Never again.

Ben has spread rumors around the school, he told everyone that Dan was a stalker and was stalking his girlfriend. Also,that everything he had was fake. None of his expensive material things were real.

Dan cried as they kept beating him non stop. He had never gone through so much pain in his entire life not even when he had serious illnesses.

Everyone kept shouting "stalker!!!!" And Ben and his squad kept beating him. Ben kept saying "stay away from my girlfriend, stay away from Natalie "

Natalie didn't quite understand what was going on. Yes she knew Dan had been smiling at her all day and even texted her in the morning when she wasn't in the class but none of that should lead to this much beating and embarrassment.

"Ben stop!" Natalie kept shouting but none of them listened to her or even acknowledged her words.

She looked at the crowd and she looked at Dan who was helpless and decided to take action on her own. She ran out of the filed and went to them.

"STOP!" The basketball team teacher said and blow his whistle.

The crowd scattered and everyone ran away but Natalie pointed at Ben and his friends who didn't stop beating Dan.

Dan was lying helplessly on the floor with bruises all over his body. He cried.

Natalie felt for him and asked the teacher to quickly rushed him to the clinic. The teacher placed him on his back and took him to the school clinic. He was brutally injured.

"The rest of you should follow me" he told the remaining boys and they did as he said.

Ben looked at Natalie but Nat was disappointed in him.

Dan was treated at the clinic and all of them including Natalie was asked to report to the principal's office.

Dan was the first to talk and he explained everything that happened. He showed the principal his phone and the evidence of texting Natalie.

Natalie couldn't stop crying because she didn't text him back and she never saw any of those conversations or replied to them. The only one she saw and replied to was in the morning.

She was sobbed. "I swear I didn't ".

The principal was confused. "When did you send that text Dan?" The principal asked Dan.

"Yesterday around 7pm" he replied.

"Where were you Natalie and who was with your phone?" The principal asked Nat.

Natalie immediately remembered she was at Ben place at that time and left her phone on the table with him while she was in the bathroom.

She looked at Ben, disgusted. "No you didn't!" She yelled.

Ben looked down and was disappointed in himself. He finally said the truth since he's been caught and he couldn't stand Natalie crying so much,he loved her.

Ben and his little squad was suspended from school for two weeks and their parents were informed immediately.

Natalie apologised to Ben and they both left the principal's office.

"I'm sorry again Dan" she apologised again.

"It's okay. This is not your fault but your boyfriend is an asshole. Not sorry to say" he said smiling but his face hurt,he couldn't smile widely.

"Sorry…my ex okay?" He's an ex now because why would he do that?? That's ass" she replied him.

Natalie insisted on going to Dan's house to explain everything and apologised but Dan said it was fine and they both part ways.

"Ouch…this Ben dude is a bitch fr" he said to himself touching his face. It hurts everywhere.

Ben entered a taxi and went home. He was exhausted and just wanted to take his shower and sleep but he knew that wasn't going to happen until he explain himself to his sister.

He got home and the first person he saw was his sister.

'Shit!' He murmured.

"Wtf happened Daniel!?" Alex yelled out nervously.

"Who did this to you?" She asked again.

"No it's fine. It was some boys at school " he said.

"He probably thought I wanted to snatch his girlfriend and because angry so he poured his anger out on me" he explained.

"What?!" Alex was shocked and angry at the same time.

"Please Alex let it go. Trust me the principal settled it and he has been suspended for two weeks" he pleaded.

Alex didn't want to ignore it because such event could repeat itself but his welfare was important at that moment.

"Okay let's go to your room so you can eat,shower and relax,where does it hurt? Do we need to go to the hospital?" She asked anxiously.

"I'm fine Alex,trust me" he replied.

Alex helped Dan to his room. She brought his food to the room and also made sure he took his medication after eating.

He helped him grabbed some few things while he was in the shower and made sure he went to bed early.

Alex left his room but she was worried about her brother.

"Night litte one " she said and pecked his cheeks.

Dan was pretending to be asleep so her mind would be at rest.

Dan hoped his eyes and soon as she left his room.

He sighed became his body ache all over.

"I won't forgive you for this Ben" he said as he struggled to remove the pillow from his head.

His phone beeped when he wanted to sleep,sincerely this time. He turned around to pick his phone.

It was Natalie.

"Hey you good?" She asked.

Dan was scared to reply because he doesn't want to get into another trouble when he's not fully healed from one.

"I'm sorry but I don't trust that you're Natalie " he replied.

"Okay,facetime?" She asked.

Natalie's call came when Dan hasn't replied her text yet.

He smiled.

"Omg…look at that. I'm so sorry you went through this" Nat said with pity.

"It's okayy. Atleast will you be my friend now?, I shouldn't suffer for nothing" he pouted.

Natalie smiled and replied. "Yes I will be your friend "

Dan smiled. He heard footsteps approaching his room door and quickly said goodnight to Nat.

He smiled at his own silliness.

Dan was happy there was no school the next day because they was no way he would allow himself go to school looking like a chocolate puddy.

'Never!' He murmured to himself.