
I woke up with a squirrel in my face. I picked her up before I sat up. "So?" I murmured so we didn't wake Lloyd up.

"They lever her along at night! No guards or anything," she said.

I thought for a minute. "It's because she has no elemental powers. They think she's weak. So they aren't guarding her." I smiled a little. "They don't think we can portal into her cell."

"Can you?"

I nodded. "Nightmare can open a portal anywhere." I set her down on the ground then woke Lloyd up. 

He sat up. "What's wrong?"

"Our little spy came back. I'll see you at the meeting." I ran out of the tent and it took two hours before I had everyone assembled. "Okay, everyone. Our squirrel came back and guess what? They don't guard her cell at night," I said. A cheer rose. I held up a hand and they fell silent. "Liam doesn't believe we can open a portal into her cell. And before you ask, yes, he can open a portal there. He can open them anywhere." I looked around. "Sasuke, my husband, and the other Kai will be the ones to go through the portal and pull her to freedom." The three I named nodded and went to prepare. Everyone went and got breakfast and coffee. I sat with the girls and ate. 

"So after we have her, are you going to call Liam?" Other Nya asked.

I nodded. "As soon as she's here at headquarters I'll call him and tell him my answer."

"Which is no," Harumi said. 

"Which is no," I agreed.

Skylar smiled. "I'm pretty sure he'll be shocked."

I swallowed my mouthful. "He will." I paused. "When did the electric fence around our base get put up?" I asked.

"Oh, Gaara had a few people do that after the meeting last night," Vania said. "There will still be guards walking the perimeter but it will keep the ass wholes out."

"The guards will be walking the perimeter inside the fence so they can still be safe," Pixel said.

I was silent. "You aren't mad that he did it without consulting you, are you?" Our Nya asked.

I blinked. "What? No, I'm not. I was just thinking."


I shrugged. "I'm the leader. Several thoughts are always circling in my head."

"Care to share one?"

"Not really."

"Oooh, is it something that you want to do to your husband?" Harumi asked.

My cheeks turned red. "What?!? No!" I shook my head. "Girl, we're in a war! I can't, and don't, think about those things."

"Have you two done it yet?" Other Nya asked.

I put my head in my hands. "We aren't going to do that until after the war."

"Seriously?" Skylar said. "What if one of you dies? You'll regret never having that experience with him."

I stood. "I'm leaving now." I walked away and found there other Lloyd leaning against a tree with his eyes closed. I stood in front of him. "What happened now?" I asked.

He opened his eyes. "Nothing. Just thinking."


He shook his head. "Stuff."

"Leader stuff or other stuff?"

He sighed. "You aren't going to leave me alone until I tell you, are you?"


"I'm in love with someone who's already married and isn't from my world."

I looked around. "Who?"

"That I'll keep to myself," He said shutting his eyes again.

I thought about the girls he's hung out with and frowned. The only girl he's ever hung out with is... other Nya and me. But other Nya isn't married. She and other Jay are still trying to figure things out. So that just leaves me. I watched him for a minute then said, "Are you in love with me?"

He opened his eyes again. "No." He walked away.

I have a feeling he's lying but I decided to just let it go. I walked to the training area and found the three I was sending through the portal. "Hey," I said. 

My Lloyd stood and kissed me for a minute. "Hey," he replied.

"So are you three ready?" I asked looking at the others.

"We are," Sasuke said.

"It would be nice if we didn't have to wait so long though," other Kai said.

I raised an eyebrow. "You aren't letting the time make you scared, are you?"

He snorted. "Me? Scare? You've lost your mind."

I smiled. "Everyone has something they're afraid of, Kai," I said gently.

"Not me!"

I huffed. "You're as stubborn as our Kai."

Lloyd snorted. "He may be a little more stubborn."

I smirked. "I am so going to tell our Kai you said that."

"You won't."

"I most certainly will!"

He kissed me again. "Will you?" He said when we broke apart.

I took several steps back. "Yes." I ran off and found Gaara watching everyone walk around. "Bore?" I asked when I was beside him.

He shook his head. "No, just thinking."

"It seems like all of us leaders are thinking about something," I muttered.

He frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the other Lloyd just told me he was thinking about something. I've been thinking about stuff and what the other Lloyd was thinking about got added to that pile. And you said you were thinking." I shrugged. "We're the leaders so I guess thinking a lot comes with the job."

"The other Lloyd told you what he was thinking about?" Gaara asked.


"What was he thinking about?"

I thought for a minute. "He said he's in love with someone who's married. I'm trying to figure out who."

He was silent for a minute. "Is it you?"

"That's what I thought but he said no." I paused. "Though I suppose he could be lying."

Gaara sighed. "I hope that he knows that nothing will happen between him and whoever this woman might be."

I nodded in agreement. "So what are you thinking about?"

"More security." 

I looked around. "You think we need more?"

"I'm not sure. We don't really know what Liam is capable of."

"True." We were silent for a few minutes. "We have guards and an electric fence. Are you thinking about digging a ditch around the fence? Because that will keep the people and swords out but nothing else."

"I know." He shook his head. "I don't really see what else we could add. At least the fence keeps out arrows and bullets." He saw my look of confusion. "Both Jay's did something and now nothing can get through that fence without being electrocuted."

I frowned. "Um, the fence has to let us out eventually."

He nodded. "They said then they will hold back the current and once we're through they'll let it go."

"Oh, okay then." I watched everyone for a few minutes. "I'm going to go to the Medic Tent. See if Sakura needs me." I set off while thinking, it's quite useful having two Jay's.