Chapter 251: What are you going to do, surely you will refuse!

Back in the class.

Hikigaya didn't tell anyone about Ayanokouji's dropout exam.

Although the exam was announced in the name of the student council.

But this was completely a private issue between Tsukishiro, the chairman, and Ayanokouji, obviously beyond the scope of the school exam.

It's better not to get involved.


If they knew there was such an unreasonable exam.

Given the style of Class C, they would probably protest to the school, or they might stand on Ayanokouji's side.

Lunch break.

Ichinose activated her magnetic field.

Several tables naturally came together, and a group of girls naturally gathered together.

Looking at the scene in front of him.

Hikigaya, holding his lunch box, was a bit dumbfounded, wondering if he could eat alone.

To be honest.

He actually preferred to enjoy lunch alone in the club, but as Ichinose's boyfriend, this was obviously not appropriate.

"Oh, Hikki, sit here."

At this moment, his desk mate, Tsunabe Hitomi, smiled and got up to make room, taking her lunch box and sitting next to Ando Sayo.

"Thank you."

Hikigaya then sat next to Ichinose and opened his lunch box.

The lunch was also prepared by Ichinose last night, including fried chicken strips, fried pork chops, octopus ham, broccoli, etc.

At first glance, it was very appetizing.

It was no worse than the B set meal in the cafeteria.


Hikigaya was more concerned about the scene just now.

This was his first formal contact with Ichinose's social circle.

To be honest.

Ichinose was able to create such an atmosphere in the class.

To make the class so united, with such a terrifying cohesion.

In addition to Ichinose's credit, it must also be attributed to the fact that everyone in the class has a gentle heart.

Hikigaya really admires her.


Absolute fairness does not exist.

No matter what kind of group, there will inevitably be people who draw the short straw and will definitely bear more work.

As time goes on.

No matter what kind of group, there will inevitably be some contradictions.

It seems that Tsube Hitomi has taken on the role of compromise, and she is the first to give in whenever there is a problem.

Her contribution is indispensable for the class to become what it is now.

Only in this way.

Can the class maintain such a balance.


She doesn't know if she is voluntary or influenced by the atmosphere.


Ando Sayo's eyes lit up, somewhat excited:

"Sure enough, Hikki's lunch box was also made by Honami-chan, it's exactly the same."

"Well... I guess so."

Hikigaya was a little embarrassed.


Ando Sayo on the opposite side teased: "Hikki, can I eat your chicken fillet?"


Hikigaya was a little confused and helpless: "This is not okay, right?"

This is what Ichinose made for him, how can he let others eat his chicken fillet.

Speaking of which.

Can the other party really call out his full name?

They've only talked a few times, and their relationship isn't that good yet, how can they just ask him for chicken fillet to eat.


Ando Sayo swayed her body and dragged her voice:

"I want to eat the chicken fillet made by Honami-chan, okay?"

"You're really hopeless."

Ando Sayo opened her small mouth, and Ichinose picked up a chicken fillet from the lunch box and put it in her mouth.

"Then it's still the same as before."

"Yeah, it's better to be the same as before."

Ando Sayo finally showed a smile, and the people next to her also laughed and placed the lunch box in the middle of the table.

"Come on, Hikki."

Picking up a piece of tempura and putting it in Hikigaya's bowl, Ando Sayo laughed.

"Although it's not as delicious as Honami-chan's, you can also taste my cooking skills."


Hikigaya was suddenly a little confused.

What's going on?

Although it would make Hikigaya uncomfortable if he was worried about something because of his existence, but you guys put the lunch box in the middle like this.

Hikigaya is still very uncomfortable.

This is not a classmate anymore.

It's just like a family.

The cohesion of the class seems to exceed his imagination.

Ichinose is really amazing.

Or do almost all girls do this?

"Thank you."

Hikigaya said a little embarrassed.

Just, it feels like Ichinose is a bit inexplicably out of state.


After lunch.

Hikigaya was called outside by Ichinose.


Ichinose hesitated: "I have something to ask you, can you please answer me seriously!"

"Oh, okay."

Hikigaya was a little nervous, wouldn't it be that Ichinose actually disliked what just happened and it was inconvenient to explain.


Ichinose pursed her lips with a complicated expression: "Do you know that Yuki-chan likes you a lot?"


