Chapter 126: The Familiar Girl, Kamuro Masumi's Actions.

Keyaki Mall Shopping Center.

Watching the tall figure ahead, Kamuro Masumi's gaze is filled with resentment, teeth clenched in hatred.

Who knows how she's endured these past few days?

Every day, she follows Hikigaya, watching him either meet this girl or go on dates with another girls.

What a scumbag!

Even on weekends...

Kamuro Masumi is starting to wonder if she's becoming a stalker.

If it weren't for the class, if Sakayanagi hadn't threatened her...

She wouldn't be doing this!

Thinking this...

Seeing Hikigaya walking alone toward Keyaki Mall Shopping Center, Kamuro Masumi's excitement grows as she follows him.


Hikigaya isn't particularly vigilant against surveillance.

As long as she doesn't stare too obviously, he rarely notices.

Maintaining a distance of about ten meters behind Hikigaya, Kamuro Masumi follows him into the bowling alley.

"Does that guy even know how to bowl?"

Kamuro Masumi is puzzled.

Hikigaya doesn't strike her as someone who'd enjoy this sport.

Although Sakayanagi Arisu has a plan, most of the execution relies on Kamuro Masumi's improvisation.


Her skills aren't lacking.

After watching Hikigaya enter a room at the bowling alley, Kamuro Masumi waits a moment before following. To her surprise, it's a ramen restaurant.

After a month of surveillance...

Hikigaya's image is etched in Kamuro Masumi's mind. She immediately spots him sitting at the bar.


The restaurant isn't crowded; there are only a few middle-aged men inside.

As soon as she entered the door, Kamuro Masumi felt several pairs of eyes on her. It wasn't surprising, though. After all, she was quite attractive.

Moreover, since eating at Tenkaippin last time, Kamuro Masumi had occasionally dined alone there. It was indeed rare to see a woman dining alone in a ramen shop.

Kamuro Masumi had occasionally dined alone, and indeed, it was rare to see a woman entering a ramen shop by herself.

Hikigaya's attention was also drawn.

Although it felt a bit strange.

But Hikigaya didn't mind, he continued to eat his ramen.

On the other side.

After buying the meal ticket.

Kamuro Masumi, sitting one seat away from Hikigaya at the bar counter, handed the meal ticket to the boss.

"Extra thick back fat, wire."


Hearing their conversation, Hikigaya couldn't help but glance sideways.

This guy was really brave, obviously a regular customer of the ramen shop.


With her long purple hair, tied up in a short ponytail on top.

It did look somewhat familiar.

As Hikigaya ate his noodles, he wondered if he had seen her somewhere before.

When the boss brought the ramen to the front.

Kamuro Masumi broke open the disposable chopsticks, taking a deep breath in secret.

With Hikigaya's personality.

If he noticed something slightly off, he would probably distance himself from her, and the plan might end in failure.

She couldn't rush.

Kamuro Masumi picked up the white sesame, bamboo shoots, seaweed, and other condiments from the table and put them into the ramen. Then, when she reached for the chili, her hand lightly touched it.

The bright red chili immediately spilled onto the table.

"Ah, I'm sorry..."

"No, no, no, don't worry, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm really sorry."

"No, no, no, it's my fault for not covering the condiments properly, I'm really sorry."

"It's my fault, I've caused you trouble."

Both sides began the classic mutual apology.

After all, it was just some free condiments, not a big problem.

After a round of bowing.

The waiter picked up the cloth to clean up the mess, and Kamuro Masumi picked up her ramen and sat a little further away.

At this point, they were two seats apart.

Hikigaya didn't mind, after all, there were extra seats, and it was normal for her not to want to interact with strangers.

Just then.


Kamuro Masumi glanced at him and said, "Can I use the chili?"


Hikigaya didn't respond, he just held up the chili with one hand and placed it in the middle of the table.

Seeing the girl in front of him take the chili and add three spoonfuls, Hikigaya couldn't help but admire her.



Kamuro Masumi was enjoying her ramen.

After eating, she fell in love with the taste of ramen, indeed, ramen has to be spicy enough to be flavorful.

After a while, she started to speak while eating.

"Hey, what does it feel like to date two beauties?"


Hikigaya was slightly stunned.

There weren't many scumbags who dated two beauties at the same time.

She must be talking to him.


Hikigaya was a bit puzzled, "Have we met before?"

"Kind of."

Kamuro Masumi nodded indifferently, "We met on the deserted island last year."


Hikigaya was slightly stunned.

It was a year ago, and his memory was somewhat vague.

But he had indeed seen her.


Kamuro Masumi interrupted his thoughts, "What does it feel like?"

"It's pretty good."

Hikigaya said indifferently.

He was able to accept it frankly, and he didn't want to hide anything.

After all, he was dating two beauties, no matter how others viewed or evaluated him, he would face it calmly.

"Scum, don't talk to me."


Looking at the mocking girl, Hikigaya was a bit dumbfounded.

Damn it.

She was the one who started talking to him.

Damn, this girl was simply unreasonable.

Forget it.

If she doesn't want to talk, then don't talk.

Being despised was normal.

On the other side.

Kamuro Masumi was holding chopsticks in one hand and a soup spoon in the other, enjoying her noodles.

She didn't know why she asked that question.


This was much better.

What kind of good person could a scumbag who could date two women at the same time with a calm face be?

Since Hikigaya wasn't a good person, she naturally didn't need to feel guilty.

Thinking about this, Kamuro Masumi became even more excited.

The two of them were silently eating noodles. Since the other person was disdainful, Hikigaya naturally wouldn't pay her any mind.

He was scrolling through his phone while eating ramen.


After Kamuro Masumi finished her ramen, she got up and left without any hesitation.

It seemed like she just came to eat ramen, and had no intention of interacting with Hikigaya.

Hikigaya didn't give her a second glance.

It was just a chance encounter with a student from the same school at the ramen shop.

It was a normal occurrence in this closed school.

There was nothing to worry about.

However, Hikigaya was a bit puzzled. This person obviously ate ramen often, so why hadn't he run into her at other shops before?

Or maybe he had.

He just hadn't paid it any mind.

Hikigaya just thought she looked somewhat familiar.


After finishing his ramen.

Hikigaya picked up his shoulder bag and left Toranoana.