
"Hey…you're Dan right?" A random student at Dan's school asked.

"Yes,I am," he replied.

"Nice outfit tho" the boy complimented.

"Thanks bruh," he replied.

Dan had been getting compliments for his outfit all day and was so happy. The attention and compliments were the highlight of his day,he didn't know people were so interested in him until now. Well he always knew these people would only talk to him if he owned the expensive and trending stuff.

He was happy and grateful he made the decision of going to the mall with Andrew if not he wouldn't have been getting this much compliments and attention on his fits.

A lot of students liked his fit and some of the guys came to him for a pose and posted on their Instagram. The girls saw his picture and asked for his Instagram handle. He gave them his Instagram handle and a lot of them followed him instantly. He made sure to follow everyone back.

Dan had never gotten this much attention in his entire life even at his old school. He was used to girls ignoring him and paying him no attention.

'So this is how easy it is when you have the most expensive stuff' he thought to himself.

Girls were all over him and wouldn't stop blasting his phone with text messages. Dan wasn't used to that kind of attention from girls.

Dan was finding it weird and getting anxious already. He didn't know how to handle this and his friends laughed at him because they seemed like a novice and didn't understand what these girls wanted.

"Yo man,you should hit on that one. Her boob big" one of his friends said,laughing.

The rest laughed and he thought they were crazy because why would anyone say that?.

Dan left school early that day without his friends and rushed home to explain what was happening at school to his sister.

"Hey Alex,can we talk?"

"Yes little one, what's the matter?" Alex asked him.

"Uhn…at school…." He stammered.

"No way you got into trouble Dan!" Alex yelled.

"Chill out…it's not that" he said.

"So….??" She asked.

"Uhmm ... .I made friends at school but they don't seem to be good ones. Every girl at school has been all over me since the beginning of the week,a lot of them followed my Instagram page and they won't stop texting me. But the problem is the boys kept telling me to hit on them and laughed at me" he explained.

"What!?" She exclaimed. "Well Dan I've always told you to make good friends but now that you've made bad ones,you should avoid them and probably delete your Instagram account or tell the girls you're not interested in whatever they want from you,okay?" She told him.

"Okay,I've just been so nervous about everything because I'd end up losing the friends I made," he said in a sad tone.

"It's better to stay alone than keep bad company, " Alex explained.

"I know right," he said and left his sister's room.

Dan went into his room and his phone wouldn't stop beeping from text messages and notifications from his Instagram account.

He sighed.

He picked up his phone and replied to them all and made them know he doesn't have anything to offer any of them.

Some of the girls insulted him and some of them blocked him. Dan was surprised because he didn't know these girls were useless but there was a girl from his class, he liked her since he had given up on Jane who wouldn't look his way at all.

Dan found the girl's account and texted her asking if they could be friends.

"Hey Natalie"

"Hi Dan...the new hot kid in school.haha " the girl replied to him,sarcastically.

"Lol…..friends?" He asked.

"Sure," she replied.

Natalie is Ben's girlfriend. The head of the basketball team. Ben had always been the hottest kid in school and everyone liked him but he chose Natalie to be his gf and Natalie agreed because he was the hottest at that moment and why not??

Dan didn't know how notorious Ben was and what he did to anyone who ever came near his girlfriend, Natalie. He didn't know he shouldn't have texted her and just let her be.

Ben was with Natalie's phone when Dan's message popped on Natalie's phone. In fact he replied to him by himself.

The conversation continued.

"I hope this friendship last"

"Huh?" Dan replied,confused.

Dan didn't know it was Ben replying with his girlfriend's phone and didn't understand the sudden change in the text but at the same time he felt maybe she genuinely wanted to be his friend and wanted the friendship to be a lifetime experience.

"Me too," Dan replied again.

"Are you busy after school tomorrow?" Ben asked.

"No…why?" Dan replied.

"Okay meet me at the basketball field"

"Bet" Dan replied happily thinking he finally found a genuine friendship in someone he liked not knowing the type of chaos that awaited him.

Ben cleared the messages from Natalie's phone and dropped it back on the table.

Natalie came out of the bathroom. "Hey babe,I'm leaving" she said,grabbed her phone,kissed him and left.


Next day of school before the weekend and Dan regretted he messaged Natalie.

Dan got to school and was so happy because of the new friend he made. The friendship with Natalie.

He got to class and his eyes searched everywhere for Natalie. He was worried about why she wasn't in class yet and decided to text her.

"Hey Natalie,you ain't in class. What's up?"

"Excuse me??'s it any of your business?" Natalie replied to him.

Dan was confused and let out a sigh.

He thought it was probably part of the mood swings girls get in the morning and decided to let her be.

Natalie got to school and gave him a side eye, he smiled back and she scoffed.

They had their classes for the day,Dan kept staring at Nat but she kept giving him a side eye and using her hand to ask what he wanted from her.

She was irritated.

School finally closed for the day and Dan was happy he would at least have a proper conversation with his friend, Nat.

He rushed to the basketball field and saw Nat who was sitting pretty waiting for his boyfriend. Dan thought she was waiting for him.

"Hey Natalie, I'm sorry if I kept you waiting " he apologised.

"Huh???...what tf do you want from me?? You've been bothering me all day. Are you a stalker now huh Dan??" Natalie voiced out angrily.

Dan moved closer to her, confused. "I thought you agreed to be my friend yesternight. Right?" He asked.

"When was that?" She asked and checked her phone but didn't see any conversations with Dan.

Dan was about to show her his phone when Ben and his friends came out and started beating him.

"STOP!!!...please stopppp" Natalie cried out.