Clearing Things Up

I sat up and grabbed some clothes. Then I went into the bathroom and took a hot shower. After the shower, I slid on a blue skirt and a T-shirt. I brushed my hair and put it in a bun. I went into our room and put on my boots while Lloyd glared at me. "I'm not letting my hair down," I said firmly as I tied the laces.

"It looks better down," he said.

"To you." I stood and sighed. "I better go see if Wings has come back with a message from Gaara."

He stood and kissed me quickly. "Okay. I'm going to take a shower and then I'll meet you out there."

"Okay." I left the room and went outside. I looked around and didn't see him. Damn. 

"So did you sleep with him?" Nya asked as she came over.

I looked at her. "I slept next to him."

"I meant did you end your virginity?"

I groaned. "I knew what you meant. No, we were tired and I'm not ready to do that part of our relationship."

She snorted. "You said you were going to wait a year before you two married but you got married yesterday."

"We were going to wait a year but then this war popped up and we don't know what's going to happen." I lifted my eyes to the sky and saw a bird diving toward us. "Wings!"

He landed on the dragon statue. "I delivered your message."

"Did he say anything in return?"

"They'll be ready."

I nodded. "Good." 

"Hello, Wings," Lloyd said as he came over.

"Lloyd," Wings said tilting his head to the side.

"How are we able to understand him?" Nya asked.

I pointed to the thing on his ankle. "Pixel made that so everyone can understand him. It makes it easier for him to deliver messages that way."


"Gaara also told me that Konoha is ready for battle too," Wings said.

I smiled. "I figured they would be." I saw him staring at me. "Oh, very well. Your meal is inside on the table." He flew off.

Lloyd chuckled. "Good thing you don't back down from a bargain."

Nya shuddered. "I don't even want to think about what would happen if Y/n did that."

"Neither do I," I muttered. "Lloyd? Can we talk for a minute?" 


Nya didn't move. I gave her a pointed look. "Alone?"

She sighed. "Fine." Then she went inside.

I turned to Lloyd. "Sooo, Nya asked me a very embarrassing question before Wings showed up."

He raised an eyebrow. "Did that question have anything to do with ending your virginity?"

"Why can't people just say sex?" I grumbled.

"You don't even say it."

"I just did!"

"That doesn't count."

"Does too."

He shook his head. "I don't want to do that with you until after this war."

"Can I ask why?" 

He sighed. "Because there is a chance I could get you pregnant."

I nodded. "So no sex until after this war is over."


I hesitated for a few minutes. "Lloyd, do you want to have a family with me someday?"

He looked at me. "Eventually." He paused. "When we aren't going to be running for our lives."

"And killing," I added unhappily.

His eyes darkened. "Liam deserves to die, Y/n."

I shook my head. "I hate to say it matter how bad a person has been, no one deserves death."

Lloyd's tail lashed through the air which told me he didn't like that I was thinking that. "Y/n, he tortured you. Hell, he even killed you! He shouldn't get a chance to survive."

I looked at the wall that depicted every battle the Ninja have fought in. "Are you saying you aren't just a little relieved that you didn't kill him, Lloyd?"

Lloyd shook his head. "I wanted him dead. I swear I did kill him. I have no idea how he survived." He wrapped his arms around me but I still refused to look at him. "Y/n, look at me." I did reluctantly. "He killed you and I'm sure he's done it to other people. Do you honestly want him to survive?"

I bit my lip. "I don't know. I just don't think anyone deserves to die, okay?" 

"Well, he does," Lloyd said firmly.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "So you want the guilt of killing someone on your conscience?"

He glared. "I wouldn't feel guilty because he hurt the woman I love."

I shut my eyes. "Lloyd..."

"No, he killed you and he will die for it."

I stepped out of his arms and opened my eyes. "I need to be alone for a few minutes, okay?"

"You can't go into town alone."

I paused at the door. "Lloyd, I can take care of myself." Nightmare jumped off the roof and landed beside me. I glared. "I said, alone."

That's what you said, that doesn't mean I have to listen, Nightmare replied.

"Y/n, please take him with you," Lloyd said.

I gave them both a dark look. "Fine. But stay where I can't see you," I snapped at Nightmare. Then turned on my heel and walked away. I walked by the stores without seeing anything. No one deserves to die even if they've done some terrible things like Liam has.

"Hey, Y/n," a voice called.

I turned and sighed. I had forgotten the other Lloyd had come into town today. "Hey, Lloyd," I said grumpily.

He frowned. "Is something wrong?"

"Do you think people, who've done bad things, deserve to die?"

He thought for a minute. "That depends on how bad the things they did were." He looked at me. "Who are we talking about here?"

I continued walking and he fell into step beside me. "Liam," I muttered.

"Oh." He thought about it. "Liam's done some pretty bad things..."

"But he doesn't deserve to die," I growled.

He glanced at me. "You and your husband are fighting over this, aren't you?"

I nodded. "I don't think we should kill anyone."

He stopped in front of me. "Y/n, if we do that, we'll be making it ten times harder for ourselves." He paused. "Heck, we might even end up losing."

I cringed at the thought. "But the people who are following him could be doing it against their wills."

He shook his head. "Or they could be doing it because they agree with him." He sighed. "Either way, they want you dead and this whole thing started because we won't hand you over."

I looked away. "Lloyd, don't you get it? It's not really their deaths that are bothering me. It's the deaths that I know will happen on our side. A lot of them might even get captured and tortured for information!"

"But you said you aren't sure you want Liam to be killed."

"I'm not but it's our side I'm mostly worried about."

"Then you should talk to your husband about this."

I looked at him. "He thinks we should kill Liam and I'm not sure we should. Some people on our side will die and there's no way to prevent it. I don't want to burden him with my worries."

"He's your husband," Lloyd said pointedly. "You're supposed to go talk to him when something's bothering you."

I sighed. "Fine." I turned and we both made our way back to the monastery. I was trying to figure out how our conversation was going to turn out the entire time.