, to let him be expelled by default. Although judging from the performance of Class B this year, this possibility was very low. But Hikigaya really cared a little. If this was their default choice, it was just because they were worried that they couldn't speak up.

Hikigaya would naturally cooperate. But sure enough, he still cared a little. After all, it was really difficult for Ichinose to borrow 6 million, and there should be no other option except 20 million.

Hikigaya could understand that there would be a dropout. But he really hoped they could say,

"Hikigaya, please drop out of school." Hikigaya was willing to cooperate. If that was the case, it should calm down this throbbing mood. 

At this moment, the figure of Ichinose appeared in his field of vision. It was obviously half an hour early, but he still encountered her. Maybe, this was Ichinose's usual time to go out.

"Hikki, good morning" Ichinose walked up to Hikigaya with a gloomy face.

"Oh, morning," 

Hikigaya responded, continuing to walk. Ichinose followed him with hesitation on her face as if she wanted to say something.

"Um...can I go with you?" she asked.

"This is the only way to go to school. We can't talk about whether we can come together, or should you just beat around the bush and tell me to get out of here?" Hikigaya said nonchalantly. He obviously didn't take it to heart, but for some reason his tone was a little cold.

That's probably not what she was hesitating to say. Hikigaya roughly knew what the other person wanted to say.

Ichinose breathed a sigh of relief and followed beside him, but the gloom on her face could not dissipate for a long time. For a long time, her eyes turned red for some reason.

"I'm sorry..." she finally said.

Hikigaya paused for a moment, but then resumed his stride.


It is truly difficult to borrow six million points.

This time, a student must be chosen to drop out of the exam. Ichinose has no control over it and there's no need for an apology.

Hikigaya is willing to cooperate.

The fluttering in his heart settled once again, but for some reason, he felt a hint of loss.

Never mind.

There's nothing to worry about.

This is a choice that any normal person would make. The fact that Ichinose feels guilty about this shows her kindness.

"I'm sorry..."

Ichinose followed Hikigaya, apologizing once more, her small white hands tightly clutching her shoulder bag.

The rules of the exam are clear.

Even if it were up to Hikigaya, there's likely nothing he could do.

Agreeing to date Nagumo Miyabi to get six million.

This was the only solution she could think of.


Although spring is almost here, why does she still feel so cold and her heart aches?

Ichinose exhaled a white breath from her mouth, on the verge of tears, and said with a choked voice:

"I don't want to lose anyone in my class, is that right?"

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Hikigaya casually walked to school, eyes on the ground.

Choosing to expel an insignificant existence and protecting everyone in the class is a decision that every competent leader would make.

Ichinose is indeed a competent leader.

"That makes sense..."

Tears fell from Ichinose Honami's eyes. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her burgundy sleeves and continued to choke back sobs.

Don't cry.

You've just made the right choice.


Ichinose covered her tear-stained cheeks with both hands, unable to utter a complete sentence.

"I'm really sorry..."

"Don't apologize. You've just made the choice that every good leader would make."

Hikigaya regained his inner peace and said nonchalantly.

Just a moment ago, he had given Komachi a birthday present.

and if He was expelled from school and sent home.

He will definitely be laughed at by Komachi and his parents. Anyway, he is used to being laughed at, so it's nothing to worry about.

It was great to see Komachi again.


Ichinose couldn't bear it anymore and squatted on the ground, covering her heart, tears pouring out like a broken dam.

It can be like this.

It certainly doesn't mean that Ichinose isn't a very kind and gentle leader.

After all, There's nothing we can do about exams are like this.

She clearly didn't do anything wrong and there was no need to be so sad.

"It doesn't have to be like this."

Looking at Ichinose squatting on the ground, Hikigaya stopped and scratched the back of his head, looking at the vending machine beside him with a somewhat unfocused look.

"Well...I don't really care about it. After all, there's nothing we can do about it, so that's fine."


Ichinose looked up.

Her beautiful red eyes stared at the young man in front of her.

I see.

It turns out it was all her wishful thinking all along.

Thinking about it.

Ichinose showed a somewhat self-deprecating and slightly bitter smile. That's true. It was just her wishful thinking. Originally, she fell in love with him out of wishful thinking. Falling in love with each other out of wishful thinking.

Another wishful thinking to get forgiveness from him. Another loss of wishful thinking. Hikigaya had no need to care about her in the first place.

"In that case," Ichinose stood up tremblingly.

Even if she couldn't get a response, the feeling couldn't be faked, she still liked him. Ichinose looked at Hikigaya in front of her with a wry smile on her lips.

"I also want to say sorry to you."

"It's really not necessary..." Hikigaya stared at the ground, with a hint of bitterness at the corner of his mouth.

In the end, it was still the same. 


It's better to ask others to worry about him, it really doesn't have to be this way.

"Although it's a bit shameless,"

 Ichinose lowered her head, pursed her lips and said,

"Hikki, can you not dislike me in the future?"

"How could I?" Hikigaya couldn't help but clench his fists. Ichinose just made the most correct and reasonable choice in her position. She had no reason to be disliked. No one is qualified to dislike her, 

I dislike this Ichinose who has been worrying about the class.

"Thank you, that's fine..." Ichinose's pretty face was still a little bitter, and she looked in the direction of the school with some sadness.

"Okay, let's go."

"You go first, I want to buy a bottle of water."

Hikigaya looked at the vending machines on the street. For some reason, he really didn't want to go back to class now. Fortunately, he left half an hour early today. There is still time to take a break.

"All right." Ichinose pursed her lips and nodded.

Obviously, Hikigaya still cares a little, and this is good, so that she will have the courage to continue. Even if it requires doing something she doesn't like. She can keep going. Watching Ichinose's leaving figure, Hikigaya turned around and walked to the vending machine. He gazed at the dazzling array of products in the vending machine.

Hikigaya put his phone into the automatic scanner and slowly stopped his fingers in front of the MAX coffee. The can of MAX coffee was wrapped like a yellow and black warning line. Only one grid. It seems to be an outlier in the beverage industry. Even though I got into this school through charity, except for people who have an extreme sweet tooth, I'm not very popular with anyone, and I can't compare with the popular drinks around me.

It can occupy a space inside. Already extremely lucky. Once in a while, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with switching to a new flavor. Hikigaya glanced at the blue can next to him and pressed the button. He listened to the ding-dong sound in the vending machine.

Hikigaya bent down and picked up the can of black coffee, walked to a bench nearby and sat down slowly, opened the ring and took a small sip.

"So bitter…" Hikigaya looked up at the blue sky. Really, Kyoto's vending machines don't need Chiba's MAX coffee.


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