Saving Misako

The rest of the day went by quickly while working in the Medic Tent. Soon we were all around the platform again. I held up a hand and silence descended. "Okay, it's time to get Misako out of Liam's stronghold," I said. I looked at my Lloyd, Sasuke, and other Kai. "Are you three ready?" They nodded. I turned to Nightmare. "Nightmare? Will you open the portal?" As soon as I said it, a glowing circle appeared and our three rescuers went through. We waited. A few minutes turned to ten, then to thirty. Finally, the glow grew brighter and came through. Including Misako. Nightmare shut the portal and I turned to Misako. She was hurt pretty badly. Cuts, bruises, and a broken arm. "Sakura, will you please take her to the Medic Tent?" I asked.

Sakura stepped forward. "Of course." She wrapped Misako's non-injured arm around her shoulders and they set off to the tent.

I turned to my husband. "Why did it take you so long?"

He pushed his hair out of his face. "She was chained up more than a normal person would be."

Other Kai nodded. "Her hands were shackled to the wall and he ankles to the floor."

I saw my Lloyd was looking at the ground. "What's wrong, Lloyd?"

He shook his head. "Nothing." He walked away.

I looked at the other two. "What else happened?"

"There were...other ways they shackled her," Sasuke said.

"What other ways?"

"It's best if he tells you," other Kai said.

I nodded. "Okay." I turned to the waiting crowd. "Well, that's it for now." Everyone dispersed. I went to Lloyd's and my tent. I found him sitting on the bed. I sat beside him. "What's wrong?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Nothing."

"Don't lie, Lloyd."

He groaned. "I don't want to talk about it."


He put his head in his hands. "It's just the way they shackled her." I waited. "They had a manacle around her neck and her waist. They had chains going through her leg and shoulders." His shoulders started shaking as he started to cry.

I hugged him. "Shh, it's okay. She's home now," I murmured.

He laid his head on my shoulder. "But she still went through that. I should have..."

"There was nothing you could have done," I told him. "So no blaming yourself. Okay?"


"If I can't blame myself you can't blame yourself," I said firmly.

He nodded and I held him until he stopped crying. "Thank you," he mumbled sitting up.

I smiled. "I'm your wife. It's my job." I pulled out my phone. "It's time for me to call Liam and give him my answer."

Lloyd's mouth twitched. "Sounds good."

I called. "Hello?" The voice I hated said.

"Hello, Liam. I have my answer," I said calmly.

"Oh? Which is it?"

"I'm not going to you. I'm staying here."

"Then I guess Misako Garmadon dies."

"Actually, if you check, you'll find that you no longer have Misako. So she'll be living." I hung up.

Lloyd kissed me. "That will teach him not to mess with you."

My mouth twitched. "Doubtful." I stood. "Well, I'm going to get to the Medic Tent and see if Sakura needs my help healing Misako."

He stood too. "I'm going to go check on the others."

"Okay." We split up. When I got to the Medic Tent Misako was sitting on the edge of one of the beds. I walked over. "Hey, Misako."

She looked at me. "Y/n, I'm glad you found a way to rescue me."

I looked at her injuries. "It wasn't soon enough."

She smiled. "It was soon enough."

"What she's refusing to mention is that she was whipped, hit with hammers, stabbed, and beaten," Sakura said.

"Whipped?" I said. Sakura motioned for me to look at Misako's back. I looked and cursed. "He hit you hard," I growled. I started healing those wounds. Then moved on to the rest. After twenty minutes, she was completely healed.

She stood and stretched. "Thank you, Sakura, Y/n."

I inclined my head. "Just doing one of the things I'm good at." Sakura nodded in agreement. "You should go see Lloyd," I added. "He's worried about you."

"Right," Misako said and she walked away.

Sakura and I cleaned up the tent. "You're good at being a healer and a leader," Sakura said.

"Thank you. But I still think my husband would make a better leader," I replied

"He might," she acknowledged. "But everyone listens to you. Sasuke says he's glad you are the main leader."

I frowned. "Isn't that because he doesn't get along with Gaara?"

She sighed. "He gets along with him just fine. It's just you are well organized and he thinks that's a good thing."

I nodded. "Okay." I put the bandages away. "You're a good healer too."

She shook her head. "Not really. If I run out of chakra I won't be able to heal anyone."

"I know. But you've yet to run out of it." I yawned. 

She smiled. "We should both go and get some sleep, don't you think?"

I nodded. "Yeah." We finished up and then went to our tents. 

Lloyd looked up from his book when I came in. "Hey," he said.

"Hey," I said tiredly. "Aren't you tired?"

"Not really."

I flopped down beside him. "Lucky," I grumbled.

He kissed me. "I'm used to working and fighting all the time. You'll get used to it too."

"Humph," was all I said as I shut my eyes.

"You will." He paused. "Oh, Master Wu said you'd make a good Ninja."

I opened an eye. "Did he?"


"Hmm, I'm pretty sure he said that because you asked him if I could be a ninja."

He shook his head. "No, I didn't. He said it himself without me suggesting it."

I opened both eyes. "Why? I don't have any combating powers. I just have healing, talking to animals, and changing and sensing people's emotions."

"You're a good fighter," he told me.

I snorted. "That's not exactly a good reason, my dear husband."

"It's good enough for me and Master Wu."

"And what about the Ninja? Are they okay with it?"


"What color would my ninja suit be?" I challenged.

"Green, gold, and a little black," he replied smirking as my eyes narrowed.

"You've thought this out, haven't you?" 

"You mean before telling you? Yes."

I groaned. "I hate you."

"I know." 

I shut my eyes. "I'm going to sleep now. Join me when you're tired."

He lay beside me. "So now?"

I didn't answer and fell asleep with his arms around me.