Love and Career Both Bountiful

  Leaving the court, Arthur and Emily Blunt spoke at length about the contract negotiations that had just taken place.


  "That easy? You're signing tomorrow and it's a three year contract?" Emily was in a bit of disbelief.


  She had always felt that Arthur was unreliable to play soccer abroad and would encounter a lot of ups and downs. As it turned out, it was like she was following Arthur on a trip abroad and didn't need her help at all.


  "It's as simple as that. 60,000 euros a year, with the possibility of a rise next year if it helps the team get promoted." Arthur is just starting out and is already more successful than countless others his age.


  Soccer superstars have also been underpaid, which is something young players have to go through.


  In December 2000, child laborer Lionel Messi joined FC Barcelona for free as a free agent, playing for the youth team. 2001-2004, Messi's annual salary was also only 60,000 euros, until he signed with the first team to skyrocket.


  Italy's "King of Shoes" Della Valle is rich, and the fact that Arthur started out with a salary similar to Adriano's shows how much the team values him. What Arthur needs most at this point is playing time and a chance to make a name for himself, not a high salary.


  Emily asked curiously, "How do you speak Italian so well? Didn't you just learn it a few months ago?"


  "I'm a fast learner, Italian is easier than you think."


  "How easy is it?"


  Arthur laughed, "As long as it's accompanied by gestures, the Italians can understand you even if you can't speak clearly."


  "Where are we going?" Emily asked.


  "Let's go back to the hotel, I'll take a shower and change, then we'll go out to dinner."


  "Definitely no more t-bone steaks."


  "Agreed, we'll eat whatever you like, except pineapple pizza."




  The two discussed at the hotel and went to the Central Market, the largest food market in the area with a ceiling of Italian tapas. They sampled a special tripe wrap, seasoned rice, and later had four different flavors of cone ice cream.


  Life was too unfamiliar for the two of them to hang out at night, and they went back to the hotel after the meal.


  There wasn't much to watch on the Italian-language TV program, and they talked around the house for a while, Emily getting sentimental.


  "With you playing soccer here, we'll see even less of each other from now on." Emily sighed. It was hard enough to be in a long-distance relationship, let alone a long-distance one.


  "No, we can meet up during the holidays. In fact, even if I play soccer in London, you'll have to go out to college. Don't you want to finish your studies as soon as possible, and you have to find time to do TV shows and movies? We can't be together every day and ignore our careers." Arthur smiled.


  Emily nodded, completely agreeing with Arthur. Her mother had always drilled it into her head, cautioning her against being a relationship-brain girl.


  Her mom, a former actress who became an English teacher after Love Brain got married early, often regrets why she didn't work in the entertainment industry for a few more years back then.


  Emily wants to be a movie star and go to Hollywood later.


  Actress Judi Dench maps out her future and tells her that she must work hard to become what she is. The only way to attract a good man is to keep improving yourself, and empty appearances can't reap true happiness.


  She understands everything, yet she gets hurt and afraid that Arthur will find someone else. The man was too good and made her insecure.


  Arthur guessed Emily's thoughts, desiring a double harvest of love and career. In the parallel world, she was very career-oriented, shooting for a long time, and was exposed by the media to a total of two romances.


  The first was in 2005 when she met Canadian singer Mike Bray and had an exotic relationship for three years, living together in Vancouver for a while before eventually breaking up due to inconvenient filming. The second was with American actor John Krasinski, who married in 2010 and has been in a stable relationship.


  Emily laughed bitterly, "You speak Italian so well, and there must be a lot of local beauties who fall for you ... I'm afraid that before long, you won't want to go back to England and forget about me."


  "Are there beautiful women in Italy? How come I don't see any of them? Seriously, Monica Bellucci isn't even a beauty in my opinion, she's too meaty." Arthur said lazily, "I sure as hell don't get Italian girlfriends, can't see them."


  He couldn't even look at the Earth Ball Flower, that's how atmospheric it was. Of course, if the other person wasn't 20 years older than him and the same age as him, then that wouldn't necessarily be the case.


  "Hey, hey, hey." Skinny Emily instantly felt great. "So you're going to stay single in Italy? Just to come here and play soccer?"


  "I can't be single all the time, as much as I love soccer I get bored of playing it too much and need some spice in my life." Arthur deliberately paused and smiled, "Actually, I think I do have a girlfriend, it's you."


  Sweet, sweet, sweet smile you have, as if flowers bloomed in the spring breeze.


  Emily was pleasantly surprised and hemmed and hawed for a moment before asking in a whisper, "But didn't you turn me down last time?"


  "It was a time when I had an accident at home, was doing badly for Arsenal and was confused about my future. What about you? Playing opposite Judi Dench and starring in the play Romeo and Juliet. So I thought, how can I become a man worthy of you before I do."


  "..." Emily put her hands over her mouth and was almost moved to tears.


  Am I even this good in his mind? So he has low self-esteem too, and used to feel unworthy of me?


  Emily began a self-examination in her heart. Before Arthur had no parents, bankruptcy ... she only wanted to help, and even thought about letting Arthur eat soft food, but ignored the other party s self esteem.


  She watched Arthur tryout today, terribly strong, the coach and the Italian national team players recognized his strength. Now Arthur's career is on track, so he dares to confess his love to her?


  Emily took two deep breaths and asked, "You rejected me before and I went away to college, aren't you afraid I'll get a boyfriend in college?"


  "Fear not, I know you have a high vision, no matter how much ordinary people pursue, you can't see it. Steve is also a handsome guy, his family is good and plays soccer, you are all lovey-dovey with him." Arthur turned on the mutual admiration mode, "I think your boyfriend must be a star, I will be a big star in the future."


  "You're really different than you used to be, like a different person with thicker skin." Emily blushed, feeling a little hot.


  She is indeed a face reader, and there are plenty of guys after her at school, none of whom she can look at. Arthur was also her only friend of the opposite sex when she stuttered, which no one else could match.


  "So what do you think of me now? Would you like to be my girlfriend? Maybe we'll be the most famous celebrity couple in England in the future, more famous than Beckham and Victoria." Arthur slowly sat down next to Emily and held her hand.


  Emily nodded, gazing into his eyes with a frown. "I like you better now."


  Without further ado, Arthur dipped his head and kissed him. First two light kisses, then a deep French kiss.


  The heart can never catch up with the action, any good fantasy, are not as good as practical work.


  Both of them were mentally prepared to be together from the moment they decided to come to Florence together. The atmosphere was set here and everything was in place.


  Arthur was filled with a sense of accomplishment, having just crossed over and decided that he wanted to be a couple with Emily, the perfect girlfriend.


  He had seen many of Emily's movies, and especially liked Edge of Tomorrow and The Queen in Prada. Before crossing over, falling in love with a celebrity was a far-fetched thing for him.


  Not only did they like each other together, the golden couple, but it would help each other's careers. Their commercial value would certainly rise together, and Arthur couldn't even think of a future British actress more famous than Emily.


  The only British actresses in Hollywood who can be compared to her are Keira Knightley, Kate Beckinsale and Kate Winslet. British people are so unoriginal with their names, why do they all start with the word "Kay"?


  Emily had always liked Arthur and soon lost her initial shyness. The two made out for a while deciding to be open and honest, no longer limiting themselves to kissing and hugging.


  Looking at Arthur's near-perfectly muscled body, Emily began to swoon again.


  As for what happened after that, to put it simply, it's "preaching and receiving liquid", and to put it more complicatedly, it's "the path of flowers has never been swept by a guest, and the door of the canopy has been opened for a gentleman". ...