Chapter 60 : Full Evacuation

There was less than four hours till the military and Magic Associations and the clans involved in holding the defensive line and evacuations all retreated.

It was vital the stragglers like the students of the Magic High they rescued were brought back. Ideally the military would like to have not left anyone behind.

Cao Guang's squad was supposed to rest right now due their lack of spiritual energy. Cao Guang went up to find the kid with the Chaos element. He wanted to sponsor the kid atleast until he got off his feet.

It would be a shame to loose a talented Chaos mage because he didn't have any support. But the kid probably wanted to go solo. A Chaos element primary mage with an innate talent, magic associations and other factions would be remiss if they didn't attempt to recruit him.

Heck, if Cao Guang didn't know about the future, he might have done the same. But there was no problem in giving the kid a push in his path without having to recruit him.

The kid needed some resources, but he didn't want or need his fealty.

"I heard you have a rare element and a talent" Cao Guang said to the boy after singling him out for a conversation. "We haven't been introduced, I am Cao Guang, Sergeant in the military and no, I don't plan on recruiting you now" he added with a smirk looking at the boy's reaction.

"It was impolite of me after you rescued us from there. I am Liu Mingrui and I apologise for my actions"

"You're good kid, using formality to keep your distance. I'll just state what I came for. I wanna sponsor you, I am willing to make an investment in you in exchange for help with something. Something that won't you in danger or be beyond your limits so how about?"

" I am sorry, I do not wish to be tied down to any force. I wish to make it on my own."

"Good for you, but again I am not recruiting you to the military or my own faction. I am just selling a favour in return for another in the future. I don't plan on asking you to do something you are unwilling or incapable of doing. Just think about it"

"Hmm... Can I ask what favour you want of me in return"

The kid's defences are strong, hmm I don't actually need a favour from him either.. but

" I have an idea for a Formation, that needs a Chao mage with skill to create. When I need help I will ask you if your are good enough, if not forget the fact this conversation ever took place and just pay my money with interest. How about it, you won't get a better deal anywhere"

Cao Guang did not have a Formation or one in mind he was just fibbing from the top of his head.

"I'll... accept"

"Wow, way to be enthusiastic about getting money"

Cao Guang teased the kid again before they shook on the deal and exchanged their contact information.

"I'll invest thirty million in you and get you into the Pearl Institute in Shanghai, my assistant will contact you. I need to go now, missions to do" said Cao Guang as he left bewildered boy holding the business card of his company GETCELWALT with the portrait of a handsome twenty year old man as it's logo.

A/n : It's not Cao Guang it's me...

Cao Guang and his friends were sent out relieve a few people in the defensive line as they got injured and needed immediate treatment, there was still three hours till full retreat but the lines of people being moved from the fallen areas of Jinling City to the shelter had thinned in the last hour. Almost everyone alive was saved.

The frontline was a fluid chain of actual mages blocking monsters. The demon beasts could sense the overwhelming amount of life energy beyond the line and charged recklessly against it. The higher ups were doing what they can to hold or kill Commanders while they would deal with rest of the pack.

Being a magic canon under protection was the best place to be for any mage. When Cao Guang initially reincarnated he help hopes of using magic physically and charged at demon beasts and piercing their hearts in a strike or controlling magic in ways only he could think.

Yet it wasn't that easy. Humans were fragile physically and lacked any sort control over magic until late Advanced level, the exception being excellent Soul grade seeds and innate talents.

Hours passed by until the army gave the signal for a full evacuation from Jinling.

A/n: Railway and other forms of land or air travel are extremely limited and few in number. Shanghai, Beijing and a few other cities have it now, it will expand for a while before being shutdown as oceans rise and land demon beasts loose their territory as well.