Three-Year Contract, Ambitious

  Virchowald was an arrogant man, and the only way to get along with such a person was to show superior strength and get his approval.


  Normally player tryouts take at least a few days, Arthur didn't need that long and qualified after practicing for a while. Now Fiorentina is just a fourth division team in Italy, Arthur is a bit of a big deal to be at the top of his game here.


  He thought about going straight to Italy to try out for a first or second tier team, but ultimately chose Fiorentina. Because of his special situation, the weakness of poor basic skills is still there.


  He'll be playing Serie B next year anyway when he joins the Fiorentina team, and taking a year to gain experience in the game and build a good foundation will do wonders for the future.


  Viljovod looked favorably on Arthur and finally had someone who pleased him. In fact, he doesn't even think much of the captain, Di Livio, even if the other is regularly selected for the national team. The two were teammates at Juventus back in the day, and he's well aware of Di Livio's limited role on the offensive end.


  Arthur is incredibly physical and superb against the elements Viljoward even got on the field to experience it for himself. If someone like that doesn't stay, no one will.


  The captain, Di Livio, stepped forward and gave Arthur a pat on the back, saying excitedly, "Train well for the rest of the year, I'll pass you the ball more often, and we'll get promoted together next year."


  "Captain, more to come." Arthur smiled.


  The team, in addition to coach Viljovod, has a crucial DiLivio, who is the leader of the locker room. As long as Arthur has a good relationship with these two, he has a high status on the team and is sure to start.


  The team had just been rebuilt and Arthur came to try out for the team, while the parallel world team's top scorer, Cristian Rigano, had not yet arrived. The team lacks a strong striker, which makes Arthur even more important.


  The other players and Arthur formally introduced themselves and got acquainted. There was no need for a group scrimmage today, and with a total of 8 players at the moment, there was no way to play a game.


  An hour later, Arthur met Giovanni Galli, the team manager, who had arrived in a hurry. 44-year-old Galli had short, dry hair, a straight back, and walked with the spirit of a young man.


  He was born in 1958, stood at 187c and was a famous player for Fiorentina. He represented the team as a goalkeeper for nine seasons and was selected for the Italian national team.


  Galli is well connected and was a big part of the rebuilding of the Fiorentina team. He was the one who convinced Di Livio to sign a 2-year deal with the team to lead the youth players from the bottom to start a new onslaught.


  And Gali claimed to the public that DiLivio was nothing special, that he was being paid a "Division II salary." How he got DiLivio to willingly take a huge pay cut is a mystery.


  Garry gets to the point as soon as he arrives and talks to Arthur about signing without testing him again.


  Gary's reasoning was simple: the reason that Virchowald, a "spitfire" who had a problem with everyone, called him in a hurry to say he had to keep Arthur must be because the player was so good.


  Exactly how good, Virchowald told him on the phone. Arthur is 18 years old and is physically capable of comparing himself to Adriano, the Brazilian striker for Inter Milan.


  It's a miracle that such a man is willing to play C2. With Arthur, Gurney is confident about the team's prospects.


  He is inviting the "Brute" Rigano, who scored 27 goals last season in the C1 league, to try out for Fiorentina, and as long as Rigano is willing to join, Fiorentina's forward line will be super strong next season.


  Gary just needs to do a simple comparison to see how good a deal it is to sign Arthur, and it doesn't matter if the salary is higher.


  Adriano started out for Brazilian side Flamengo, where he played as a starter in the 2000-01 season at the age of just 18.


  Inter spent 5 million dollars to bring the "little lotus tip" Adriano to the Apennine Peninsula, the management feel that all the profits. 19-year-old Adriano signed a five-year contract with Inter Milan, the annual salary from 4,200 U.S. dollars to 67,500 U.S. dollars.


  If Inter didn't have so many stars up front, they wouldn't have loaned Ade to Fiorentina for a while last season. Fiorentina signed Arthur on a waiver and didn't have to pay another team a dime in transfer or loan fees.


