The Body of the Tiger and the Wolf, Settlement in a Foreign Land

  The two barely slept that night, trying out so many positions.


  In the morning Arthur got out of bed refreshed and feeling able to fight, but Emily, who was new to the game, couldn't carry it. She slumped on the bed, not bothering to move a single finger.


  I'm guessing she's going to have a bit of a hard time getting out of bed today, and there's absolutely no way she's going to be able to go out together.


  Arthur thought for a moment and said, "Why don't you take a nap and I'll go sign the contract and come back to get you for lunch. Tomorrow I want to go out and take care of the rentals, can you stay in Florence until school starts?"


  Emily flopped down on her bed and blushed, "I'll have to ask my parents, they thought I'd be home in a week at most."


  "Tell them the truth, just tell them we're in love and want to spend more time together. I've got a lot of games to play when the season starts and you're going off to college, so it won't be convenient to see each other then."


  Emily nodded, how depressing it would be to separate just after being together. Besides, she felt like she was an adult and could decide how to live her life without having to listen to her parents.


  The thought of living with Arthur in Italy for a while was cool with her. Arthur was only 18 and was already becoming independent, she was sure she could do the same.


  Arthur went to the team's headquarters alone to complete the signing, without a hitch. Fiorentina, now desperate for recruits, were overjoyed to sign a young player of Arthur's physical caliber, and couldn't possibly send someone to England to check his background.


  Even knowing he was a goalkeeper-turned-striker, the Fiorentina team was willing to keep him. Not because he is handsome, but he reminds people of the young Argentine star Batistuta with passion.


  In terms of style of play, Batty doesn't look like an Argentine player, no delicate footwork or agile running, but he is the Argentine with the most power center forward qualities. His violent aesthetics of the angry shot, precise and incomparable footwork, unstoppable headbutt attack, amazing physical fitness, all make the fans voluntarily worship.


  Arthur is young and has a lot of room for improvement and right now he can help the team with his heading ability alone.


  The main part of Arthur's signing was a medical checkup, he hadn't suffered any injuries and the checkup went well and was over in an hour.


  After signing the contract, Arthur's advancement mission was completed. He pulled up the system page to check the rewards and received another natural skill, lighting up the second star.


  Body of the Tiger and Wolf: "Prolonged exercise makes you physically strong, drastically reduces the likelihood of limb injuries while exercising, and slightly improves your body's toughness."


  I'm going to go, really is this kind of unreliable name ah.


  Arthur looked at his newly acquired natural skill and was incredibly calm inside. Tiger and wolf, let it be tiger and wolf, as long as it can work on the field. With the addition of "Eagle's Eyes", he now had two natural skills, which did not seem to improve his attributes, but in fact, his strength had risen greatly.


  With a tiger and wolf body, Arthur can fight harder in the game. Players in League C2 are rarely going to fight for their lives, the pay is low popularity and it's not worth getting hurt over.


  Most players don't dare to make dangerous moves, they don't rush too hard, they can break their legs if they're not careful, and they can break their arms if they fall while scrambling for the top. There are all sorts of ways to get injured on the soccer field, and the chances of limb injuries are the highest.


  It was just one tryout and people were praising Arthur for his bravery. He's going to show everyone that he's even more fierce in official matches.


  The system also released a new progression quest. "Complete the first professional game of your career and score a goal for a random reward."


  The rewards Arthur had gotten so far were very useful and he was starting to think about scoring a goal in the opening game. It was just one goal, he was sure it wasn't too hard and it had to be done.


  Fiorentina is the champion of League 2 in the parallel world and concedes very few goals. Roberto Ripa, the team's star center back, couldn't defend him, so how good can the opposing defenders be?


  As long as the opponent's center back was weaker than Ripa, then Arthur's goal was not just to score a goal, but also to score a hat trick in the game. He wanted to try and see if a hat-trick in his debut match would be judged as a milestone by the system.


