Chapter 58: Ants

Cao Guang and his friends rounded up the remaining students in gym, which numbered to about thirty five people. After the Bewitching Magic Spider was killed these students were far more amenable to leaving.

"After we leave here, you will listen to my orders. We will leave as a single group. Water, Earth and Wind mages of the group will be in the middle. You guys will keep an eye on anyone who is not in the middle and either protect them of shift them from harm's way.

Every other elements will be in the outer layer. How many Fire and Lightning mages are here?"

Since the students had lost plenty of people with leadership qualities the rest were just sitting ducks right now and needed to be organised.

There were seven Fire mages, twelve Ice mages and two Lightning mages in the group. They would be used as offensive by Cao Guang. Surprisingly there was even a Chaos mage in the group. Awakening Dimensional magic as primary was rare, apparently he supposedly had an innate talent as well.

Cao Guang felt the guy might go on to accomplish big things if he survived long enough. It made him feel the mission was worth doing although he wasn't supposed to feel so. It was human nature,one needed to know that their actions were worth it if they were to give their all.

The group left in a single file with Song Xia and Little Flame Belle, who would be floating in the air high to keep an eye, at the front, Gao Xuan at the back and Cao Guang and Luo Heng on either flanks. Cao Guang sent Fenrir back after the battle to recoup his energy. His Summoning Nebula only held so much of it.

The group avoided every monster they met unless they were the better option. Occasionally they took out a few Giant Lizard Beasts on the way but nothing more.

While traveling with such a vulnerable group with little to no experience releasing magic avoiding beasts were the better option. Fortunately the evacuation of the city had begun early enough and there were plenty of other battle mages who sometimes dragged a few monsters to their death.

The group took the shortest and safest passage they could find. The railway tunnel itself, only instead of going through it, they followed the tunnel above ground. It wasn't a straight path over ground and had many short detours and curves. But it was still the better path, these tunnels were often layed with Formations to repel monsters, only these Formations weren't omnipotent.

It succeeded in keeping Giant Lizard Beasts and magic wolves but attracted the Cavern Slaves in scores.

The group slowly started using the students as offensive power to take a few Giant Lizards. They were running out of spiritual energy in their Stars.

Although the tunnel and the school beyond it weren't that far from the current defensive line, they had traversed the tunnel forcefully among hundreds of beasts and fought an exhausting battle with a Advancing Warrior.

Mana was a scarce resource, Cao Guang was almost spent in every element except Space and was relying on Little Flame Belle.

Gao Xuan and Song Xia were much better but Luo Heng was unfazed after all the guy had twice as much spiritual energy in every Star Nebula.

From a bird's eye view of the group they looked no different than a group of ants walking the ground searching for food.

The group had gone one and a half kilometre back after avoiding every Warrior level monster when they heard a roar. A winged creature was hit by a thousand wind sabers that had converged to form a gigantic saber diagonally and was falling to the ground about a kilometre away from them.

The creature had wings similar to western dragons but its head resembles a Giant Lizard, just mutated.True Dragons were creatures with low fertility rate and population. They would often mate with any similar creature to produce offspring.

Depending on their blood purity they could be divided into True Dragon, Inferior Dragon, pseudo/ lesser dragon and drakes. Drakes had a very thin blood they inherited, yet they were stronger than any creature of the same level.

This was a Razortail Drake, A rare dragon blooded Commander of the Giant Lizard species. It was a Advancing Commander, at the peak of its level. In order to kill it a team of peak Advanced mages would struggle, yet the man with Wind Wings had killed after a ten minute battle.

He was clearly not all too experienced with the Wind Super spell and was a bit slow in casting it.

Thousand Leaf Wind Saber