Hikigaya was taken aback, and then somewhat speechless: "This is impossible, right?"

"Is that so."

Ichinose nodded, then somewhat helpless:

"But, this seems to be true."

"That, I think this is impossible, could it be another rumor spread by someone?"

Hikigaya scratched his head and was really skeptical.

It's good enough that Himeno Yuki doesn't bully him.

Like him?

What a joke.

It feels more likely that those who have a crush on Ichinose have red eyes and want to use this method to break them up, and they even persecuted Himeno Yuki.

It's really despicable.

"It was Yume-chan who told me."

Ichinose said somewhat helplessly: "It doesn't matter if you don't know, actually, Yuki-chan seems to have liked you since a long time ago."


Hikigaya was suddenly dumbfounded.

It was Kobashi Yume who said it, the probability of it being a rumor was really low.

Himeno Yuki likes him?


Hikigaya said somewhat awkwardly: "Then her reason for taking leave today, it wouldn't also be because of me, would it?"

"Maybe, let's not talk about this for now."

Ichinose opened her mouth somewhat hesitantly, but still asked:

"Hikki, what... do you think you should do?"

"What should I do?"

"Just... just..."

Ichinose, who was usually not so hesitant, took a long time before she asked in a probing tone:

"If, I mean if, if Yuki-chan confesses to you, what would you do?"

"I would definitely reject her."

Hikigaya said somewhat helplessly.

Although Himeno Yuki took leave because of him.

But he doesn't really like Himeno Yuki, and he certainly wouldn't abandon Ichinose now.

"That's good..."

Ichinose couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It's very clear.

At present, Hikigaya doesn't really like her either.


Ichinose will definitely work hard to make Hikigaya fall in love with her.

If Hikigaya likes Himeno Yuki, Ichinose really doesn't know what to do.

This makes it much simpler!

"??Hikki, I'm sorry."

Ichinose said somewhat apologetically: "Can you eat dinner outside first? I want to go see Yuki-chan after school."

"No problem..."

Hikigaya nodded, somewhat helplessly: "By the way, can you not treat me like a baby?"

"Not at all, these are things I should do, right?"

Ichinose rolled her eyes beautifully, then showed a smile again.

"There's some stuff to do in the student council, so I'll go first. Also, Hikki, you don't need to be so nervous, you can act more casually."

"I'm not nervous..."

"Obviously you are, Sayo and the others all noticed it."


Hikigaya was slightly stunned.

Only then did he react.

Ando Sayo and Tsube Hitomi probably noticed his awkwardness.

They even voluntarily gave up their seats, coquettishly served him food, and actively tried to get close to him to make him less nervous.

Isn't it about guarding against fire, theft, and girlfriends?

Why does it feel like they're all good people...

"Then I'll go first."


Watching Ichinose's retreating figure, Hikigaya turned around and walked towards the class, only to see Shibata and Kanzaki who had just finished eating.

Both sides couldn't help but stop.

Hikigaya hesitated for a moment, really not knowing how to start.

Strictly speaking.

Shibata obviously likes Ichinose.

But this is a matter of mutual affection, the other party should also have no room to intervene, Hikigaya doesn't need to have any thoughts about him.

But it still feels a bit awkward.

After hesitating for a moment.

Hikigaya felt that he still needed to explain to Shibata.

"Are you okay?"

Hikigaya asked as he approached.

Young man, you should give up, you have no chance.

"How could I be okay."

Shibata shook his head, clenched his fist and lightly pounded his chest, somewhat bitter.

"Although it feels a bit wrong for me to say this, but I still have to say, if you dare to betray Ichinose, I will never let you go."

"Then you have no chance."

Hikigaya couldn't help but show a smile.

It seems that although Shibata is hard to accept, he is not a person who can't face failure calmly.

"That's true."

Shibata sighed, looked up at Hikigaya.

"I've completely lost, but you have to make Ichinose happy!"

"Don't worry."

Hikigaya nodded seriously, "Although I can't guarantee anything, I will do my best."

"See you later then."

Shibata sighed and walked into the classroom.

It's clear.

Hikigaya's best effort is to do his utmost.

Losing to such a person.

It's not unjust.

He believe Hikigaya will definitely take responsibility to the end.


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