  Arthur is a rookie, playing in League C2, and his contract certainly isn't going to be particularly big. The same contract as any other young player certainly doesn't work either, he has huge potential.


  Arthur talked all about his strengths, especially physical fitness and age. About what position he used to play in Arsenal u18, the other side does not know, he never mentioned.


  With his excellent performances, he made everyone think that he was the striker, how could he not think that he was a goalkeeper-turned-striker. This will surely be known in the future, and by then it won't matter, he'll only be noticed if he plays well.


  There's no way Fiorentina would garnish his wages for hiding his past. It's still a good publicity stunt, and the goalkeeper's success on the front line could catch the fans' eye.


  After some negotiation, Gali offered 60,000 euros a year on a three-year contract. This contract was more than sincere, any lower and Arthur said he was going to try out elsewhere.


  Because the team signed veteran Roberto Ripa first at 50k a year to be the centerpiece of the backline. How can Ripa be an underdog across the board against Arthur, who is still a forward, and be paid the same or less per year?


  Arthur can't go any higher than he wants to, and his teammates will be unhappy if the salary gap is too big. Arthur heard that Di Livio's highest salary is only 120,000 euros per year, which is 10 times lower than when he played in Serie A last season. Arthur's highest is 60,000, he did not take the honor.


  Virchowald quietly handed Arthur a contract and he agreed to it. Soccer is a team sport and championships are not won by one or two players.


  Also, he's playing well enough to get a pay rise next season, there's no way the manager is going to stand by and watch him get poached by another team after he's played up to par. If a player deserves a high salary, how can he willingly stay in the team without a pay rise?


  Arthur agreed to sign for three years and was happy with the paycheck, and this was just a transition team anyway, a jumping off point.


  As long as nothing happens, he'll be able to play Serie A in 2004-05. He makes a name for himself in Serie A. Whether he moves to another team or stays with the team with an overpaid contract extension, it's all good to talk about then.


  Arthur sees farther than everyone else, and that's the biggest advantage of being born again. Now no one but him thought Fiorentina would be back in Serie A in just two years.


  Arthur doesn't care at all about starting out low and having teams rush to give him money in the future. All he wants to do is improve and utilize the Prophet to his advantage to make his credit on the team seem bigger.


  So the first thing he did at his tryout was to shout out that he wanted to help the Fiorentina team get back into Serie A. He wasn't afraid to let people know that he was an ambitious man.


  Shouted slogans, it's bragging if he can't do it, and bullshitting if he does.


  Italian is spoken at an alarming rate of 6.99 syllables per second. Emily Blunt follows Arthur around and listens to him chatting with someone else, unaccountably.


  She originally thought that Arthur could only learn Italian to communicate simply, buy things and so on. She didn't expect him to speak so fluently and with some gestures, there was no obstacle to communicate with the Italians.


  No wonder he had the guts to look for a job abroad on his own without an agent... he's too good a learner.


  She was now completely relieved that she didn't have to worry about Arthur being cheated. Although he was only 18 years old this year, he was much better than she had imagined. During the time she had gone away to college, Arthur had changed a lot and had completely gotten out of the haze of his parents' death.


  Arthur was even more attractive now, and she felt like Violet meeting Er Kang, her heart pounding like a deer.


  After reaching a verbal agreement, Arthur can go to the team's headquarters tomorrow to officially sign the contract. He's still staying in a hotel tonight and then looking for an apartment, of course picking a place to live that's convenient for kicking a soccer ball.


  "I'll go back and ask about renting an apartment for you, pick a good neighborhood." DiLivio had lived in Florence for three years and knew where it was convenient to live.


  Arthur laughed, "Thanks."


  After one test, the two are already friends and they share the same goal. Di Livio as the captain not only has to stabilize the army on the pitch, but also willing to give his teammates some help in life.


  After a signing appointment, Arthur says he wants to go out to dinner with his girlfriend to celebrate. Viljoward is fine with that, the team is so small right now that training doesn't mean much.


  Once the signing is official, Arthur will have to come to the field every day to train and develop a rapport with his teammates as soon as possible.