
All the others seemed to be getting along fine. Both Garmadons were ignoring each other so we didn't have to worry about them. I went outside and hummed. After a few minutes, a hawk swooped down. "You called?" Wings said as he landed on the dragon statue in the front yard.

I smiled. "Hello, Wings. I was a couple of things to say."


"First, I'd like to thank you for bringing Lloyd to me the first time I was captured."

"No problem."

"Second, I heard you are able to travel between worlds. Is this true?"


"Good. Will you do me the favor of taking messages to and from Suna?"

"What do I get in return?"

"I'll make sure you get meals when you come here," I said.

His head tilted to his right. "Hmm, I suppose that will work. Do you have a message for Suna?"

I shook my head. "Not yet, but Gaara might have one for us. Will you check?"

"He can't understand me."

I pulled something out of my pocket and held it up. "Pixel made this so everyone can hear you. It goes on your ankle."

He helped out his right. "You may put it on."

I did. "Now he'll be able to hear everything you say."

He nodded. "Sounds..."

The doors burst open and I moved. "Who are you?" I asked the man.

He looked at me. "I'm looking for Y/n L/n."

"That's me."

"I am here to tell you the first battle will take place in a week in a field a little outside Ninjago." He turned and ran.

I turned to Wings. "Looks like I do need you to tell Gaara something. Tell him that the battle will take place on the 17th and the place, please." He bobbed his head and disappeared. I ran inside and herded everyone into the trained room since it was the biggest place in the monastery. When everyone was there I said, "I was just told when the first battle will take place and where it will be."

My Lloyd stiffened. "Liam was here?"

"No, he sent one of his henchmen. The battle will take place on the 17th in a field that's a little way from Ninjago."

"Then we better start getting prepared," other Nya said. Our Nya nodded in agreement.

"We have weapons and our moves, I think we're good," other Cole said.

"It's always good to train," I said.

Our Kai suddenly grinned. "I thought you and Lloyd were sharing the leadership."

I frowned. "We are."

"Really? I don't see him joining you in the center of the room."

"I wasn't there when she got the information," Lloyd said scowling. "And I'd rather Y/n lead anyway."

I blinked at him. "What?"

"I'm stepping down from my position of leadership. You will lead and I will advise when you need me to," he replied.


He shook his head. "You will lead," he said firmly.

"Okay. Um," I said looking around. "I have no idea how many people he has on his side but I do know that however much it is we'll be able to take him on. We have others coming to help us and there is no reason to be afraid. Or fight each other," I added because Misako and Koko were shooting glares at each other. The other Lloyd inserted himself between them. He gave me a nd nod and I inclined my head in acknowledgment. "If we stick together we can defeat him. If any of you don't want to fight anymore now would be a good time to say something." They shoo their heads. "Then let's do everything we can to be prepared." Everyone went in different directions. Except for my Lloyd. He stayed.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before," Lloyd said. "But I had been thinking about it while you were gone and I think it would be better if you were the only leader."

I frowned. "Why?"

"Because he's after you. Leaders might throw themselves into danger but they also are well protected."

I shook my head. "They shouldn't try to protect me."

Lloyd wrapped his arms around my waist. "Are you still scared of him?" He asked softly.

I looked away. "Yes, but I can do this." I let out a shaky breath. I was not going to cry. "I have to do this."

Lloyd kissed me gently. "Y/n, I'm here for you no matter what. You know that, right?"

I nodded and blinked several times to try to hold back the tears that wanted to come. "I know." Then a thought occurred to me. "Lloyd? Can we elope instead of having a big wedding?"

He blinked. "Is that what you want?"

I thought for a moment and nodded again. "Yes. I want us to be married when we fight this war." I paused. "Unless you'd rather have a big wedding?"

He shook his head quickly. "No."

I smiled. "Then let's go get married." We flew on Lloud's elemental dragon to a church. Once we told the preacher what we wanted he agreed to do the ceremony. His wife was going to be our witness.

The preacher was about to begin when the doors were flung open and the Ninja filed in. They all sat down and motioned for the preacher to go. I noticed that even Koko and the other Ninja had come. Wu, Misako, the two Garmadon's, Vania, Harumi, and Morro too. The Preacher looked at me and Lloyd and we nodded. "Dear the beloved," the preacher said. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the love that these two people share. If anyone objects to this wedding please speak now or forever hold your peace." He paused. No one said anything. "Alright then. Lloyd, do you take Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and health until death do you part?"

"I do," Lloyd said.

"Y/n, do you take Lloyd to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and health until for you part?"

I nodded. "I do."

"Then the power invested of me by the City of Ninjago, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the preacher finished.

We kissed and everyone started clapping. We all left the church and had a huge celebration at the monastery. "How did you guys know that we were getting married?" I asked Pixel, Nya, Skylar, Vania, and Harumi.

Nya chuckled. "Cole had overheard you two talking and he told us. We all wanted to be at your wedding and we knew you didn't want to wait any longer. So instead of talking you out of it, we decided to just be your witnesses."

I smiled. "So you aren't mad that it wasn't a big wedding?"

"We are a little," Harumi admitted.

"But all that really matters is that you are Lloyd are happy," Vania said firmly.

"Thank you," I murmured. Then I yawned.

Lloyd came over. "Looks like you're ready for bed."

I nodded tiredly. "A lot's happened."

He pulled me to my feet. "Then let's go get some sleep." I followed him to our room and we both went to bed. I was asleep way before my head hit the pillow.