Chapter 226: If I Can't Beat Him, Can I Still Not Beat You?

In the multimedia classroom, time rewound to a few minutes ago. 


Ichinose looked at the sixth item on the screen and suddenly felt a wave of dizziness wash over her, her vision darkening.

This was the event that Class B was least proficient in. When they learned that this was Class C's main 1V1 event, the class collectively agreed that they could afford to give it up. After all, no one in Class B could match Albert. 

But now, if they gave up, they would lose the next game.

 They might even end up having to compete with Class D. The thought alone was enough to make Ichinose shudder.

The main issue was that as a class leader, Ichinose could truly feel the gap between himself and other leaders. This year had been a year of slow growth. 

If they lost three games, not only would there be no growth, but they would also regress. Ichinose's mind was suddenly thrown into confusion. He didn't know whether he should stick to the plan and give up or pursue that glimmer of hope that might not exist.

"Heh...hehe," Ryuuen, who was sitting diagonally opposite, chuckled twice. "Judo? I chose this one. You're so lucky, Ichinose!"

"How so?" Only then did Ichinose regain his senses, revealing his vulnerable side.

"If the rest are all Class B projects, you still have a chance of winning," Ryuuen comforted the opponent in a strange way, and continued to deal a fatal blow.

"Even if the target is Albert, don't take it to heart. Winning or losing depends on your luck at the moment. You won't know if you don't try."

Ryuuen chose Albert without hesitation. Originally, before the project begins, both sides cannot know the other's participants. In addition to fairness, it also tests the command tower's coordination ability. 

However, Ryuuen directly showed his trump card, just to make Ichinose even more desperate. As soon as this statement came out, Ichinose's eyes dimmed. You only have thirty seconds to select a student. She glanced blankly at everyone's profile picture.

Shibata Sou, the top ace of Class B. Although he is not as strong as several other classes, he is still the ace of Class B. 

However, in sports, the probability of Shibata defeating Albert is very high. But in judo, the difference in physique between the two is too great. Ichinose feared that even if Albert stood still and let him fight, Shibata would not be able to win. Ichinose looked at the others again.

In the end, her gaze stayed with Hikigaya. He was weaker than Shibata and probably couldn't even beat Ishizaki and others. For some reason, Ichinose just felt that if it were him, he would definitely win. Even in the exit voting test, he could think of a way.

Hikigaya Hachiman is like a hero, saving her again and again and saving the things she cherishes most. In hers heart, Hikigaya has long since become an omnipotent being. If it were him, it would definitely be possible! She hesitated for a moment.

Ichinose added Hikigaya to the competition list. 

"Please! My hero!" 

"What's going on?" Less than a moment later...

Hikigaya's voice came through, somewhat panicked and lacking confidence. Ichinose couldn't help but feel a little regretful. She said apologetically,

"Well, I'm sorry. I accidentally clicked the wrong one. Hikki, you can just abstain."

It doesn't matter if you just admit defeat, anyone can see that Hikigaya can't beat Albert. Ichinose didn't know what she was expecting.

"Hikki, is it Hikigaya? Ichinose, you are really naive," Ryuuen sneered. If Hikigaya were to worry about the command tower, he might not be able to make Hikigaya waver.

After all, that guy looks cowardly on the outside, but he has strong heart.



Kill him! Albert," Ryuuen Kakeru joked into the microphone.

"This exam is very important to Class C, so don't show mercy." 

"Um" A dull voice came from the headphones.

Although Albert likes peace, he will not hesitate to take action for the sake of the class. The two stared at the screen. The atmosphere in the classroom couldn't help but be a little solemn. Class teacher Mashima and class teacher Chabashira stood behind the two of them, looking at Ichinose with somewhat sympathetic eyes. Ryuuen Kakeru, who had no protection points, suddenly became the commander of the tower. This must have caused Ichinose's inner confusion, which led to Ryuuen suppressing her throughout the entire exam.

As time passed by, there was still no sign of the two of them on the field. Ryuuen frowned, finally feeling that something was wrong. At this moment,

"That's it," 

Class teacher Mashima covered his phone, looked at the two of them and said,

"Hikigaya Hachiman from Class B and Albert from Class C caused violence outside. The two of them were disqualified from the exam. You two will re-select the contestants." Ryuuen was slightly startled.

Just to understand what happened, Albert usually doesn't cause trouble, and he doesn't even like to fight. In many places, it was not convenient for Ryuuen to take him. This is obviously Hikigaya's intention. Thinking about it, Ryuuen suddenly couldn't sit still. He stood up and said in a cold voice,

"What kind of joke is this? You must know that Albert is the main force in our class's judo project. It is obvious that Class B deliberately caused violence and pulled him to be disqualified from the exam. If this method can work, I don't think there is any need to compete in this exam!"

That's right. Violent incidents disqualify students from taking exams.

Any trash can drag down their main force. This is so unfair!

"You may have misunderstood," Class instructor Mashima had a business-like attitude and said in a calm voice,

"Hikigaya is also the main player in Class B's Japanese test. If the next Japanese test is the next one, he will not be able to participate."


Ryuuen clenched his fists and was almost furious. Can this be the same? 

Now we are having a judo competition!

Of course, it's impossible to say this. Class B still has two events left, and the competition events are all random. No one can guarantee whether the next event will be the one from Class B. Hikigaya is indeed the main force in Japanese. However, Class C is just a group of students whose academic performance is hovering near the passing line.

When facing such an opponent, Class B does not lack a main Japanese player like Hikigaya. But they only have one Albert. "And," Chabashira Sae said calmly, "This matter is the judgment made by the student council president. Let's start selecting people. If it times out, it will be considered a draw."

The implication is that it's no use talking to us about this. They are only responsible for proctoring and delivering information.

"Okay," Ichinose's lips couldn't help but bloom with a bright smile, and she felt so happy that she chose Shibata without hesitation.

As expected, Hikigaya is her hero! No matter when, Hikigaya will stand up to save her. It would be better if Hikigaya was willing to be the leader of Class B. Ichinose actually wanted to help behind the scenes.

It's a pity that Hikigaya refused too decisively and seemed to hate this very position. And on the opposite side, looking at the remaining group of little idiots on the screen, Ryuuen's face turned green with anger.

It is true that Class B does not have top talents, but Class C is actually about the same. Except for Albert, there will be no one left! At most, he should be counted as Ryuuen. After all, fighting is not only a competition of combat power, but also a spiritual victory. It's a pity.

Sitting in the command tower, Ryuen was also unable to enter the competition. The guy named Shibata from Class B is indeed a rookie, but he is also Class B's number one ace. If I can't beat Albert, can I still beat you?


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