A chance.

Alex had planned to wake up very early to make Dan home made pizza. Dan loves it.

Andrew also woke up early in the morning to hit the gym when he saw Alex making something by herself in the kitchen.

"What are you doing?, where's Angel?" He asked.

"Oh no it's fine. I want to make this for Dan by myself "

"Is anything going on? What's the occasion?" He asked again.

"It's nothing. Dan just got injured by his fellow male students at school because of a girl" she explained. "So I'm just doing this to make his morning in case he wakes up and the pain is too much to endure ".

"Okay" Andrew said and laughed.

"What's funny?" She asked.

"Nothing, I just remember when I was also in high school and got beat up because of a girl I liked," he said,smiling.

"Oh wow,so where's the girl now?"

"Somewhere safe" Andrew said with a smile.

Alex looked at him confused. She thought it was weird for him to smile that widely when the person he liked is 'somewhere safe' like dead?. She didn't understand what he meant,she just assumed the lady was dead.

"This smells nice…I think I'd join you two" Andrew said.

"But ain't you going somewhere?" "You're dressed up for the gym right?" She asked.

"Yeah but I will pass"

Andrew stared at Alex as she made her pizza and found himself smiling. He didn't know what it was about her but he found her really cute.

After hours of helping each other in the kitchen,talking and smiling. Alex thought maybe he was a changed man and wanted to give him a chance to be good to her and her brother. A part of her was scared and the other part of her really wanted to give this man a chance.

"Okayyy!we're done," she said happily.

Andrew smiled and nodded his head.

"So….what's the plan?" He asked.

"I'm taking it to his room, you know?.....Surprise " she said, tossing her hands in the air. "But are you sure you'd come with me to his room?" She asked.

Andrew nodded.

Alex was happy. She liked that Andrew was definitely enjoying every moment with him.

They got to Dan's room and he was so touched. He hugged his sister.

"Thank you for being the best sister. This is so thoughtful and cute!" He grinned.

Alex smiled. "You should thank him too,he helped me out " she said and stared at Andrew.

"Thank you sir" Dan thanked Andrew.

Andrew smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

Daniel smiled and went into the bathroom.

Alex and Andrew were left in the room. They were silent and the energy in the room was getting tense.

They both let out a sigh.

Dan came out of the bathroom and Alex was happy because she knew she would have done something crazy if he didn't show up quickly. She thanked her stars she didn't do anything.

"I'm sorry if I kept you guys waiting, " Dan apologised.

"Yeah you should be" Alex replied.

They all laughed and ate.

"Is there anything you want to do today Dan?" Andrew asked.

"Uhn…yes but I can't go out like this,maybe some other time. Thank you" he replied.

"Okay, what about you?" Andrew asked Alex. "You didn't shop at the mall the last time,would you like to now?"

Alex was shy. "Okay…no problem" she replied.

Andrew left the two siblings to have their alone time.

Alex helped Dan clean up and made sure he used his medications.

"Next time,don't get into trouble" Alex warned Dan.

"Yes ma'am" he smiled.

Alex took out the trash in Dan's room and before she could shut the door after her,Dan asked her a question.

"Do you like Sir Andrew?"

"What?!No" she yelled and shut the door.

Alex went back into her room to get dressed up but she couldn't stop thinking about the question her brother asked her.

'Why would he think I like him?'

'Do I?'

She asked herself those questions but neglected it because she didn't want anything to ruin her shopping for today or make her talk to him in disgust. She just wanted to enjoy herself for the day.

Alex got ready and went downstairs.

"Ready?" Andrew asked.

"Yes," she said shyly.

They got to the mall and Alex almost choked on air. She didn't believe her eyes.

"We can go to the normal shopping mall like last time," she said.

Andrew knew what the problem was. She didn't want him to waste money.

He smiled. "It's okay"

Alex's eyes widened in surprise. "It's okay?" She asked.

"Yes," he replied.

Alex and Abigail had always wanted to visit the biggest Chanel store in their city. They've spent nights talking and making plans on what they would do if they ever get the chance and have the money.

Now Alex was there but her best friend wasn't. Alex was happy but sad that Abigail wasn't there with her.

She promised herself to get Abigail a gift from here. She knew it would make her happy.

"So….?" Andrew asked, seeing that Alex was too deep in her thoughts.

Alex just smiled and they walked into the store.

The workers greeted them and they responded.

Andrew left Alex to walk around the store and pick whatever she wanted but he noticed that she was finding it difficult to choose anything.

He walked up to her. "It's fine you can pick anything, " he assured her.

One of the workers came and asked to show her around. She took Alex to the third floor and Alex was able to find the things she wanted. She picked out a few things for her and her best friend.

She was being cautious of the prices,in fact the things she picked out was one of the cheapest stuff at the store. She just felt it wasn't right to pick expensive stuff,something she wouldn't be able to pay for herself.

They finished shopping and left the store.

"Thank you" she thanked Andrew.

"You're welcome "

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked.

"Go ahead"

"Why did you decide to be nice to my brother and I?"

"I have been nice from the beginning, " he said sarcastically.

"Well ... .I just thought it didn't make sense not to be nice when I can be nice and everybody will be fine. Right?" He asked.

"Yes," she replied.

Andrew knew his real reason. Why he acted mean to them at first and why he's being nice to them now. He knew why he did everything.

"Ice cream?" He asked her.

"No,you've spent more than enough for me today and I'm still feeling bad about it"

"Feeling bad? I thought we're now friends" he looked at her.

Alex couldn't say anything but she liked it. He now sees her as a friend.

"Well it's fine if you don't see me as a friend yet and it's okay if you don't want the ice cream " he said pretending to be angry.

"No..you're a friend and we can have the ice cream " she replied shyly.

Andrew smiled. He was happy.

'Am I doing the right thing?' Alex inwardly questioned herself.

They stopped at the nearest convenient store to get their ice cream and went home afterwards.

"Thank you for today" Alex thanked Andrew again.

They stared at each other for a while and something ignited within the both of them,they didn't know what it was but it was something they've never felt before.

Something special.

Alex quickly rushed out of the car.

"Goodnight" she said and ran into the house.

'What was that?' Andrew thought to himself.