I can't do that!

(Seeking Subscriptions Reviews and recommendations)

Anurak woke up almost an hour earlier than expected.

With his waking mind came the memories of what happened earlier.

He had no idea when pleasure turned to pain, but that was the most excruciating pain he had ever felt in his life.

It was like each thrust was carving its way up to his heart. His spine felt like it was on the verge of breaking, and his breathing became labored and explosive. His heart was racing so fast, it felt like it would burst out of his lungs at any moment. It was like he was having a panic attack with ten times the effects.

For the first time, Anurak feared for his life.

Luckily, just as his vision was about to blur out, King released him and air gushed into his lungs. The first few drags were the most painful breaths he had ever taken.