Chapter 200 Dropouts, Sakayanagi Is Unhappy.

Class A of the first year. The results are announced on Saturday. Class teacher Mashima walked into the classroom as the bell announced the exam results. Even the class teacher Mashima, who had seen students drop out several times, felt uncomfortable at the moment.

After all, this kind of test is really unreasonable. However, no matter how dissatisfied you are, you still have to do it. This is the helplessness of being an adult.


Mashima stood in front of the podium and said in a deep voice,

"I want to announce the results of the additional special examination. First, the last student who collected thirty-six criticism votes——

Class teacher Mashima was silent for a moment, but the faces of everyone in Class A were calm and indifferent. After all, they already knew the result.

"Totsuka Yahiko!"

"How is it possible? What's going on?" Katsuragi stood up instantly, staring in disbelief.

"Teacher, what's going on? I'm the one who should drop out of school..."

"Hey...hey, what's going on?" Totsuka was also a little flustered and quickly left his seat and ran to Katsuragi,

"Brother Katsuragi, what's going on?"

At this moment, Sakayanagi looked at Totsuka with a little joy in his mouth:

"That's great."

Katsuragi turned around and glared at Sakayanagi.

"Sakayanagi, shouldn't I be allowed to drop out of school? You clearly said that you would kick me out. Speaking of which, it seems so, right?" Sakayanagi showed a gentle smile, admiring Katsuragi's anger and Totsuka's surprise, and said without caring,

"I said I would kick you out...but that was a lie."

"The answer is simple because Totsuka-san has not brought any benefit to Class A. On the other hand, Katsuragi-san, you have a quick mind and your skills are definitely not bad. You can be very useful because you are both calm and composed. No fool would abandon an outstanding talent on the court just to deal with unnecessary classmates."


"Damn..." Katsuragi took a deep breath and clenched his fists involuntarily. 

If he could tolerate Sakayanagi's behavior before, he could no longer tolerate it now. In this roundabout way, Sakayanagi expelled his most cherished partner from school. Obviously, he has already voluntarily dropped out of school. Why? Why?

I'm probably just beating around the bush like this to avoid risks. I used to think that Sakayanagi was a leader who wanted to occupy a high position regardless of the interests of the class. However, I just found out now. Sakayanagi is a cold-blooded leader who only cares about her own interests and has no regard for the feelings of his companions. Katsuragi had never felt such hatred.

I have never hated myself for being so incompetent. Why would someone like Sakayanagi lead Class A? If this continues, many people may drop out of school because of Sakayanagi. As long as anyone dares to disobey Sakayanagi's orders, anyone will be punished ruthlessly with expulsion from school. 

However, Katsuragi looked in pain, but there was nothing he could do. If he continued to resist, Sakayanagi would definitely let the next person drop out of school without mercy.

"Thank you for your hard work, Totsuka-san. Please take care of yourself after you leave this school," the class teacher, Mashima, said in a gentle tone. Fortunately, the students in Class A are relatively sensible, and as long as they recognize the reality clearly, they can only accept the reality.

"You can go to the staff office and wait, or go back to the dormitory to pack your luggage," he said. I didn't know what to say, so I could only nod slowly and leave the classroom with a sad look. Looking at the scene in front of me, the gentle smile on Sakayanagi's face did not change at all.

The weak should drop out of school.

"Then - next," the class instructor, Mashima, adjusted his mood and continued,

"The first place is——" 

Sakayanagi's smile did not change. 

She didn't take this kind of sure-win reward to heart at all. But if she have protection points, you can fight Ayanokouji a few more times, which is not a bad idea.

"The one who gathered fifty votes of appreciation - Katsuragi Kohei!" 

As soon as this statement came out, Sakayanagi's smile froze on her face. Then her pretty little face suddenly fell down.

"Teacher, what's going on?" Morishige Takuro immediately stood up and said angrily,

"How could it be Katsuragi? We all voted for Sakayanagi, and how could he have fifty votes?"

"This result is correct!"

The class teacher, Mashima, looked calm and said nothing.

"Katsugi," someone came forward and grabbed Katsuragi's collar, an angry look on his face:

"What on earth did you do? Do you still want to continue fighting with Sakayanagi?" Katsuragi was also confused. He hadn't done anything and knew nothing.

Why had he won first place and also received precious protection points? But there was no point in thinking about it now. Katsuragi looked at Sakayanagi with anger hidden in his eyes, but now his classmates were all on Sakayanagi's side. Instead, he was still being blamed for wanting to continue fighting with Sakayanagi.

Never mind, this was the truth. After all, provoking Sakayanagi did lead to the risk of dropping out of school, but provoking Katsuragi had no risk at all. They only dared to point guns at good people! 


And even Katsuragi was the same. If she continued to fight with Sakayanagi, she would inevitably target the students of Class A regardless of the consequences.

This year, Katsuragi had also learned to be smart. In this class, he was indeed not as good as the unscrupulous Sakayanagi Arisu. Good people were naturally at a disadvantage when facing bad people.

"Who knows," 

Katsuragi pulled away the boy's hand and said calmly,

"This may be because other classes saw the internal strife in Class A this year and saw it as an opportunity, so they wanted me to gain protection points to continue causing internal strife in Class A."

"Don't worry, I won't be an enemy of Sakayanagi anymore. This kind of obvious trick is too low. We must use retreat to advance, stay dormant!"


As soon as this statement came out, the people in Class A looked at Katsuragi with a somewhat complicated look. The implication was: If Sakayanagi hadn't been causing trouble this year, how could it have turned out like this? Instead, you came to accuse me? Katsuragi did have a big-picture perspective and was dedicated to taking care of his classmates for the sake of the class.

It's a pity, the original Katsuragi faction of Class A naturally felt a little guilty in their hearts, but this was nothing compared to the fear of Sakayanagi and the temptation of graduating from Class A. Katsuragi was still too honest...he was no match for Sakayanagi.

"Princess..." Masayoshi Hashimoto came to Sakayanagi and asked tentatively, feeling that this ancestor might not be in a good mood right now.

"Now that Katsuragi-san has obtained protection point"

Sakayanagi regained her smile again, but it was obviously not as happy as before.

"It seems that in the first grade, Katsuragi-san's character has been recognized, so they wants to give protection points to you."

The implication was: The only thing worth mentioning about Katsuragi was his character. If you are watching, keep your eyes open for me. If you dare to stand in the wrong team, don't blame me for being rude. 

Soon, Class A announced its disbandment. Kamuro Masumi followed Sakayanagi out of the classroom until they left the school.

"Hmph," Sakayanagi kept a gentle fake smile on her face, but her ethereal voice made people feel chilly. Fifty praise votes, plus Class A's votes of criticism for Katsuragi.

It shows that he has received at least 80 or more votes of appreciation and the support of more than two classes. It is impossible for so many people to be impressed by Katsuragi's character at the same time. It was obviously a premeditated calculation. Forget about the incident with Ichinose last time, after all, Hikigaya also wanted to protect his class leader. Sakayanagi can understand and appreciate such methods. 

However Sakayanagi has never been so aggrieved. Moreover, she actually didn't hear even a hint of information about this, which was simply unreasonable.

Kamuro Masumi glanced at Sakayanagi beside her and responded feebly. It seemed that Sakayanagi was really angry.



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