  As Arthur was an English foreigner and unfamiliar with Italy, Virchowald gave him two days' vacation. The next morning Arthur went to see the house, he was going to settle in the city for a while and could not stay in a hotel every day.


  Arthur's requirements are very simple, the house does not have to be very large, but there should be a good enough environment to ensure personal privacy. He has confidence in the future to become a ball player, live in the old people kind of open residential buildings certainly not.


  Captain DiLivio introduced Arthur to the community, he chose a 68 square meter staggered apartment. This European literary apartment is well-decorated, fully furnished to cook and move in, only the TV, computer and other electrical appliances need to buy their own. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do that.


  This apartment starts with a short flight of stairs into the living-dining room, which has an open floor plan that is spacious and open. At the top and bottom of this staircase, two doors lead to the home's storage room and bathroom. As for the master bedroom, it is designed in the roof loft and is connected to the top of the living room.


  The apartment was so beautiful that Emily fell in love with it at first sight, and Arthur painfully paid a year's rent. The rent of 300 euros per month was not high spending for him now, and he was willing to keep renting it as long as he didn't leave Florence.


  Arthur doesn't like big houses, and before crossing over was a lazy person who hated cleaning. He didn't consider buying a villa unless there was a special reason, like having too much money to spend. He was too lazy to clean a two-bedroom house, and buying a villa would require hiring people often.


  After settling on a place to live, Arthur called his family to tell them about the signing and that he wasn't going back to London anytime soon.


  He liked to live out on his own, after all, he was a traveler and had only known his second uncle's family for a few months. He felt a bit awkward if he lived in someone else's house for a long time.


  He was nominally 18 years old, but much older mentally, preferring to live independently and be free.


  He also called his buddy Steve Hood about the signing, and the paycheck wasn't even hidden.


  "Dude, you're on fire. If they're willing to give you this paycheck, they'll be sure to give you plenty of opportunities to perform." Steve gave Arthur a pep talk every chance he got.


  He actually still feels that the C2 league is too low a level, and that players are too slow to make a name for themselves unless they are promoted year after year. Arthur joined Fiorentina and trying to make the national team in 2006 is an almost impossible task.


  Arthur asked, "How have you been? Any luck with the City team?"


  "I have the same old problem of not being good against the run. But the coaches are happy with my technique and I should be able to make the starting roster for the league, which is definitely going to have to be a sub at first."


  "Being on the bench in the Premier League is pretty good too, you've got time to get to the gym more often and ask the veterans for advice on how to get fit, they're bound to know." Arthur laughed.


  "It won't be that easy, 18 year olds generally can't hang onto meat like I can, you're the exception ..."


  After chatting for a while, Steve wished Arthur and Emily a wonderful honeymoon in Florence and hung up. It was unlikely that the two of them would be playing together again anytime soon, unless both teams played in Europe before they met.


  Emily called home to report the situation and her parents were very open-minded and didn't have a stick up their asses. They all knew Arthur, and it was better for Emily to be in a relationship with her childhood sweetheart's hunk than with someone she just met in college.


  After settling in, Arthur officially joins the team for practice and makes a big joke on his first day.


  Because he wore flowery socks and flowery sneakers from the system, a quirk everyone thought was funny and unlike something someone of his temperament would do.


  Arthur explains that it's because of superstition, which everyone finds even more amusing.


  Most Brits pride themselves on their sense of humor, however foreigners often have a hard time understanding their negative jokes. Arthur is different, he provides the laughs with his actions, and people feel he has become grounded.


  Superstitions or quirks, it doesn't matter. Arthur does well in practice and people like him because it's easier to win games with him as a teammate.


  On this day, Arthur also went to the used car market on the recommendation of DiLevio. He bought a second-hand Santana for transportation, a generation of God's car is not a cab in Italy, the price is very cheap.


  He went back to his apartment after training to spend time with Emily, and every day was both full and enjoyable.


  Good news, he's sure having a girlfriend doesn't hold up training, too fit.