
Alex heard different voices coming from the kitchen and the one person's voice whom she recognized very well caught her attention and made her get out of bed.

'Why hasn't he gone to work?',she muttered.

Alex dressed up and stepped out of her room but the aroma from the kitchen made her wonder what the occasion was. She rushed down the stairs to know what was going on.

"GET WELL SOON" was written on a standing board with colourful paints and some balloons and flowers around it.

She was touched.

Alex didn't expect this and it definitely caught her unaware. She didn't know they planned anything because she didn't suspect any. She went to bed immediately after having a conversation with Andrew, she didn't even get time to think of his actions.

'Was this his idea's she thought and paused when he saw him coming towards her.

"Are you feeling better this morning?" He asked her and she was shocked that he cared about her.

"Did you plan all these?" She asked.

He nodded.

She covered her mouth with her hands. "Thank you" while a little tear dropped on her cheeks. She immediately wiped them away,she didn't wanna get too emotional but she was honestly touched.

"Come let's eat so you can take your medication " he said, channelling his hands towards the dining table.

They all went to the dinning and took their seats.

Dan was confused because he didn't also understand Andrew's sudden niceness when all he had done was yell and ignore them since they moved into his house but he was happy if he sincerely wanted to be a changed man.

Alex stared at Dan with curiosity but he smiled and looked away. She looked over to where Angel was standing in the kitchen giving the same look,Angel also smiled and walked out of the kitchen.

The eating was quiet and Andrew didn't know what to say but suddenly remembered how Dan wanted to have a conversation with him and how he cut him off. Now he wanted to say something but was afraid he'd do the same thing to him. He was willing to try anyways….

"How's school,Dan?" He asked quietly.

Dan was surprised. "Fine I guess, " he replied.

"Guess?? What's going on?" He asked again.

"Nun much,just finding it really hard to blend in,most of the students are too arrogant and make friends based on how much trending material things you got" he explained.

"We should go shopping after eating then so you can have everything you want" he said and Dan almost choked on his food.

Alex coughed.

Andrew looked at the siblings who were staring at each other with confusion and curiosity on their faces.

He knew this was going to happen because of how he had been towards them since they moved in and wasn't going to rush them to instantly accept his kindness.

"It's okay if you don't want it,I'm sorry " he apologised.

"No…I'm just…surprised " Dan replied,stammering.

"I hope you're not planning to set my brother and I up at the store for shoplifting and have them arrest us?" Alex said angrily.

Andrew smiled. "Why would I do that?" He asked.

"I don't know but I've seen thousands of rich people do that to poor people especially if they don't want to pay them for their jobs" she yelled.

Alex figured out she was being loud. She sighed and kept quiet.

"I'm sorry, " she murmured.

Andrew stared at her for some moments. "I understand you but that's not my plan and like I said you can stay if you don't want it. Moreover I was talking to Dan" he stated.

The dining was quiet for a while when Dan decided to talk. "I will go with you"

Andrew smiled. "Okay" he replied.

Alex stood up and left the dining table,she went upstairs to her room. She was confused and didn't understand Andrew's sudden act of kindness towards her brother.

Dan and Andrew finished their food and were ready for the shopping.

"I think I should inform my sister before leaving, " Dan said.

"Don't worry, I will go and tell her myself " Andrew replied.

Knock on the door**

Alex stood up and opened the door.

"Dan and I are leaving and I think you should come with us," Andrew said.

She stared at him for a while thinking if she could get anything out of him by just staring, if she could know what his real intentions were but she couldn't find any and she was scared to let her brother go out with him alone so she decided to go with them.

They got to the mall and Dan was super excited, he picked different outfits and sneakers he thought would make all the girls and boys at school rush to him and become his friends. He was so happy he had the opportunity to shop without thinking of the prices of the product he chose.

Alex watched Dan shop happily but felt somehow because of the prices of the products his brother chose.

"Hey Dan,I think that's enough," he said in a warning tone.

Dan immediately stopped and his happy face became serious again.

"It's okay Alex," Andrew said.

Alex was shocked because it was his first time saying her name.

"Are you sure you also don't need or want anything here?"Should we go somewhere else?" He asked.

At that point, Alex was angry. She didn't know why but she felt like he was using his money to buy their hearts. She didn't know what he was up to but she thought all his sudden niceness wasn't genuine. She knew how heartless and ruthless rich people are and how they do anything and everything to get what they want. She didn't know what Andrew wanted from them for his niceness but she knew he wanted something.

"No,I actually think it's enough time to go home," she said in a serious tone.

Andrew smiled because that part of her he hadn't seen before surprised him.

"Okay" he replied and paid up for everything Dan bought.

They left the mall.