Chapter 284: What is this woman?

Time passes.

Approaching late April.

The exams will start in a few days.

During this time, both the first and second grades are focused on study sessions, wishing to improve every single point as much as possible.

According to Ichinose and others.

Their relationship with Tsubaki Sakurako seems to have finally progressed.

Although every time they go out, Tsubaki Sakurako still sits listlessly on the side to observe, but now she doesn't refuse as much.


She has deeply understood.

Refusing Ichinose is such a meaningless thing.


This day.

Ichinose and Ando Sayo and others are holding a study session, Hikigaya leaves the school as usual.

On the way.

Keyaki Mall Shopping Center is as lively as ever, the heat of the three people dating at the same time has passed, no one talks about him anymore.

Even when walking on the street and encountering students in school uniforms.

At most, they just take an extra look.

After all, they are not some morally noble Taoist priests, they just use rumors as after-dinner talk.

As long as no one is fanning the flames behind the scenes.

When the rumors lose their appeal, they naturally look for new hot topics.

Of course.

Except for the defective products of Class D.

They occasionally encountered Ike Kanji and others andh they still have a disgusted face but dare not come forward, but they are mainly out of jealousy.

The main anger is vented on Hikigaya.

They rarely pay attention to Ichinose and these girls.

At most, they just hang words like 'good cabbage has been arched by pigs' on their lips.

In short.

The problem is not big.

As long as you don't take the initiative to approach, the impact of rumors is almost negligible.

Of course.

If you encounter a special exam that requires cooperation.

There may be some trouble.

But this can also be solved by other means, it's not a big problem.


Dormitory building.

As soon as Hikigaya walked into the lobby, he saw a girl waiting in front of the elevator.

He just saw her a few days ago.


Hikigaya's impression of her is still deep, the injury on her foot seems to have healed, obviously not a big problem.

Walking to the elevator.

Hikigaya also has no idea to say hello, quietly waiting for the elevator.

This dormitory belongs to the first-grade students.

Eight people per floor for a total of twenty-six floors, there seem to be a few more vacant floors above.

At this time.

The elevator is parked on the twentieth floor.

Even if you don't consider personal reasons, the school should add an elevator.


"It's you..."

The girl next to him was shocked, then turned around with some disgust and left the dormitory building.


Hikigaya was dumbfounded.

Since she despises him, but such blatant disgust still makes people a bit sad, right?

Does she not want to ride the same elevator with him?

Isn't that too much?

Damn it.

Looking at the slowly descending elevator numbers, Hikigaya was a little bit heartbroken.

In less than a moment.

There was a somewhat hurried footsteps behind him.


As soon as Hikigaya turned his head, a bottle of iced tea was thrown at him, and he hurriedly caught it in a flustered manner.

Before he could speak, he heard Kamuro Masumi say coldly:

"We're even now, don't get involved with me anymore, understand?"


Hikigaya was dumbfounded.

How self-righteous is this guy, he held the somewhat reddish iced tea in his hand, a little puzzled:

"What do you mean by 'even', what does that mean?"

"The reward for helping me last time."

Kamuro Masumi sneered, "Can't you understand such a simple thing?"


Hikigaya quickly shook his head, handed back the iced tea in his hand, which might have been just bought from the vending machine.

"I just helped you pick up a free umbrella, it's not a big deal,"

"Don't flatter yourself."

Kamuro Masumi sneered:

"Don't think I don't know the tricks of you scumbags, you just want to show off deliberately to win favor, and then deceive me into bed, right?"

"In any case, you helped me get an umbrella, and I returned the favor with a drink. We're even now."


Hikigaya was suddenly at a loss for words.

Forget it.

His reputation is what it is now.

In the eyes of outsiders.

They probably think every move he makes is to intimidate girls.

It's normal to want to distance oneself in this way.

Such clear-cut blunt words, clearly telling him there's no chance.

Hikigaya doesn't hate it, though.


A bottle of red tea.

Only needs a hundred and fifty private points.

As a cheap return gift, it's indeed enough.

Since the other party doesn't want to interact, Hikigaya naturally wouldn't be interested.

"That's fine..."

"Shut up, scum, don't talk to me."


Alright then.

Hikigaya stopped talking.

Kamuro Masumi on the side opened her green tea and took a sip as if nothing had happened.

The two were waiting for the elevator to descend.

Looking at the elevator stopped at the twelfth floor, Hikigaya unscrewed the cap and took a few sips.

After all.

Whether it's the lobby or inside the elevator, there are cameras.

There's nothing worth worrying about.

Seemingly waiting for some time was a bit boring, Kamuro Masumi on the side took out her phone to pass the time.


The elevator stopped on the first floor.

Kamuro Masumi was the first to walk directly into the elevator, her disdainful gaze seemed to not want to share a room with him.

Unfortunately, there's only this one elevator.

Hikigaya wasn't that awkward, he walked into the elevator without any courtesy, really not knowing what this person was rushing for.

As the elevator doors slowly closed.

Looking at Kamuro pressing the 15th floor, Hikigaya was a bit hesitant.

Thinking about how this person just told him to shut up.

Hikigaya still reached out to press the button for the fifth floor.

"What are you doing?"

With a slap.

His palm was ruthlessly slapped away, the girl in front of him crossed her arms, her tone somewhat scared:

"What are you trying to do?"

"No... I wanted to press the fifth floor, or you can press it for me."

Hikigaya quickly retreated to the corner, raising his hands to show he had no ulterior motives.

"Why didn't you speak just now?"

Kamuro Masumi's face was full of suspicion.


Hikigaya was somewhat speechless: "It was you who just told me to shut up, not to talk to you."


Kamuro Masumi was somewhat doubtful: "Really?"

"Of course it's true."

"Alright then."

Kamuro Masumi finally looked away, but the elevator had already reached the eighth floor.

"It's already past the fifth floor..."

"This... never mind then."

Hikigaya was somewhat helpless.

Although taking the stairs is also an option, waiting for the elevator to come again is the same.

"Let's make it clear first."

Kamuro Masumi turned her head back and explained in a cold voice: "This has nothing to do with me, it was you who suddenly reached out."


Hikigaya was somewhat speechless towards this woman.

Although she's pretty, he really has no interest in dealing with her.

Just keep a respectful distance.


The elevator slowly ascended.

Hikigaya couldn't help but feel a bit dizzy, the girl in front of him seemed to have a double image.

Suddenly, a wave of dizziness came over him.



Hikigaya's vision went black, and just before he passed out, he seemed to bump into something soft.

Holding Hikigaya in her arms, Kamuro Masumi looked ecstatic.

Damn it.

She finally got him.

In fact, as long as she took advantage of Hikigaya's kindness and deliberately distanced herself, it was quite easy to get him!